Example #1
  * Register the internal type definitions used by this TypeHound.
 protected static function registerDefinitions()
     static::$definitions = [new CompoundTypes(), new ScalarTypes(), new SpecialTypes()];
Example #2
  * Clear definitions variable.
 protected static final function clearDefinitions()
     static::$definitions = [];
  * Load JSON definitions from file (via lazy loading from get())
  * @todo add caching
 protected static function load()
     static::$definitions = array();
     $cache_id = static::CACHE_KEY . static::FILE;
     if (Util\Configuration::read('devmode') == FALSE && extension_loaded('apc') && apc_exists($cache_id) && time() - filemtime(__DIR__ . '/' . static::FILE) > Util\Configuration::read('cache.ttl')) {
         static::$definitions = apc_fetch($cache_id);
     } else {
         // expensive - cache results
         $json = Util\JSON::decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/' . static::FILE));
         foreach ($json as $property) {
             static::$definitions[$property->name] = new static($property);
         if (extension_loaded('apc')) {
             apc_store($cache_id, static::$definitions, Util\Configuration::read('cache.ttl'));
Example #4
  * Load JSON definitions from file (via lazy loading from get())
  * @todo add caching
 protected static function load()
     static::$definitions = array();
     $json = Util\JSON::decode(file_get_contents(VZ_DIR . static::FILE));
     foreach ($json as $property) {
         static::$definitions[$property->name] = new static($property);
Example #5
  * Flush the registry
 public static function flush()
     static::$definitions = [];