Example #1
 public static function getAndroidSenderId()
     if (is_null(self::$_android_sender_id)) {
         $certificat = new self();
         $certificat->find('android_sender_id', 'type');
         self::$_android_sender_id = $certificat->getPath();
     return self::$_android_sender_id;
Example #2
 public static function run($config = [], $isConsoleApp = false, $path = '')
     static $inst = null;
     if (null === $inst) {
         $inst = new self($isConsoleApp);
         \CW::$app = $inst;
         $inst->components = isset($config['components']) ? $config['components'] : [];
         $inst->params = isset($config['params']) ? $config['params'] : [];
         if (!$isConsoleApp) {
Example #3
  * Resolve a base URI with a relative URI and return a new URI.
  * @param UriInterface             $base Base URI
  * @param null|string|UriInterface $rel  Relative URI
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return UriInterface
 public static function resolve(UriInterface $base, $rel = null)
     if ($rel === null || $rel === '') {
         return $base;
     if (!$rel instanceof UriInterface) {
         $rel = new self($rel);
     // Return the relative uri as-is if it has a scheme.
     if ($rel->getScheme()) {
         return $rel->withPath(static::removeDotSegments($rel->getPath()));
     $relParts = ['scheme' => $rel->getScheme(), 'authority' => $rel->getAuthority(), 'path' => $rel->getPath(), 'query' => $rel->getQuery(), 'fragment' => $rel->getFragment()];
     $parts = ['scheme' => $base->getScheme(), 'authority' => $base->getAuthority(), 'path' => $base->getPath(), 'query' => $base->getQuery(), 'fragment' => $base->getFragment()];
     if (!empty($relParts['path'])) {
         if (strpos($relParts['path'], '/') === 0) {
             $parts['path'] = self::removeDotSegments($relParts['path']);
             $parts['query'] = $relParts['query'];
             $parts['fragment'] = $relParts['fragment'];
         } else {
             $mergedPath = substr($parts['path'], 0, strrpos($parts['path'], '/') + 1);
             $parts['path'] = self::removeDotSegments($mergedPath . $relParts['path']);
             $parts['query'] = $relParts['query'];
             $parts['fragment'] = $relParts['fragment'];
     } elseif (!empty($relParts['query'])) {
         $parts['query'] = $relParts['query'];
     } elseif ($relParts['fragment'] !== null) {
         $parts['fragment'] = $relParts['fragment'];
     return new self(static::createUriString($parts['scheme'], $parts['authority'], $parts['path'], $parts['query'], $parts['fragment']));
Example #4
  * Test whether this URL belongs to the local Apparat instance
  * @return bool URL belongs to the local Apparat instance
 public function isAbsoluteLocal()
     // Instantiate the apparat base URL
     $apparatBaseUrl = new self(getenv('APPARAT_BASE_URL'));
     $apparatBaseUrlPath = $apparatBaseUrl->getPath();
     $apparatBaseUrl = $apparatBaseUrl->setScheme(null)->setPath(null);
     // If the URL matches the Apparat base URL (the scheme is disregarded)
     return $this->isAbsolute() && $this->matches($apparatBaseUrl) && !strncmp($apparatBaseUrlPath, $this->getPath(), strlen($apparatBaseUrlPath));
Example #5
  * Returns the edit theme.
  * By default the edit theme is loaded from the cms.editTheme parameter,
  * but this behavior can be overridden by the cms.editTheme event listeners.
  * If the edit theme is not defined in the configuration file, the active theme
  * is returned.
  * @return \Cms\Classes\Theme Returns the loaded theme object.
  * If the theme doesn't exist, returns null.
 public static function getEditTheme()
     $editTheme = Config::get('cms.editTheme');
     if (!$editTheme) {
         $editTheme = Config::get('cms.activeTheme');
     $apiResult = Event::fire('cms.editTheme', [], true);
     if ($apiResult !== null) {
         $editTheme = $apiResult;
     if (!strlen($editTheme)) {
         throw new SystemException(Lang::get('cms::lang.theme.edit.not_set'));
     $theme = new self();
     if (!File::isDirectory($theme->getPath())) {
         return null;
     return $theme;
Example #6
  * Resolve a base URI with a relative URI and return a new URI.
  * @param UriInterface        $base Base URI
  * @param string|UriInterface $rel  Relative URI
  * @return UriInterface
  * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
 public static function resolve(UriInterface $base, $rel)
     if (!$rel instanceof UriInterface) {
         $rel = new self($rel);
     if ((string) $rel === '') {
         // we can simply return the same base URI instance for this same-document reference
         return $base;
     if ($rel->getScheme() != '') {
         return $rel->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($rel->getPath()));
     if ($rel->getAuthority() != '') {
         $targetAuthority = $rel->getAuthority();
         $targetPath = self::removeDotSegments($rel->getPath());
         $targetQuery = $rel->getQuery();
     } else {
         $targetAuthority = $base->getAuthority();
         if ($rel->getPath() === '') {
             $targetPath = $base->getPath();
             $targetQuery = $rel->getQuery() != '' ? $rel->getQuery() : $base->getQuery();
         } else {
             if ($rel->getPath()[0] === '/') {
                 $targetPath = $rel->getPath();
             } else {
                 if ($targetAuthority != '' && $base->getPath() === '') {
                     $targetPath = '/' . $rel->getPath();
                 } else {
                     $lastSlashPos = strrpos($base->getPath(), '/');
                     if ($lastSlashPos === false) {
                         $targetPath = $rel->getPath();
                     } else {
                         $targetPath = substr($base->getPath(), 0, $lastSlashPos + 1) . $rel->getPath();
             $targetPath = self::removeDotSegments($targetPath);
             $targetQuery = $rel->getQuery();
     return new self(self::createUriString($base->getScheme(), $targetAuthority, $targetPath, $targetQuery, $rel->getFragment()));
Example #7
    public static function makeBox($obj, $obj_id, $showUploadForm = false, $suffix = false)
        global $lng;
        // Prints a nice picture box.
        $height = $width = 250;
        # Picture dimensions.
        $img = new self($obj, $obj_id);
        <img alt="Image" height="<?php 
        echo $height;
" width="<?php 
        echo $width;
" src="<?php 
        echo $img->getPath();
        if ($showUploadForm) {
            <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <input type="hidden" name="type" value="pic">
                <input type="hidden" name="add_del" id="_pic_add_del__<?php 
            echo $suffix ? $suffix : '';
" value="add">
                <input type="hidden" name="pic_obj" value="<?php 
            echo $obj;
            echo $lng->getTrn('common/uploadnew');
            echo "{$width}x{$height}";
): <br>
                <input name="<?php 
            echo self::$defaultHTMLUploadName . ($suffix ? $suffix : '');
" type="file"><br>
                <input type="submit" name="pic_upload" value="<?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('common/upload');
                <input type="submit" name="pic_delete" value="<?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('common/delete');
" onClick="document.getElementById('_pic_add_del__<?php 
            echo $suffix ? $suffix : '';
 protected static function cloneOriginal($fileUid, $suffix)
     // Get original image
     /** @var self $originalMeta */
     $originalMeta = self::findOriginal($fileUid);
     if (!$originalMeta) {
         throw new FileException('Not found original image by uid `' . $fileUid . '`.');
     // New file meta
     $imageMeta = new self();
     $imageMeta->fileUid = $originalMeta->fileUid;
     $imageMeta->folder = $originalMeta->folder;
     $imageMeta->fileMimeType = $originalMeta->fileMimeType;
     // Generate new file name
     $extension = pathinfo($originalMeta->fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $thumbFormat = $extension && $extension === 'png' ? 'png' : FileModule::getInstance()->thumbFormat;
     $imageMeta->fileName = pathinfo($originalMeta->fileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.' . $suffix . '.' . $thumbFormat;
     // Clone original file
     if (!copy($originalMeta->getPath(), $imageMeta->getPath())) {
         throw new FileException('Can not clone original file `' . $originalMeta->getRelativePath() . '` to `' . $imageMeta->getRelativePath() . '`.');
     return $imageMeta;
Example #9
  * Create a symlink pointing to this directory
  * @param Dir|string $dir         Dir object or path
  * @param boolean    $createPaths Create paths (if does not exist)
  * @return $this
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function symlink($dir, $createPaths = true)
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Cannot create a link. Directory must exist: '%s'", $this->path));
     if (!$dir instanceof self) {
         $dir = new self($dir);
     if ($dir->isLink()) {
     $parent = $dir->getParent();
     if ($createPaths) {
         if (!$this->exists()) {
         if (!$parent->exists()) {
     symlink($this->getAbsolutePath(), $parent->getAbsolutePath() . '/' . $dir->getName());
     return $this;
Example #10
  * @param  array
  * @param  IMAPConnection
  * @return Mailbox[]  Multi dimensional map, keyed by imap-encoded path's
  * @usedby ImapConnection->getMailboxes()
 public static function fromList($list, $connection = null)
     $boxes_temp = array();
     foreach ($list as $i => $m) {
         $mb = new self(substr($m->name, strpos($m->name, '}') + 1), $connection);
         $mb->delimiter = $m->delimiter;
         $mb->flags = $m->attributes;
         $boxes_temp[$mb->getPath()] = $mb;
     # Sort
     $boxes = array();
     foreach ($boxes_temp as $mb) {
         $r = explode($m->delimiter, $mb->getPath(true));
         eval('$boxes[\'' . implode('\'][\'', $r) . '\'][\'#\'] = $mb;');
     return $boxes;