Example #1
  * 获取处理后的模板文件路径
  * @param string $srcTplpath
  *        	tpl文件如/path/new.tpl
  * @param boolean $useCache
  *        	是否使用已存在的编译后的文件,默认为true
  * @throws Exception
  * @return string
 public static function includeTpl($srcTplpath, $useCache = true)
     if (!defined('IN_TEMPLATE_L')) {
         define('IN_TEMPLATE_L', true);
     $tpl = new self();
     $tplPath = $tpl->getTplRealpath($srcTplpath);
     if (!is_file($tplPath)) {
         throw new Exception('template[' . $srcTplpath . '] not found in ' . $tplPath);
     $distPath = $tpl->getTplRealpath($srcTplpath, false);
     if (defined('APP_DEBUG')) {
         $useCache = false;
     // 如果预处理后的文件存在,且指定使用缓存,则直接返回路径
     if ($useCache && is_file($distPath)) {
         return $distPath;
     $distPathDir = dirname($distPath);
     if (!is_dir($distPathDir)) {
         if (!mkdir($distPathDir, 0777, true)) {
             throw new Exception('failed to create dist dir ' . $distPathDir . ' for template[' . $srcTplpath . ']');
     $content = $tpl->generate($srcTplpath);
     $handle = @fopen($distPath, 'w');
     if ($handle === false) {
         throw new Exception('failed to write data to ' . $distPath . ' for template[' . $srcTplpath . ']');
     } else {
         fwrite($handle, $content);
     return $distPath;