  * Removes Group from the list stored in the session
  * @param mixed group_arg String containing group id,
  *                        or array containing list of groups to delete
 function deleteGroup($group_arg)
     $this->foowd->track('smdoc_group->deleteGroup', $group_arg);
     $session_groups = new input_session('user_groups', REGEX_GROUP);
     $changed = $this->_deleteGroup($session_groups->value, $group_arg);
     if ($changed) {
     return $changed;
Example #2
  * Get list of workspaces within system.
  * @return array Returns an array of workspace titles indexed by workspaceid.
 function getWorkspaceList()
     $session_wklist = new input_session('workspaceList', NULL);
     if (isset($session_wklist->value)) {
         return $session_wklist->value;
     $workspaceArray = array(0 => $this->config_settings['workspace']['workspace_base_name']);
     $where['OR'][] = array('index' => 'classid', 'op' => '=', 'value' => WORKSPACE_CLASS_ID);
     $where['OR'][] = array('index' => 'classid', 'op' => '=', 'value' => TRANSLATION_CLASS_ID);
     $indices = array('objectid', 'title');
     $workspaces = $this->getObjList($indices, NULL, $where, 'title', NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
     foreach ($workspaces as $workspace) {
         $workspaceArray[$workspace['objectid']] = htmlspecialchars($workspace['title']);
     return $session_wklist->value;
  * Initializes array containing objectid, icon, and language code
  * for each defined translation
  * @static
  * @param smdoc $foowd Reference to the foowd environment object.
  * @param bool $forceRefresh Force refresh of session cache.
 function initialize($foowd, $forceRefresh = FALSE)
     $foowd->track('smdoc_translation::initialize', $forceRefresh);
     $session_links = new input_session('lang_links', NULL);
     $session_langs = new input_session('languages', NULL);
     if (isset($session_links->value) && isset($session_langs->value) && !$forceRefresh) {
     $default_title = getConstOrDefault('TRANSLATION_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'en_US');
     $default_icon = getConstOrDefault('TRANSLATION_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ICON', '');
     $links = array();
     $languages = array();
     $url_arr['class'] = 'smdoc_translation';
     $url_arr['method'] = 'enter';
     $url_arr['langid'] = '';
     $url = getURI($url_arr);
     // Add elements for the default translation
     $the_url = '<a href="' . $url . '0">';
     if (!empty($default_icon)) {
         $the_url .= '<img src="' . $default_icon . '" ';
         $the_url .= 'alt="' . $default_title . '" ';
         $the_url .= 'title="' . $default_title . '" ';
         $the_rul .= ' />';
     } else {
         $the_url .= $default_title;
     $the_url .= '</a>';
     $links[0] = $the_url;
     $languages[0] = $default_title;
     // Fetch available translations
     // no limit, retrieve objects, and don't bother with workspaces.
     $index[] = 'object';
     $where['classid'] = TRANSLATION_CLASS_ID;
     $order = 'title';
     $t_objects =& $foowd->getObjList($index, NULL, $where, $order, NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
     // Add each translation to the list
     foreach ($t_objects as $trans_obj) {
         $the_url = '<a href="' . $url . $trans_obj->objectid . '">';
         if (isset($trans_obj->language_icon)) {
             $the_url .= '<img src="' . $trans_obj->language_icon . '" ';
             $the_url .= 'title="' . $trans_obj->title . '" ';
             $the_url .= 'alt="' . $trans_obj->title . '" />';
         } else {
             $the_url .= $trans_obj->title;
         $the_url .= '</a>';
         $links[$trans_obj->objectid] = $the_url;
         $languages[$trans_obj->objectid] = $trans_obj->title;
Example #4
  * Log out the user.
  * @static
  * @param smdoc $foowd Reference to the foowd environment object.
  * @param string authType The type of user authentication to use.
  * @return int 0 = cookie logged out successfully<br />
  *             1 = http logged out successfully<br />
  *             2 = ip auth, can not log out<br />
  *             3 = user already logged out<br />
  *             4 = http log out failed due to browser<br />
 function logout(&$foowd)
     if ($foowd->user->isAnonymous()) {
         return 3;
     // user already logged out
     $foowd->user = base_user::fetchAnonymousUser($foowd);
     $session_userinfo = new input_session('userinfo', NULL, NULL, true);
     return 0;
     // logged out successfully