Example #1
  * Creates border by defining border format
  * @param   integer $size   size of border
  * @param   string  $color  color of border (example '#ff0000' or '#f00')
  * @param   string  $type   represented by class constants PHPRtfLite_Border_Format::TYPE_*<br>
  *   Possible values:<br>
  *     PHPRtfLite_Border_Format::TYPE_SINGLE  => 'single'<br>
  *     PHPRtfLite_Border_Format::TYPE_DOT      = 'dot'<br>
  *     PHPRtfLite_Border_Format::TYPE_DASH     = 'dash'<br>
  *     PHPRtfLite_Border_Format::TYPE_DOTDASH  = 'dotdash'
  * @param   float   $space  space between borders and the paragraph
  * @param   boolean $left   left border
  * @param   boolean $top    top border
  * @param   boolean $right  right border
  * @param   boolean $bottom bottom border
  * @return  PHPRtfLite_Border
 public static function create($size = 0, $color = null, $type = null, $space = 0, $left = true, $top = true, $right = true, $bottom = true)
     $border = new self();
     $border->setBorders(new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format($size, $color, $type, $space), $left, $top, $right, $bottom);
     return $border;