function _produce_borrowing_nav() { $ret = ''; $nes = new entity_selector(); $nes->add_type(id_of('type')); $nes->add_right_relationship($this->admin_page->site_id, relationship_id_of('site_cannot_edit_type')); $nes->add_relation('`entity`.`id` = "' . addslashes($this->admin_page->type_id) . '"'); $nes->set_num(1); $nes->limit_tables(); $nes->limit_fields(); $ns = $nes->run_one(); $show_edit = reason_user_has_privs($this->admin_page->user_id, 'edit') && !$this->admin_page->is_second_level() && empty($ns) ? true : false; /* $type = new entity($this->admin_page->type_id); $name = $type->get_value('plural_name') ? $type->get_value('plural_name') : $type->get_value('name'); if(function_exists('mb_strtolower')) $name = mb_strtolower($name); else $name = strtolower($name); */ $ret .= '<div class="borrowNav">' . "\n"; $ret .= '<ul>'; if ($show_edit) { $ret .= '<li><a href="' . $this->admin_page->get_owned_list_link($this->admin_page->type_id) . '"><img src="' . REASON_HTTP_BASE_PATH . 'silk_icons/bullet_edit.png" alt="" /> Add & edit</a></li>'; } $ret .= '<li class="current"><strong><img src="' . REASON_HTTP_BASE_PATH . 'silk_icons/car.png" alt="" /> Borrow</strong></li>'; $ret .= '</ul>' . "\n"; $ret .= '</div>' . "\n"; // if(reason_user_has_privs($this->admin_page->user_id,'edit')) return $ret; }
function get_pages_needing_change() { if (!isset($this->pages_needing_change)) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('minisite_page')); $es->enable_multivalue_results(); $es->limit_tables('page_node'); $es->limit_fields('custom_page'); $es->add_relation('page_node.custom_page = "blurb"'); $es->add_left_relationship_field('minisite_page_to_text_blurb', 'entity', 'id', 'blurb_id'); $result = $es->run_one(); foreach ($result as $k => $page) { $blurbs = is_array($page->get_value('blurb_id')) ? $page->get_value('blurb_id') : array($page->get_value('blurb_id')); foreach ($blurbs as $blurb_id) { $blurb = new entity($blurb_id); $content = $blurb->get_value('content'); $demoted_content = demote_headings($content, 1); if ($content == $demoted_content) { $pages_needing_page_type_change[$k] = $k; } } } $this->pages_needing_change = isset($pages_needing_page_type_change) ? array_keys($pages_needing_page_type_change) : false; } return $this->pages_needing_change; }
/** * Make sure that the model is configured with a valid URL. * * @return string json */ function build() { if ($site_id = $this->config('site_id')) { $s = get_microtime(); $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('social_account_type')); $es->add_right_relationship($site_id, relationship_id_of('site_to_social_account')); $es->add_rel_sort_field($site_id, relationship_id_of('site_to_social_account')); $es->set_order('rel_sort_order ASC'); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); if ($results = $es->run_one()) { $result_keys = array_keys($results); $sih = reason_get_social_integration_helper(); foreach ($result_keys as $id) { // get the integrator if it supports the SocialAccountProfileLinks interface if ($integrator = $sih->get_social_account_integrator($id, 'SocialAccountProfileLinks')) { $profile_links[$id]['icon'] = $integrator->get_profile_link_icon($id); $profile_links[$id]['text'] = $integrator->get_profile_link_text($id); $profile_links[$id]['href'] = $integrator->get_profile_link_href($id); } } if (!empty($profile_links)) { return $profile_links; } } return false; } else { trigger_error('The ReasonSocialProfileLinksModel must be provided with the configuration parameter site_id.', FATAL); } }
function get_last_modified_item_selector() { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id()); $es->add_type($this->type()); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields('last_modified'); $es->set_num(1); $es->set_order('last_modified DESC'); return $es; }
/** * Initialize the module * grabs all the blurbs associated with the current site * @param $args array */ function init($args = array()) { parent::init($args); $master_admin_id = id_of('master_admin'); $es = new entity_selector($master_admin_id); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $es->add_type(id_of('text_blurb')); $es->add_right_relationship($this->site_id, relationship_id_of('site_to_announcement_blurb')); $es->set_env('site', $master_admin_id); $this->blurbs = $es->run_one(); }
function get_orphans($max = NULL, $refresh_cache = false) { if ($refresh_cache || !$this->_orphans_grabbed) { $e = new entity_selector(); $e->limit_tables(); $e->limit_fields(); if (empty($this->_types)) { $types = $e->run_one(id_of('type')); } else { $types = $this->_types; } $sites = $e->run_one(id_of('site'), 'All'); foreach ($types as $type_id => $type) { $e = new entity_selector(); $e->add_type($type_id); $e->limit_tables(); $e->limit_fields(); $alias = $e->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'id', 'site_id'); $field = $alias['site_id']['table'] . '.' . $alias['site_id']['field']; $e->add_relation($field . ' IN ("' . implode('","', array_keys($sites)) . '")'); $non_orphans = $e->run_one('', 'All'); $e = new entity_selector(); $e->add_type($type_id); $e->limit_tables(array('entity')); $e->limit_fields(); if (!empty($non_orphans)) { $e->add_relation(' NOT IN ("' . implode('","', array_keys($non_orphans)) . '")'); } $orphans = $e->run_one('', 'All'); if (!empty($orphans)) { $this->_orphans[$type_id] = $orphans; if (!empty($max)) { $total = count($this->_orphans[$type_id]); $max = $max - $total; if ($max < 1) { $length = count($this->_orphans[$type_id]) + $max; $this->_orphans[$type_id] = array_slice($this->_orphans[$type_id], 0, $length, true); $this->maxed_type = array('type' => $type_id, 'total' => $total); break; } } } } } return $this->_orphans; }
function init($args = array()) { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->description = 'Selecting publications for this page'; $es->add_type(id_of('publication_type')); $es->add_right_relationship($this->page_id, relationship_id_of('page_to_publication')); $es->set_num(1); $publications = $es->run_one(); if (!empty($publications)) { $this->publication = current($publications); if ($this->publication->get_value('has_sections') == 'yes') { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->description = 'Selecting news sections for this publication'; $es->add_type(id_of('news_section_type')); $es->add_left_relationship($this->publication->id(), relationship_id_of('news_section_to_publication')); $es->set_order('sortable.sort_order ASC'); $this->sections = $es->run_one(); } } if (!empty($this->sections) && !empty($this->publication) && $this->publication->get_value('has_issues')) { if (!empty($this->request['issue_id'])) { $iss = new entity($this->request['issue_id']); if ($iss->get_values() && $iss->get_value('type') == id_of('issue_type')) { $this->issue = $iss; } } else { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->description = 'Selecting issues for this publication'; $es->add_type(id_of('issue_type')); $es->limit_tables(array('dated', 'show_hide')); $es->limit_fields('dated.datetime'); $es->set_order('dated.datetime DESC'); $es->add_relation('show_hide.show_hide = "show"'); $es->add_left_relationship($this->publication->id(), relationship_id_of('issue_to_publication')); $es->set_num(1); $issues = $es->run_one(); if (!empty($issues)) { $this->issue = current($issues); } } } }
/** * If the current site has the publication type, find the feed url for the oldest publication and redirect */ function publication_check($site) { $es = new entity_selector($site->id()); $es->add_type(id_of('publication_type')); $es->add_right_relationship_field('news_to_publication', 'entity', 'id', 'news_id'); $es->limit_tables('entity'); $es->limit_fields('entity.creation_date'); $es->set_num(1); $es->set_order('entity.creation_date ASC'); $result = $es->run_one(); if ($result) { $id_array = array_keys($result); $ph = new publicationHelper(reset($id_array)); // should I bother with the helper or just do it here? $feed_url = $ph->get_feed_url($site->id()); if ($feed_url) { header("Location: " . $feed_url, true, 301); } } }
/** * Get the groups that apply to a given page * @param integer $page_id * @return array of group objects */ function get_groups($page_id) { if (!isset($this->_pages_to_groups[$page_id])) { $alrel_id = relationship_id_of('page_to_access_group'); if (!$alrel_id) { trigger_error('page_to_access_group needs to be added. Please upgrade your database at ' . REASON_HTTP_BASE_PATH . 'scripts/upgrade/4.0b6_to_4.0b7/'); return array(); } $chain = $this->_page_tree->get_id_chain($page_id); if (empty($chain)) { trigger_error('Page ' . $page_id . 'does not appear to be in site.'); $this->_pages_to_groups[$page_id] = array(); } else { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('group_type')); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $es->add_right_relationship($chain, $alrel_id); $es->set_num(count($chain)); $this->_pages_to_groups[$page_id] = $es->run_one(); } } return $this->_pages_to_groups[$page_id]; }
function build_entities($e, $t, $last_edited_by, &$entities) { global $a_ids; $cb_new = ''; if ($rel_id = isset($a_ids[$t]) ? $a_ids[$t] : false) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type($t); $es->add_right_relationship($e, $rel_id); $es->limit_fields(array('entity.last_edited_by')); $es->limit_tables(array('entity')); $es->set_order('last_modified ASC, ASC'); $archived = $es->run_one(false, 'Archived'); foreach ($archived as $k => $v) { if (empty($cb_new)) { $result = true; $cb_new = $v->get_value('last_edited_by'); $entities[$e] = $cb_new; } $entities[$k] = $cb_new; } } return isset($result); }
function init_from_categories(&$already_selected) { if ($this->page_category_mode) { $cat_es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $cat_es->add_type(id_of('category_type')); $cat_es->limit_tables(); $cat_es->limit_fields(); $cat_es->add_right_relationship($this->page_id, relationship_id_of('page_to_category')); $cat_result = $cat_es->run_one(); if (!empty($cat_result)) { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('quote_type')); $es->set_env('site', $this->site_id); $es->add_left_relationship_field('quote_to_category', 'entity', 'id', 'cat_id', array_keys($cat_result)); if (!empty($already_selected)) { $es->add_relation(' NOT IN (' . implode(array_keys($already_selected)) . ')'); } $result = $es->run_one(); } } return !empty($result) ? $result : array(); }
/** * Find all files with one of these extensions .pptx, .docx, or xlsx where mime type is not application/vnd.openxmlformats * * @todo implement me */ protected function get_assets_needing_fixing() { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->limit_tables(array('entity', 'asset')); $es->limit_fields(array('mime_type', 'file_type', 'last_edited_by', 'last_modified')); $es->add_type(id_of('asset')); $es->add_relation('`file_type` IN ("' . implode('","', $this->seek_file_extensions) . '")'); $es->add_relation('`mime_type` IN ("' . implode('","', $this->seek_mime_types) . '")'); $result = $es->run_one(); return !empty($result) ? $result : FALSE; }
<input type="submit" name="do_it" value="Run the script" /> </form> <?php } else { $report = ''; // first find all sites $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('site')); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $result = $es->run_one(); $site_ids = array_keys($result); foreach ($site_ids as $site_id) { $es = new entity_selector($site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('minisite_page')); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $meta = $es->add_left_relationship_field('minisite_page_parent', 'entity', 'id', 'parent_id'); $str = $meta['parent_id']['table'] . "." . $meta['parent_id']['field']; $es->add_relation(' = ' . $str); $result = $es->run_one(); $count = count($result); if ($count > 1) { $site = new entity($site_id); $report .= '<h3>The site "' . $site->get_value('name') . '" has ' . $count . ' root pages.</h3>'; $report .= '<ul>'; foreach ($result as $page) { $last_mod = $page->get_value('last_modified'); $page_name = $page->get_value('name'); $page_name = !empty($page_name) ? $page_name : '<em>Untitled</em>'; $report .= '<li>' . $page_name . ' (id is ' . $page->id() . ', last modified ' . prettify_mysql_datetime($last_mod) . ')</li>';
function further_checks_on_entity( $entity ) { if($this->params['limit_to_current_page']) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('av')); $es->add_relation('`entity`.`id` = "'.addslashes($entity->id()).'"'); $es->add_right_relationship( $this->page_id, relationship_id_of('minisite_page_to_av') ); $es->set_num(1); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $results = $es->run_one(); return (!empty($results)); } return true; }
function get_allowable_relationships_with_missing_types() { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(array('id', 'name')); $es->add_type(id_of('type')); $valid_types = $es->run_one('', 'All'); // look at all entities of all state $valid_type_ids = implode(',', array_keys($valid_types)); $q = 'SELECT id from allowable_relationship WHERE ((relationship_a NOT IN ('.$valid_type_ids.')) OR (relationship_b NOT IN ('.$valid_type_ids.')))'; $results = db_query($q); while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $ids[] = $result['id']; } return (isset($ids)) ? $ids : array(); }
function &_get_site_pages_with_valid_publications() { $rpts =& get_reason_page_types(); $ms =& reason_get_module_sets(); $publication_modules = $ms->get('publication_item_display'); $page_types = $rpts->get_page_type_names_that_use_module($publication_modules); // this logic to exclude publication page types with related mode set to true is a bit silly. // perhaps we should have in the page types class something that lets us filter a set of page types according to parameter values or something foreach ($page_types as $page_type_name) { $pt = $rpts->get_page_type($page_type_name); $pt_props = $pt->get_properties(); foreach ($pt_props as $region => $region_info) { if (in_array($region_info['module_name'], $publication_modules) && !(isset($region_info['module_params']['related_mode']) && ($region_info['module_params']['related_mode'] == "true" || $region_info['module_params']['related_mode'] == true))) { $valid_page_types[] = $page_type_name; } } } if (isset($valid_page_types)) { // check each page type to make sure publication is NOT in related mode foreach (array_keys($valid_page_types) as $k) { quote_walk($valid_page_types[$k], NULL); } $es = new entity_selector($this->site->id()); $es->add_type(id_of('minisite_page')); $es->limit_tables(array('page_node')); $es->limit_fields(array('custom_page')); $es->add_left_relationship_field('page_to_publication', 'entity', 'id', 'pub_id'); $es->add_relation('page_node.custom_page IN (' . implode(",", $valid_page_types) . ')'); $result = $es->run_one(); } else { $result = false; } return $result; }
function _validate_thor_tables($all_tables) { // create string of ids $form_ids = array_keys($all_tables); $form_id_string = implode(",",$form_ids); // select all form entities with ids in $all_tables - ones that are not selected do not correspond to a reason entity $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('form')); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $es->add_relation(' IN ('.$form_id_string.')'); $result = $es->run_one(); $form_ids_in_reason = array_keys($result); $invalid_ids = (array_diff($form_ids, $form_ids_in_reason)); foreach ($invalid_ids as $id) { unset($all_tables[$id]); } return $all_tables; }
function &get_sites() { if (!isset($this->_sites)) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(''); $es->add_type(id_of('site')); $es->set_order(' ASC'); $this->_sites = $es->run_one(); } return $this->_sites; }
/** * We want to find pages where custom_page is in our array $deleted_page_type_names_to_check_for. * */ protected function get_pages_using_now_missing_page_types() { static $retrieved; if (!isset($retrieved)) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->limit_tables('page_node'); $es->limit_fields('custom_page'); $es->add_type(id_of('minisite_page')); $es->add_relation('page_node.custom_page IN ("' . implode('","', $this->deleted_page_type_names_to_check_for) . '")'); $retrieved = $es->run_one(); } return $retrieved; }
function site_owns_id() { if ($this->id && $this->site_id && empty($this->request['new_entity']) && $this->cur_module && ($this->cur_module == 'Editor' || $this->cur_module == 'Associator')) { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type($this->type_id); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $es->add_relation(' = ' . $this->id); $es->set_sharing('owns'); $es->set_num(1); if ($es->run_one('', 'All')) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Find the categories attached to the current page. * * @return array of categories (id => name) */ protected function get_page_categories() { if (empty($this->page_categories)) { $cat_es = new entity_selector(); $cat_es->description = 'Selecting categories for this page'; $cat_es->add_type(id_of('category_type')); $cat_es->limit_tables(); $cat_es->limit_fields(); $cat_es->add_right_relationship($this->get_source_page_id(), relationship_id_of('page_to_category')); if ($categories = $cat_es->run_one()) { foreach ($categories as $cat) { $this->page_categories[$cat->id()] = $cat->get_value('name'); } } } return $this->page_categories; }
function get_page_image($page_id) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->set_env( 'site' , $this->site_id ); $es->add_type(id_of('image')); $es->add_right_relationship($page_id, relationship_id_of('minisite_page_to_image')); $es->set_num(1); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); if($this->params['randomize_images']) $es->set_order('rand()'); else $es->set_order('relationship.rel_sort_order ASC'); $images = $es->run_one(); if(!empty($images)) { return current($images); } return false; }
function update_es() { // lets find the sites that share the type (except the current site) and limit our query to those sites $prep_es = new entity_selector(); $prep_es->add_type(id_of('site')); $prep_es->add_left_relationship($this->admin_page->type_id, relationship_id_of('site_shares_type')); if ($this->site_is_live()) { $prep_es->limit_tables('site'); $prep_es->limit_fields('site.site_state'); $prep_es->add_relation('site.site_state = "Live"'); $prep_es->add_relation(' != "' . $this->admin_page->site_id . '"'); } else { $prep_es->limit_tables(); $prep_es->limit_fields(); } $this->sites_that_borrow_type = $prep_es->run_one(); $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type($this->admin_page->type_id); $limiter = !empty($this->admin_page->request['search_site']) ? $this->admin_page->request['search_site'] : array_keys($this->sites_that_borrow_type); if (empty($limiter)) { $limiter = array("-1"); } // no sites share type lets limit to site_id = -1, which will be no sites - this avoids a crash. $es->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'id', 'site_id', $limiter); $es->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'name', 'site'); $this->apply_order_and_limits($es); $es->add_relation('(entity.no_share IS NULL OR entity.no_share = 0)'); // entity is shared $this->es = $es; }
function _get_latest_published_issue_id($blog_id) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('issue_type')); $es->add_left_relationship($blog_id, relationship_id_of('issue_to_publication')); $es->limit_tables(array('dated', 'show_hide')); $es->set_num(1); $es->set_order('datetime DESC'); $es->add_relation('show_hide.show_hide = "show"'); $issues = $es->run_one(); if (!empty($issues)) { $issue = current($issues); return $issue->id(); } return false; }
/** * Get the sites a given user has administrative access to * * @param mixed $user entity or user id * @return array of site entities */ function reason_user_sites($user) { if (is_object($user)) { $user_id = $user->id(); } else { $user_id = (int) $user; } if (empty($user_id)) { trigger_error('reason_user_sites() requires a user entity or integer ID as its first parameter. Returning empty array.'); return array(); } static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$user_id])) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('site')); $es->add_left_relationship($user_id, relationship_id_of('site_to_user')); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $cache[$user_id] = $es->run_one(); } return $cache[$user_id]; }
/** * Returns an array of the issues associated with the current item id. * Format: $issue_id => $issue_entity * @return array array of the issues for this publication */ function &get_issues_for_item() { static $issues; if (!isset($issues[$this->current_item_id])) { if ($all_issues = $this->get_all_issues()) { $es = new entity_selector( $this->site_id ); $es->description = 'Selecting issues for this news item'; $es->limit_tables('dated'); $es->limit_fields('dated.datetime'); $es->add_type( id_of('issue_type') ); $es->add_right_relationship( $this->current_item_id, relationship_id_of('news_to_issue') ); $es->add_relation(' IN ('.implode(", ", array_keys($all_issues)).')'); $es->set_order('dated.datetime DESC'); $issue_set = $es->run_one(); $issues[$this->current_item_id] = $issue_set; } else $issues[$this->current_item_id] = FALSE; } return $issues[$this->current_item_id]; }
function get_views($type_id) { $ds = new entity_selector(); $ds->add_type(id_of('view')); $ds->limit_tables('sortable'); $ds->limit_fields(); $ds->set_order('sortable.sort_order'); $ds->add_right_relationship($type_id, relationship_id_of('type_to_default_view')); $default_views = $ds->run_one(); $ssvs = new entity_selector(); $ssvs->add_type(id_of('view')); $ds->limit_tables('sortable'); $ds->limit_fields(); $ssvs->add_left_relationship($type_id, relationship_id_of('view_to_type')); $ssvs->add_left_relationship($this->admin_page->site_id, relationship_id_of('view_to_site')); $ssvs->set_order('sortable.sort_order'); $site_specific_views = $ssvs->run_one(); $this->views = $site_specific_views; foreach ($default_views as $id => $view) { if (!array_key_exists($id, $site_specific_views)) { $this->views[$id] = $view; } } if (!empty($this->admin_page->request['lister']) && array_key_exists($this->admin_page->request['lister'], $this->views)) { $view = $this->views[$this->admin_page->request['lister']]; if ($view->id() == $this->admin_page->request['lister']) { $viewer_type = $view->get_left_relationship('view_to_view_type'); } } elseif (!empty($this->views)) { reset($this->views); $view = current($this->views); $viewer_type = $view->get_left_relationship('view_to_view_type'); } if (!empty($viewer_type)) { reset($viewer_type); $this->viewer_entity = current($viewer_type); } }
/** * If the enable_comment_notification field exists, then zap it - will only be the case if an earlier version of this script was run * */ function zap_field($entity_table_name, $field_name, $reason_user_id) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('content_table')); $es->add_relation(' = "' . $entity_table_name . '"'); $es->set_num(1); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $result = $es->run_one(); if (empty($result)) { echo '<p>The entity table ' . $entity_table_name . ' does not exist - field ' . $field_name . ' could not be zapped</p>'; return false; } else { $et = current($result); $es2 = new entity_selector(); $es2->add_type(id_of('field')); $es2->add_relation(' = "' . $field_name . '"'); $es2->add_left_relationship($et->id(), relationship_id_of('field_to_entity_table')); $es2->set_num(1); //$es2->limit_tables(); //$es2->limit_fields(); $result2 = $es2->run_one(); if (empty($result2)) { echo '<p>The field ' . $field_name . ' does not exist in entity table ' . $entity_table_name . ' and could not be zapped</p>'; return false; } else { $res = current($result2); $q = "ALTER TABLE " . $entity_table_name . " DROP " . $field_name; db_query($q); reason_expunge_entity($res->id(), $reason_user_id); // also deletes all relationships to the field, which fixes the entity table echo '<p>Zapped field ' . $field_name . ' in entity table ' . $entity_table_name . '<p>'; } } }
function get_assets() { if (!isset($this->_assets)) { $es = new entity_selector($this->config('site_id')); $es->add_type(id_of('asset')); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields('name'); $this->_assets = $es->run_one(); } return $this->_assets; }
/** * Move the field location in the location entity table to the event table and then delete the location entity table. */ function move_location_field_to_event() { $fields = get_fields_by_content_table('event'); if (in_array('location', $fields)) { echo '<p>The event entity table already has the location field - the script has probably been run</p>'; $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('event_type')); $es->set_num(5); $es->add_relation('event.location IS NOT NULL'); $result = $es->run_one(); } elseif ($this->mode == 'run') { // grab all locations from the location.location table for events $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('event_type')); $es->limit_tables(array('location')); $es->limit_fields(array('location.location')); $es->add_relation(' ((location.location IS NOT NULL) AND (location.location != ""))'); $result = $es->run_one('', 'All'); // All does not get archived entities ... hmmm $result2 = $es->run_one('', 'Archived'); // populate $ids - an array of entity ids to location value, with it we can do a direct update of the event entity table foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $ids[$k] = $v->get_value('location'); } foreach ($result2 as $k2 => $v2) { $ids[$k2] = $v2->get_value('location'); } unset($es); unset($result); unset($result2); // lets find our table entity $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('content_table')); $es->add_relation(' = "location"'); $es->set_num(1); $location_result = $es->run_one(); $es2 = new entity_selector(); $es2->add_type(id_of('content_table')); $es2->add_relation(' = "event"'); $es2->set_num(1); $event_result = $es2->run_one(); if ($location_result && $event_result) { $location_table = reset($location_result); $event_result = reset($event_result); $field_to_entity_table_id = relationship_id_of('field_to_entity_table'); $es3 = new entity_selector(); $es3->add_type(id_of('field')); $es3->add_relation(' = "location"'); $es3->add_left_relationship($location_table->id(), $field_to_entity_table_id); $es3->set_num(1); $es3_result = $es3->run_one(); if ($es3_result) { $field = reset($es3_result); // create the column on the event table $q = "ALTER TABLE event ADD location " . $field->get_value('db_type'); $r = db_query($q, 'Problems - could not add the location column to the event table'); $sqler = new SQLER(); // populate the values for the new column if (isset($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id => $location) { $sqler->update_one('event', array('location' => $location), $id); } } // update the entity table for the field_to_entity_table_relationship at hand $q = 'UPDATE relationship SET entity_b=' . $event_result->id(); $q .= ' WHERE entity_a=' . $field->id() . ' AND entity_b=' . $location_table->id() . ' AND type=' . $field_to_entity_table_id; db_query($q); // create the column on the event table $q = "DROP TABLE location"; $r = db_query($q, 'Could not drop the entity table location'); reason_expunge_entity($location_table->id(), $this->reason_id); echo '<p>Moved location.location to event.location, and deleted the location entity table</p>'; } } } elseif ($this->mode == 'test') { echo '<p>Would move the location.location to event.location, and delete the location entity table</p>'; } }