minify() public method

Strip Javascript/CSS files of extraneous whitespaces and comments; Return combined output as a minified string
public minify ( $files, $mime = NULL, $header = TRUE, $path = NULL ) : string
$files string|array
$mime string
$header bool
$path string
return string
Example #1
    Graphics::identicon(f3::get(''), f3::get('PARAMS.size'));
$app->route('GET /invert', function () {
$app->route('GET /thumb', function () {
    Graphics::thumb('{{@GUI}}large.jpg', 256, 192);
}, 60);
$app->route('GET /screenshot', function () {
    Graphics::screenshot('', 150, 200);
$app->route('GET /google/map', function () {
    Google::staticmap('Brooklyn Bridge', 12, '256x256');
$app->route('GET /minified/@script', function () use($app) {
    Web::minify($app->get('GUI'), array(f3::get('PARAMS.script')));
class Obj
    public function hello()
        echo 'hello';
class CustomObj
    public function hello()
        echo 'hello';
Example #2
 function minified()
     if (isset($_GET['base']) && isset($_GET['files'])) {
         $_GET = $this->scrub($_GET);
         Web::minify($_GET['base'], explode(',', $_GET['files']));