/** * init the class */ public static function _init() { // auth config \Config::load('auth', true); // get the auth driver in use $drivers = \Config::get('auth.driver', array()); is_array($drivers) or $drivers = array($drivers); // modify the model definition based on the driver used if (in_array('Simpleauth', $drivers)) { // remove properties not in use unset(static::$_properties['group_id']); unset(static::$_properties['previous_login']); unset(static::$_properties['user_id']); // remove relations static::$_eav = array(); static::$_belongs_to = array(); static::$_has_many = array(); static::$_many_many = array(); // remove observers unset(static::$_observers['Orm\\Observer_Self']); // simpleauth config \Config::load('simpleauth', true); // set the connection this model should use static::$_connection = \Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection'); // set the write connection this model should use static::$_connection = \Config::get('simpleauth.db_write_connection'); // set the models table name static::$_table_name = \Config::get('simpleauth.table_name', 'users'); } elseif (in_array('Ormauth', $drivers)) { // remove properties not in use unset(static::$_properties['group']); unset(static::$_properties['profile_fields']); // ormauth config \Config::load('ormauth', true); // set the connection this model should use static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_connection'); // set the write connection this model should use static::$_connection = \Config::get('ormauth.db_write_connection'); // set the models table name static::$_table_name = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users'); // set the relations through table names static::$_many_many['roles']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_user_roles'; static::$_many_many['permissions']['table_through'] = \Config::get('ormauth.table_name', 'users') . '_user_permissions'; } // model language file \Lang::load('auth_model_user', true); }
public static function _init() { if (in_array('post', \Config::get('comment')) and \Module::load('comment')) { static::$_has_many = array_merge(static::$_has_many, ['comments' => ['model_to' => '\\Comment\\Model_Comment', 'key_from' => 'id', 'key_to' => 'post_id', 'cascade_save' => true, 'cascade_delete' => true], 'published_comments' => ['model_to' => '\\Comment\\Model_Comment', 'conditions' => array('where' => array(array('status', '=', 'published')))]]); } }