Example #1
  * Constructor
  * Attempts to load the correct layout xml file
  * @param string $name
  * @return object
 public function __construct($name = null)
     if (pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
         $this->path = $name;
         $this->name = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     } else {
         $this->path = $this->_zula->getDir('config') . '/layouts/' . $name . '.xml';
         $this->name = $name;
     if (Registry::has('sql')) {
         // Find the regex for this layout
         $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare('SELECT regex FROM {PREFIX}layouts WHERE name = ?');
         if ($regex = $pdoSt->fetchColumn()) {
             $this->regex = $regex;
     // Load the DomDocument (or create if needed)
     $this->dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $this->dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $this->dom->formatOutput = true;
     if (is_file($this->path)) {
     } else {
Example #2
 public function metaUser($userid, $subscriptionid = null)
     if (empty($userid) && !empty($subscriptionid)) {
         $userid = aecUserHelper::UserIDfromSubscriptionID($subscriptionid);
     $this->meta = new metaUserDB();
     $this->cmsUser = false;
     $this->hasCBprofile = false;
     $this->hasJSprofile = false;
     $this->userid = 0;
     $this->hasSubscription = 0;
     $this->objSubscription = null;
     $this->focusSubscription = null;
     if ($userid) {
         $this->cmsUser = new cmsUser();
         $this->userid = $userid;
         if (!empty($subscriptionid)) {
             $aecid = $subscriptionid;
         } else {
             $aecid = aecUserHelper::SubscriptionIDfromUserID($userid);
         if ($aecid) {
             $this->objSubscription = new Subscription();
             $this->focusSubscription = new Subscription();
             $this->hasSubscription = 1;
Example #3
  * Carrega os helpers que serão usados no sistema
 public function loads()
     $lista = $this->helpers->load();
     if (count($lista) > 0) {
         foreach ($lista as $key => $value) {
             $exist = false;
             $class = 'Core\\Helpers\\' . $value['class'];
             $class_name = ROOT . str_replace('\\', DS, $class) . '.php';
             $class_name = str_replace(DS . 'App' . DS, DS . 'src' . DS, $class_name);
             if (file_exists($class_name)) {
                 $exist = true;
             } else {
                 $class = 'App\\Helpers\\' . $value['class'];
                 $class_name = ROOT . str_replace('\\', DS, $class) . '.php';
                 $class_name = str_replace(DS . 'App' . DS, DS . 'src' . DS, $class_name);
                 if (file_exists($class_name)) {
                     $exist = true;
             if ($exist === true) {
                 $this->{$value['nome']} = new $class($this->request);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Helper não localizado.');
Example #4
  * Set up the contrib object.
 public function load_contrib_object()
     if (!is_object($this->contrib)) {
         $this->contrib = new titania_contribution();
Example #5
  * Set up contrib object.
 public function load_source_object()
     if (!is_object($this->contrib)) {
         $this->contrib = new titania_contribution();
         $this->contrib->load((int) $this->attention_object_id);
     return is_object($this->contrib) ? true : false;
Example #6
  * Constructor of the container class
  * @param  $filename   string filename for a passwd type file
  * @return object Returns an error object if something went wrong
 function Auth_Container_SMBPasswd($filename)
     $this->pwfile = new File_SMBPasswd($filename, 0);
     if (!$this->pwfile->load()) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Error while reading file contents.", 41, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
Example #7
  * Handles calls to class methods.
  * @param string $name Method name
  * @param array $params Method parameters
 public function __call($name, $params)
     $callback = $this->dispatcher->get($name);
     if (is_callable($callback)) {
         return $this->dispatcher->run($name, $params);
     $shared = !empty($params) ? (bool) $params[0] : true;
     return $this->loader->load($name, $shared);
Example #8
  * Handles calls to static methods.
  * @param string $name Method name
  * @param array $args Method parameters
 public static function __callStatic($name, $params)
     $callback = self::$dispatcher->get($name);
     if (is_callable($callback)) {
         return self::$dispatcher->run($name, $params);
     $shared = !empty($params) ? (bool) $params[0] : true;
     return self::$loader->load($name, $shared);
Example #9
  * Returns active shop object.
  * @return oxshop $oUser
 protected function _getActShop()
     // shop is allready loaded
     if ($this->_oActShop !== null) {
         return $this->_oActShop;
     $this->_oActShop = oxNew('oxshop');
     return $this->_oActShop;
Example #10
  * Check the request parameters to see which course was specified.
 function process_request()
     $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
     if (!($this->course = get_record('course', 'id', $id))) {
         error('Could not find course.');
     $this->sloodle_course = new SloodleCourse();
     if (!$this->sloodle_course->load($this->course)) {
         error(get_string('failedcourseload', 'sloodle'));
Example #11
  * Handles calls to class methods.
  * @param string $name Method name
  * @param array $params Method parameters
  * @return mixed Callback results
  * @throws \Exception
 public function __call($name, $params)
     $callback = $this->dispatcher->get($name);
     if (is_callable($callback)) {
         return $this->dispatcher->run($name, $params);
     if (!$this->loader->get($name)) {
         throw new \Exception("{$name} must be a mapped method.");
     $shared = !empty($params) ? (bool) $params[0] : true;
     return $this->loader->load($name, $shared);
Example #12
  * Constructor
  * @param      mixed $oid Object Id
  * @return     void
 public function __construct($oid = null)
     // create database object
     $this->_db = \App::get('db');
     // create page cateogry jtable object
     $this->_tbl = new $this->_tbl_name($this->_db);
     // load object
     if (is_numeric($oid)) {
     } else {
         if (is_object($oid) || is_array($oid)) {
Example #13
  * Parse the file in chunks
  * @param int $size
  * @param     $callback
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return void
 public function chunk($size = 10, $callback = null)
     // Check if the chunk filter has been enabled
     if (!in_array('chunk', $this->filters['enabled'])) {
         throw new \Exception("The chunk filter is not enabled, do so with ->filter('chunk')");
     // Get total rows
     $totalRows = $this->getTotalRowsOfFile();
     // Only read
     // Start the chunking
     for ($startRow = 0; $startRow < $totalRows; $startRow += $chunkSize) {
         // Set start index
         $startIndex = $startRow == 0 ? $startRow : $startRow - 1;
         $chunkSize = $startRow == 0 ? $size + 1 : $size;
         // Set the rows for the chunking
         $this->filter->setRows($startRow, $chunkSize);
         // Load file with chunk filter enabled
         $this->excel = $this->reader->load($this->file);
         // Slice the results
         $results = $this->get()->slice($startIndex, $chunkSize);
         // Do a callback
         if (is_callable($callback)) {
             call_user_func($callback, $results);
         unset($this->excel, $results);
Example #14
  * Returns selected Payment
  * @return object
 public function getSelUserPayment()
     if ($this->_oUserPayment == null) {
         $this->_oUserPayment = false;
         $sPaymentId = $this->getPaymentId();
         if ($sPaymentId != "-1" && isset($sPaymentId)) {
             $this->_oUserPayment = oxNew("oxuserpayment");
             $sTemplate = $this->_oUserPayment->oxuserpayments__oxvalue->value;
             // generate selected paymenttype
             $oPaymentTypes = $this->getPaymentTypes();
             foreach ($oPaymentTypes as $oPayment) {
                 if ($oPayment->oxpayments__oxid->value == $this->_oUserPayment->oxuserpayments__oxpaymentsid->value) {
                     $oPayment->selected = 1;
                     // if there are no values assigned we set default from paymenttype
                     if (!$sTemplate) {
                         $sTemplate = $oPayment->oxpayments__oxvaldesc->value;
     return $this->_oUserPayment;
Example #15
  * Check and process the request parameters.
 function process_request()
     // Fetch some parameters
     $this->moodleuserid = required_param('id', PARAM_RAW);
     $this->deletesloodleentry = optional_param('delete', null, PARAM_INT);
     $this->userconfirmed = optional_param('confirm', null, PARAM_RAW);
     $this->courseid = optional_param('course', SITEID, PARAM_INT);
     $this->searchstr = addslashes(optional_param('search', '', PARAM_TEXT));
     $this->deleteuserobjects = optional_param('deleteuserobjects', null, PARAM_TEXT);
     // If we are viewing 'all' avatar entries, then revert to the site course
     if (strcasecmp($this->moodleuserid, 'all') == 0) {
         $this->courseid = SITEID;
     // Fetch our Moodle and SLOODLE course data
     if (!($this->course = get_record('course', 'id', $this->courseid))) {
         error('Could not find course.');
     $this->sloodle_course = new SloodleCourse();
     if (!$this->sloodle_course->load($this->course)) {
         error(get_string('failedcourseload', 'sloodle'));
     $this->start = optional_param('start', 0, PARAM_INT);
     if ($this->start < 0) {
         $this->start = 0;
Example #16
  * Read a url object from DB
  * @param integer $id
 public function getUrl($id)
     if (is_null($this->_url)) {
         $this->_url =& JTable::getInstance('urls', 'Sh404sefTable');
         $result = $this->_url->load($id);
     return $this->_url;
Example #17
  * Returns an item as an object
  * identified by its db id
  * @param integer $id
 public function getById($id)
     // if no cached data, fetch from DB or create
     if (is_null($this->_data) || $this->_data->id != $id) {
         // get a table instance
         $this->_data =& JTable::getInstance($this->_defaultTable, 'Sh404sefTable');
         // load from table
         // set error
         $error = $this->_data->getError();
         if (!empty($error)) {
     return $this->_data;
Example #18
 /** Query the solr instance
  * @param string $query
 public function moreLikeThis($query)
     $key = md5('mlt' . $query);
     if (!$this->_cache->test($key)) {
         $mlt = $this->_solr;
         $mlt->setFields(array('objecttype', 'broadperiod', 'description', 'notes'));
         $solrResponse = $mlt->executeQuery();
     } else {
         $solrResponse = $this->_cache->load($key);
     if ($solrResponse) {
         return $this->buildHtml($solrResponse);
     } else {
         return false;
Example #19
  * Load the model from the element id
  * @param   string  $key  Db table key
  * @param   int     $id   Key value
  * @return  FabTable  join
 public function getJoinFromKey($key, $id)
     if (!isset($this->join)) {
         $this->join = FabTable::getInstance('join', 'FabrikTable');
         $this->join->load(array($key => $id));
     return $this->join;
Example #20
  * Connect to mysql
  * @author KnowledgeTree Team
  * @params none
  * @access private
  * @return object mysql connection
 private function connectMysql()
     $con = $this->_dbhandler->load($this->dhost, $this->duname, $this->dpassword, $this->dname);
     if (!$con) {
         $this->error['con'] = "Could not connect: ";
         return false;
     return $con;
Example #21
  * Save some data in a cache
  * @param mixed $data data to put in cache (can be another type than string if automatic_serialization is on)
  * @param cache $id cache id (if not set, the last cache id will be used)
  * @param array $tags cache tags
  * @param int $specificLifetime if != false, set a specific lifetime for this cache record (null => infinite lifetime)
  * @return boolean true if no problem
 public function save($data, $id = null, $tags = array(), $specificLifetime = false)
     if (!$this->_options['caching']) {
         return true;
     if (is_null($id)) {
         $id = $this->_lastId;
     } else {
         $id = $this->_id($id);
     if ($this->_options['automatic_serialization']) {
         // we need to serialize datas before storing them
         $data = serialize($data);
     } else {
         if (!is_string($data)) {
             Zend_Cache::throwException("Datas must be string or set automatic_serialization = true");
     // automatic cleaning
     if ($this->_options['automatic_cleaning_factor'] > 0) {
         $rand = rand(1, $this->_options['automatic_cleaning_factor']);
         if ($rand == 1) {
             if ($this->_backend->isAutomaticCleaningAvailable()) {
             } else {
                 $this->_log('Zend_Cache_Core::save() / automatic cleaning is not available with this backend');
     if ($this->_options['ignore_user_abort']) {
         $abort = ignore_user_abort(true);
     $result = $this->_backend->save($data, $id, $tags, $specificLifetime);
     if ($this->_options['ignore_user_abort']) {
     if (!$result) {
         // maybe the cache is corrupted, so we remove it !
         if ($this->_options['logging']) {
             $this->_log("Zend_Cache_Core::save() : impossible to save cache (id={$id})");
         return false;
     if ($this->_options['write_control']) {
         $data2 = $this->_backend->load($id, true);
         if ($data != $data2) {
             $this->_log('Zend_Cache_Core::save() / write_control : written and read data do not match');
             return false;
     return true;
Example #22
  * @access 	public
  * @param 	string			$file_name			
  * @param 	string			$path_save			
  * @param 	string			$path_templates		
  * @param 	boolean			$format_output		
  * @param 	boolean			$white_space			
  * @return 	void
 public function load($file_name, $path_save, $path_templates, $format_output, $white_space)
     try {
         $this->fileName = $file_name;
         $this->pathTemplates = Fonction::removeLastSlash($path_templates);
         $this->pathSave = Fonction::removeLastSlash($path_save);
         $this->core = new DOMDocument();
         $this->core->preserveWhiteSpace = $white_space;
         $this->core->formatOutput = $format_output;
         if (!@$this->core->load($this->pathTemplates . '/' . $this->fileName)) {
             throw new Exception('');
         $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->core);
         $this->root = $this->core->documentElement;
         $this->nameSpaces = Fonction::getNamespace();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Example #23
  * Method to get category by catid.
  * @param   integer $pk Category id.
  * @return  mixed   Category object or false.
 function getCategory()
     if (!empty($this->category)) {
         return $this->category;
     $pk = $this->getState('category.id');
     $this->category = JTable::getInstance('Category');
     return $this->category;
Example #24
  * Handle various admin operations /admin/xxxx
  * @param object	$context	The context object for the site
  * @return string	A template name
 public function handle($context)
     $tpl = 'support/admin.twig';
     $rest = $context->rest();
     switch ($rest[0]) {
         case 'pages':
             $tpl = 'support/pages.twig';
         case 'department':
             $tpl = 'support/department.twig';
         case 'publication':
             $tpl = 'support/publication.twig';
         case 'contexts':
             $tpl = 'support/contexts.twig';
         case 'roles':
             $tpl = 'support/roles.twig';
         case 'users':
             $tpl = 'support/users.twig';
         case 'info':
             $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = '*************';
             # hide the password in case it is showing.
         case 'edit':
             // Edit something - at the moment just a User
             if (count($rest) < 3) {
                 (new Web())->bad();
             $kind = $rest[1];
             $obj = $context->load($kind, $rest[2]);
             if (!is_object($obj)) {
                 (new Web())->bad();
             if (($bid = $context->postpar('bean', '')) != '') {
                 # this is a post
                 if ($bid != $obj->getID()) {
                     # something odd...
                     (new Web())->bad();
                 // The edit call might divert to somewhere else so sometimes we may not get here.
             $context->local()->addval($kind, $obj);
             $tpl = 'support/edit' . $kind . '.twig';
     return $tpl;
Example #25
     * Hard delete a post
    public function hard_delete()
        if (!$this->topic->topic_posts) {
            if (!$this->topic->load($this->topic_id)) {
                return false;
        // Update the postcount for the topic
        // Set the visibility appropriately if no posts are visibile to the public/authors
        $flags = count::get_flags(access::PUBLIC_LEVEL);
        if (count::from_db($this->topic->topic_posts, $flags) <= 0) {
            // There are no posts visible to the public, change it to authors level access
            $this->topic->topic_access = access::AUTHOR_LEVEL;
            $flags = count::get_flags(access::AUTHOR_LEVEL);
            if (count::from_db($this->topic->topic_posts, $flags) <= 0) {
                // There are no posts visible to authors, change it to teams level access
                $this->topic->topic_access = access::TEAM_LEVEL;
        // Sync the first topic post if required
        if ($this->post_id == $this->topic->topic_first_post_id) {
        // Sync the last topic post if required
        if ($this->post_id == $this->topic->topic_last_post_id) {
        // Submit the topic to store the updated information
        // Remove from the search index
        $this->search_manager->delete($this->post_type, $this->post_id);
        // @todo remove attachments and other things
        // Remove any attention items
			WHERE attention_object_type = ' . TITANIA_POST . '
				AND attention_object_id = ' . $this->post_id;
        // Decrement the user's postcount if we must
        if (!$this->post_deleted && $this->post_approved && in_array($this->post_type, titania::$config->increment_postcount)) {
            phpbb::update_user_postcount($this->post_user_id, '-');
        // Hooks
        titania::$hook->call_hook_ref(array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__), $this);
        // Initiate self-destruct mode
        // Update topics posted table
        $this->topic->update_posted_status('remove', $this->post_user_id);
        // Check if the topic is empty
        $flags = count::get_flags(access::TEAM_LEVEL, true, true);
        if (count::from_db($this->topic->topic_posts, $flags) <= 0) {
Example #26
  * oxActions::stop() test case
  * stops the current promo action and test if oxactiveto equals the current date.
  * @return null
 public function testStop()
     oxTestModules::addFunction('oxUtilsDate', 'getTime', '{return ' . time() . ';}');
     $iNow = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getTime()));
     $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $iNow), $this->_oPromo->oxactions__oxactiveto->value);
     $id = $this->_oPromo->getId();
     $this->_oPromo = oxNew('oxActions');
     $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $iNow), $this->_oPromo->oxactions__oxactiveto->value);
Example #27
  * Loads a cached object
  * @param string $name
  * @return mixed
 public function loadCache($name)
     if ($this->hasCache) {
         $cacheId = $this->prefix . $name . "_" . md5($name);
         if ($data = $this->cache->load($cacheId)) {
             return $data;
         return false;
     return false;
Example #28
 private function checkDb()
     // defaults
     $this->temp_variables['dbConnectAdmin'] = '';
     $this->temp_variables['dbConnectUser'] = '';
     $this->temp_variables['dbPrivileges'] = '';
     $this->temp_variables['dbTransaction'] = '';
     $html = '<td><div class="%s"></div></td>' . '<td %s>%s</td>';
     // retrieve database information from session
     $dbconf = $this->getDataFromSession("database");
     // make db connection - admin
     $loaded = $this->_dbhandler->load($dbconf['dhost'], $dbconf['dmsname'], $dbconf['dmspassword'], $dbconf['dname']);
     if (!$loaded) {
         $this->temp_variables['dbConnectAdmin'] .= '<td><div class="cross"></div></td>' . '<td class="error">Unable to connect to database (user: '******'dmsname'] . ')</td>';
         $this->database_check = 'cross';
         $this->temp_variables['dbConnectAdmin'] .= sprintf($html, 'cross', 'class="error"', 'Unable to connect to database (user: '******'dmsname'] . ')');
     } else {
         $this->temp_variables['dbConnectAdmin'] .= sprintf($html, 'tick', '', 'Database connectivity successful (user: '******'dmsname'] . ')');
     // make db connection - user
     $loaded = $this->_dbhandler->load($dbconf['dhost'], $dbconf['dmsusername'], $dbconf['dmsuserpassword'], $dbconf['dname']);
     // if we can log in to the database, check access
     // TODO check write access?
     if ($loaded) {
         $this->temp_variables['dbConnectUser'] .= sprintf($html, 'tick', '', 'Database connectivity successful (user: '******'dmsusername'] . ')');
         $qresult = $this->_dbhandler->query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM documents');
         if (!$qresult) {
             $this->temp_variables['dbPrivileges'] .= '<td><div class="cross" style="float:left;"></div></td>' . '<td class="error">' . 'Unable to do a basic database query<br/>Error: ' . $this->_dbhandler->getLastError() . '</td>';
             $this->database_check = 'cross';
             $this->temp_variables['dbPrivileges'] .= sprintf($html, 'cross', 'class="error"', 'Unable to do a basic database query<br/>Error: ' . $this->_dbhandler->getLastError());
             $this->privileges_check = 'cross';
         } else {
             $this->temp_variables['dbPrivileges'] .= sprintf($html, 'tick', '', 'Basic database query successful');
         // check transaction support
         $sTable = 'system_settings';
         $this->_dbhandler->query('INSERT INTO ' . $sTable . ' (name, value) VALUES ("transactionTest", "1")');
         $res = $this->_dbhandler->query("SELECT id FROM {$sTable} WHERE name = 'transactionTest' LIMIT 1");
         if (!$res) {
             $this->temp_variables['dbTransaction'] = '<td><div class="cross_orange" style="float:left;"></div></td>' . '<span class="error">Transaction support not available in database</span></td>';
             $this->database_check = 'cross';
             $this->temp_variables['dbTransaction'] .= sprintf($html, 'cross_orange', 'class="orange"', 'Transaction support not available in database');
         } else {
             $this->temp_variables['dbTransaction'] .= sprintf($html, 'tick', '', 'Database has transaction support');
         $this->_dbhandler->query('DELETE FROM ' . $sTable . ' WHERE name = "transactionTest"');
     } else {
         $this->temp_variables['dbConnectUser'] .= sprintf($html, 'cross', 'class="error"', 'Unable to connect to database (user: '******'dmsusername'] . ')');
Example #29
  * Load a file
  * @param  string        $file
  * @param string|boolean $encoding
  * @param bool           $noBasePath
  * @return LaravelExcelReader
 public function load($file, $encoding = false, $noBasePath = false)
     // init the loading
     $this->_init($file, $encoding, $noBasePath);
     // Only fetch selected sheets if necessary
     if ($this->sheetsSelected()) {
     // Load the file
     $this->excel = $this->reader->load($this->file);
     // Return itself
     return $this;
Example #30
 /** Get the data from the solr instance
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
 public function getData()
     if (!$this->getCache()->test($this->getKey())) {
         $mlt = $this->getSolr();
         $mlt->setFields(array('objecttype', 'broadperiod', 'description', 'notes'));
         $solrResponse = $mlt->executeQuery();
     } else {
         $solrResponse = $this->_cache->load($this->getKey());
     return $solrResponse;