Example #1
  * Get the HTML for a link page link.
  * @param int $page The page number.
  * @param string $text The text to display.
  * @return string The HTML for a single page link.
 protected function get_link_html($page, $text)
     $url = new \pdyn\datatype\Url($this->baseurl);
     $url->addquery('p=' . $page);
     return '<a href="' . (string) $url . '" data-page="' . $page . '" class="page_link jump_link ' . $this->linkclasses . '">' . $text . '</a>';
Example #2
  * Test addquery function.
  * @dataProvider dataprovider_addquery
  * @param string $url The base URL.
  * @param string $query The query to add.
  * @param string $expected Expected output.
 public function test_addquery($url, $query, $expected)
     $url = new \pdyn\datatype\Url($url);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $url);