Example #1
        $sorder = array('结果排序方式', '添加时间降序', '添加时间升序', '投票总数降序', '投票总数升序', '浏览次数降序', '浏览次数升序', '选项总数降序', '选项总数升序', '开始时间降序', '开始时间升序', '到期时间降序', '到期时间升序');
        $dorder = array('itemid DESC', 'addtime DESC', 'addtime ASC', 'polls DESC', 'polls ASC', 'hits DESC', 'hits ASC', 'items DESC', 'items ASC', 'fromtime DESC', 'fromtime ASC', 'totime DESC', 'totime ASC');
        isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0;
        isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0;
        isset($typeid) or $typeid = 0;
        $level = isset($level) ? intval($level) : 0;
        $fields_select = dselect($sfields, 'fields', '', $fields);
        $type_select = type_select('poll', 1, 'typeid', '请选择分类', $typeid);
        $order_select = dselect($sorder, 'order', '', $order);
        $level_select = level_select('level', '级别', $level);
        $condition = '1';
        if ($_areaids) {
            $condition .= " AND areaid IN (" . $_areaids . ")";
        if ($keyword) {
            $condition .= " AND {$dfields[$fields]} LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
        if ($typeid) {
            $condition .= " AND typeid IN (" . type_child($typeid, $TYPE) . ")";
        if ($level) {
            $condition .= " AND level={$level}";
        if ($areaid) {
            $condition .= $ARE['child'] ? " AND areaid IN (" . $ARE['arrchildid'] . ")" : " AND areaid={$areaid}";
        $lists = $do->get_list($condition, $dorder[$order]);
        include tpl('poll', $module);
Example #2
                $adddate = timetodate($addtime, 3);
                $fromdate = $fromtime ? timetodate($fromtime, 3) : $L['timeless'];
                $todate = $totime ? timetodate($totime, 3) : $L['timeless'];
                if ($item['seo_title']) {
                    $seo_title = $item['seo_title'];
                } else {
                    $head_title = $title . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $L['poll_title'];
                if ($item['seo_keywords']) {
                    $head_keywords = $item['seo_keywords'];
                if ($item['seo_description']) {
                    $head_description = $item['seo_description'];
                $template = $item['template'] ? $item['template'] : 'poll';
                include template($template, $module);
            } else {
                $head_title = $head_keywords = $head_description = $L['poll_title'];
                $condition = '1';
                if ($typeid) {
                    $condition .= " AND typeid={$typeid}";
                if ($cityid) {
                    $condition .= $AREA[$cityid]['child'] ? " AND areaid IN (" . $AREA[$cityid]['arrchildid'] . ")" : " AND areaid={$cityid}";
                $lists = $do->get_list($condition, 'addtime DESC');
                include template('poll', $module);