/** * Constructor */ public function init() { $this->objContext = $this->getObject('dbcontext'); $this->contextCode = $this->objContext->getContextCode(); $this->objLanguage = $this->getObject('language', 'language'); $this->title = ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextstatistics', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Statistics')); }
/** * Constructor */ public function init() { $this->objContext = $this->getObject('dbcontext'); $this->contextCode = $this->objContext->getContextCode(); $this->loadClass('link', 'htmlelements'); $this->objContextModules = $this->getObject('dbcontextmodules'); $this->objModules = $this->getObject('modules', 'modulecatalogue'); $this->objLanguage = $this->getObject('language', 'language'); $this->title = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_plugins', 'context', array('plugins' => 'plugins'), '[-plugins-]'); }
/** *Initialize by send the table name to be accessed */ public function init() { $this->objContext = $this->getObject('dbcontext'); $this->contextCode = $this->objContext->getContextCode(); $this->loadClass('link', 'htmlelements'); $this->objLanguage = $this->getObject('language', 'language'); $this->title = ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextsettings', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Settings')); $this->objSysConfig = $this->getObject('dbsysconfig', 'sysconfig'); $this->objUser = $this->getObject('user', 'security'); }
/** * Method to get the context menu * * @return string * @param void * @access public */ public function getContextMenu() { try { //initiate the objects $objSideBar = $this->newObject('sidebar', 'navigation'); $objModules = $this->newObject('modules', 'modulecatalogue'); //get the contextCode $this->objDBContext->getContextCode(); //create the nodes array $nodes = array(); //get the section id $section = $this->getParam('id'); //create the home for the context $nodes[] = array('text' => $this->objDBContext->getMenuText() . ' - ' . $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_home", 'system', 'Home'), 'uri' => $this->uri(NULL, "_default")); //get the registered modules for this context $arrContextModules = $this->objDBContextModules->getContextModules($this->contextCode); foreach ($arrContextModules as $contextModule) { $modInfo = $objModules->getModuleInfo($contextModule['moduleid']); $nodes[] = array('text' => $modInfo['name'], 'uri' => $this->uri(array('action' => 'contenthome', 'moduleid' => $contextModule['moduleid'])), 'sectionid' => $contextModule['moduleid']); } return $objSideBar->show($nodes, $this->getParam('id')); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(); exit; } }
/** * handles a theme uploaded from filemanager * @return <type> */ public function __saveuploadedtheme() { $this->objContext = $this->getObject('dbcontext', 'context'); $this->contextCode = $this->objContext->getContextCode(); $objFileUpload = $this->getObject('uploadinput', 'filemanager'); $path = '/context/' . $this->contextCode . '/canvases'; $objFileUpload->customuploadpath = $path; $objFileUpload->enableOverwriteIncrement = TRUE; $results = $objFileUpload->handleUpload('fileupload'); $file = $_FILES[$objFileUpload->name]; $filename = $file['name']; // Technically, FALSE can never be returned, this is just a precaution // FALSE means there is no fileinput with that name if ($results == FALSE) { return $this->nextAction('view', array('id' => $this->getParam('id'), 'error' => 'unabletoupload')); } else { // If successfully Uploaded if ($results['success']) { $objZip = $this->newObject('wzip', 'utilities'); $objZip->unzip($this->objConfig->getcontentBasePath() . '/' . $path . '/' . $filename, $this->objConfig->getcontentBasePath() . '/' . $path); return $this->nextAction('edit', array('contextcode' => $this->contextCode)); } else { // If not successfully uploaded return $this->nextAction('uploadtheme', array('error' => $results['reason'])); } } }
/** * Method to create the first node */ public function createParentNode() { if (!$this->objDBParents->valueExists('tbl_context_parentnodes_has_tbl_context_tbl_context_contextCode', $this->objDBContext->getContextCode())) { $contextId = $this->objDBContext->getContextId(); $contextCode = $this->objDBContext->getContextCode(); //add a bridge to context and parent $this->objDBContextParents->insert(array('tbl_context_id' => $contextId, 'tbl_context_contextCode' => $contextCode)); //add a parent node $parentId = $this->objDBParents->insert(array('tbl_context_parentnodes_has_tbl_context_tbl_context_id' => $contextId, 'tbl_context_parentnodes_has_tbl_context_tbl_context_contextCode' => $contextCode, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'dateCreated' => $this->objDBContext->getDate(), 'datemodified' => $this->objDBContext->getDate(), 'menu_text' => $this->objDBContext->getMenuText(), 'title' => $this->objDBContext->getTitle())); } $this->resetTable(); }
/** * Method to leave a context * * @access protected */ protected function __leavecontext() { if ($this->eventsEnabled) { $message = $this->objUser->fullname() . ' ' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_context_hasleft', 'context') . ' ' . $this->contextCode; $this->eventDispatcher->post($this->objActivityStreamer, "context", array('title' => $message, 'link' => $this->uri(array()), 'contextcode' => $this->objContext->getContextCode(), 'author' => $this->objUser->fullname(), 'description' => $message)); } $this->objContext->leaveContext(); if ($this->objUser->isLoggedIn()) { return $this->nextAction(NULL, NULL, '_default'); } else { // Workaround for bug in the engine class - it should really be unfucked in the engine class $objConfig = $this->getObject('altconfig', 'config'); $goToPlace = $objConfig->getPrelogin('KEWL_PRELOGIN_MODULE'); return $this->nextAction(NULL, NULL, $goToPlace); } }
/** *Method to get all members for this context. * @return array|false of ids for members in current context, otherwise false. * @param string $contextCode */ function getContextUsers($contextCode) { if ($this->_objDBContext->isInContext()) { if ($contextCode == '') { $this->_contextCode = $this->_objDBContext->getContextCode(); } else { $this->_contextCode = $contextCode; } $path = array($this->_contextCode, $this->_contextGroup); $groupId = $this->_objGroupAdmin->getLeafId($path); // Get userIds of members $groupUsers = $this->_objGroupAdmin->getGroupUsers($groupId); $userIds = $this->_objGroupAdmin->getField($groupUsers, 'id'); return $userIds; } else { return FALSE; } }