Example #1
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $this->template->content->active = "options";
     $session = Session::instance();
     // Check for post
     if ($this->request->method() === "POST") {
         $bucket_name = trim($this->request->post('bucket_name'));
         // Check for updates to the bucket name
         if (Valid::not_empty($bucket_name) and strcmp($bucket_name, $this->bucket['name']) !== 0) {
             $bucket_id = $this->bucket['id'];
             $parameters = array('name' => $bucket_name, 'public' => (bool) $this->request->post('bucket_publish'));
             if (($bucket = $this->bucket_service->modify_bucket($bucket_id, $parameters, $this->user)) != FALSE) {
                 $session->set('message', __("Bucket settings successfully saved"));
                 // Reload the settings page using the updated bucket name
                 $this->redirect($bucket['url'] . '/settings', 302);
             } else {
                 $session->set('error', __("The bucket settings could not be updated"));
     // Set the messages and/or error messages
     $this->template->content->set('message', $session->get('message'))->set('error', $session->get('error'));
     $this->settings_content = View::factory('pages/bucket/settings/display')->bind('bucket', $this->bucket)->bind('collaborators_view', $collaborators_view);
     // Collaboraotors view
     $collaborators_view = View::factory('/template/collaborators')->bind('fetch_url', $fetch_url)->bind('collaborator_list', $collaborators);
     $fetch_url = $this->bucket_base_url . '/collaborators';
     $collaborators = json_encode($this->bucket_service->get_collaborators($this->bucket['id']));
Example #2
 public function check_code($value)
     $_site_type = empty($this->_original_values['type']) ? $this->_object['type'] : $this->_original_values['type'];
     if ($_site_type === 'master') {
         return !Valid::not_empty($value);
     } else {
         return Valid::not_empty($value);
Example #3
  * Validate the domain of an email address by checking if the domain has a
  * valid MX record and is nmot blaklisted as a temporary email
  * @link  http://php.net/checkdnsrr  not added to Windows until PHP 5.3.0
  * @param   string  $email  email address
  * @return  boolean
 public static function email_domain($email)
     if (!Valid::not_empty($email)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Empty fields cause issues with checkdnsrr()
     $domain = preg_replace('/^[^@]++@/', '', $email);
     if (core::config('general.black_list') == TRUE and in_array($domain, self::get_banned_domains())) {
         return FALSE;
     // Check if the email domain has a valid MX record
     return (bool) checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX');
Example #4
 public static function check_data($value, $data)
     switch ($data['type']) {
         case 'static':
             return TRUE;
         case 'module':
             return Valid::not_empty($value) and Valid::alpha_dash($value) and $value != '-';
         case 'page':
             return Valid::not_empty($value) and Valid::digit($value) and $value != '-' and $data['id'] != $value;
         case 'url':
             return Valid::not_empty($value) and Model_Page::check_link($value) and $value != '-';
     return FALSE;
Example #5
	 * Checks that at least $needed of $fields are not_empty
	 * @param	 array		array of values
	 * @param	 integer	Number of fields required
	 * @param	 array		Field names to check.
	 * @return	boolean
	public static function at_least($validation, $needed = 1, $fields)
		$found = 0;

		foreach ($fields as $field)
			if (isset($validation[$field]) AND Valid::not_empty($validation[$field]))

		if ($found >= $needed)
			return TRUE;

		$validation->error($fields[0], 'at_least', array($needed, $fields));
Example #6
  * Validate the domain of an email address by checking if the domain has a
  * valid MX record.
  * @link  http://php.net/checkdnsrr  not added to Windows until PHP 5.3.0
  * @param   string $email email address
  * @return  boolean
 public static function email_domain($email)
     if (!Valid::not_empty($email)) {
         return false;
     // Empty fields cause issues with checkdnsrr()
     // Check if the email domain has a valid MX record
     return (bool) checkdnsrr(preg_replace('/^[^@]++@/', '', $email), 'MX');
Example #7
 public function token()
     // Validate the request
     $request_params = $this->validate_token_params();
     // Response Params
     $response_params = array('token_type' => OAuth2::TOKEN_TYPE_BEARER, 'expires_in' => Model_OAuth2_Access_Token::$lifetime);
     $client = Model_OAuth2_Client::find_client($request_params['client_id'], $request_params['client_secret']);
     $user_id = NULL;
     if ($request_params['grant_type'] == OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_AUTH_CODE) {
         $auth_code = Model_OAuth2_Auth_Code::find_code($request_params['code']);
         $user_id = $auth_code->user_id;
     } elseif ($request_params['grant_type'] == OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_REFRESH_TOKEN) {
         $refresh_token = Model_OAuth2_Refresh_Token::find_token($request_params['refresh_token']);
         $user_id = $refresh_token->user_id;
     } elseif ($request_params['grant_type'] == OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS) {
         $user_id = NULL;
     } elseif ($request_params['grant_type'] == OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_PASSWORD) {
         $user_id = $this->_validate_user($request_params['username'], $request_params['password']);
     // Generate an access token
     $access_token = Model_OAuth2_Access_Token::create_token($request_params['client_id'], $user_id, $request_params['scope']);
     $response_params['access_token'] = $access_token->access_token;
     // If refreh tokens are supported, add one.
     if (in_array(OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_REFRESH_TOKEN, OAuth2::$supported_grant_types)) {
         // Generate a refresh token
         $refresh_token = Model_OAuth2_Refresh_Token::create_token($request_params['client_id'], $user_id, $request_params['scope']);
         $response_params['refresh_token'] = $refresh_token->refresh_token;
     // Add scope if needed
     if (Valid::not_empty($request_params['scope'])) {
         $response_params['scope'] = $request_params['scope'];
     return json_encode($response_params);
Example #8
  * Links restful api
 public function action_places()
     // Is the logged in user an owner?
     if (!$this->owner) {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_403();
     $this->template = "";
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     $droplet_id = intval($this->request->param('id', 0));
     $place_id = intval($this->request->param('id2', 0));
     switch ($this->request->method()) {
         case "POST":
             $places_array = json_decode($this->request->body(), true);
             $place_name = $places_array['place_name'];
             if (!Valid::not_empty($place_name)) {
                 $this->response->headers('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                 $errors = array(__("Invalid location"));
                 echo json_encode(array('errors' => $errors));
             $account_id = $this->visited_account->id;
             $place_orm = Model_Account_Droplet_Place::get_place($place_name, $droplet_id, $account_id);
             echo json_encode(array('id' => $place_orm->place->id, 'place_name' => $place_orm->place->place_name, 'place_name_canonical' => $place_orm->place->place_name_canonical));
         case "DELETE":
             Model_Droplet::delete_place($droplet_id, $place_id, $this->visited_account->id);
 public function check()
     if (JsonApiApplication::$profiling === TRUE) {
         $benchmark = Profiler::start('Validation', __FUNCTION__);
     $data = $this->_errors = array();
     $original = $this->_data;
     $expected = Arr::merge(array_keys($original), array_keys($this->_labels));
     $rules = $this->_rules;
     foreach ($expected as $field) {
         $data[$field] = Arr::get($this, $field);
         if (isset($rules[TRUE])) {
             if (!isset($rules[$field])) {
                 $rules[$field] = array();
             $rules[$field] = array_merge($rules[$field], $rules[TRUE]);
     $this->_data = $data;
     $this->bind(':validation', $this);
     $this->bind(':data', $this->_data);
     foreach ($rules as $field => $set) {
         $value = $this[$field];
         $this->bind(array(':field' => $field, ':value' => $value));
         foreach ($set as $array) {
             list($rule, $params) = $array;
             foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
                 if (is_string($param) and array_key_exists($param, $this->_bound)) {
                     $params[$key] = $this->_bound[$param];
             $error_name = $rule;
             if (is_array($rule)) {
                 if (is_string($rule[0]) and array_key_exists($rule[0], $this->_bound)) {
                     $rule[0] = $this->_bound[$rule[0]];
                 $error_name = $rule[1];
                 $passed = call_user_func_array($rule, $params);
             } elseif (!is_string($rule)) {
                 $error_name = FALSE;
                 $passed = call_user_func_array($rule, $params);
             } elseif (method_exists('Valid', $rule)) {
                 $method = new ReflectionMethod('Valid', $rule);
                 $passed = $method->invokeArgs(NULL, $params);
             } elseif (strpos($rule, '::') === FALSE) {
                 $function = new ReflectionFunction($rule);
                 $passed = $function->invokeArgs($params);
             } else {
                 list($class, $method) = explode('::', $rule, 2);
                 $method = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
                 $passed = $method->invokeArgs(NULL, $params);
             if (!in_array($rule, $this->_empty_rules) and !Valid::not_empty($value)) {
             if ($passed === FALSE and $error_name !== FALSE) {
                 $this->error($field, $error_name, $params);
             } elseif (isset($this->_errors[$field])) {
     $this->_data = $original;
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
     return empty($this->_errors);
Example #10
 protected function _valid_group($group)
     // Group cannot be empty
     if (!Valid::not_empty($group)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Can only consist of alpha-numeric values, dashes, underscores, and slashes
     if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\/_-]/', $group)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Must also contain at least one alpha-numeric value
     if (!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9]/', $group)) {
         return FALSE;
     // --group="/" breaks things but "a/b" should be allowed
     return TRUE;
Example #11
 public function action_newUser()
     //            echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); exit;
     // form post handling
     if (isset($_POST) && Valid::not_empty($_POST)) {
         // validate
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST)->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('email', 'email_domain')->rule('username', 'not_empty')->rule('username', Kohana::$config->load('musyme.account.create.username.format'))->rule('username', 'min_length', array(':value', Kohana::$config->load('musyme.account.create.username.min_length')))->rule('username', 'max_length', array(':value', Kohana::$config->load('musyme.account.create.username.max_length')))->rule('password', 'not_empty')->rule('password', 'min_length', array(':value', Kohana::$config->load('musyme.account.create.password.min_length')))->rule('password', array($this, 'pwdneusr'), array(':validation', ':field', 'username'));
         if ($post->check()) {
             // save
             $model = ORM::factory('User');
             $model->values(array('email' => $post['email'], 'username' => HTML::entities(strip_tags($post['username'])), 'password' => $post['password']));
             try {
                 $model->add('roles', ORM::factory('Role')->where('name', '=', 'login')->find());
                 $model->add('roles', ORM::factory('Role')->where('name', '=', 'participant')->find());
             } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
                 $errors = $e->errors('user');
         } else {
             $errors = $post->errors('user');
     // TODO i18n
     $this->template->title = __('Create an account');
     // display
     $this->template->content = View::factory('dashboard/users/new')->bind('post', $post)->bind('errors', $errors);
Example #12
  * XHR endpoint for managing a user's buckets
 public function action_buckets()
     $this->template = "";
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     switch ($this->request->method()) {
         case "POST":
             $payload = json_decode($this->request->body(), TRUE);
             if (Valid::not_empty($payload['name'])) {
                 $bucket_name = $payload['name'];
                 $bucket = $this->bucket_service->create_bucket($bucket_name, $this->user);
                 $this->response->headers("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
                 echo json_encode($bucket);
         case "DELETE":
             $bucket_id = $this->request->param('id', 0);
Example #13
  * Checks if a field is set.
  * Modified version of Validate::not_empty, also accepts FALSE
  * as a valid value
  * @return  boolean
 public static function required($value)
     return Valid::not_empty($value) || $value === FALSE;
Example #14
  * Tests Valid::not_empty()
  * Checks if a field is not empty.
  * @test
  * @dataProvider provider_not_empty
  * @param mixed   $value  Value to check
  * @param boolean $empty  Is the value really empty?
 public function test_not_empty($value, $empty)
     return $this->assertSame($empty, Valid::not_empty($value));
Example #15
 public function action_password()
     // user already logged in, redirect to dashboard
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in('participant')) {
     // try to match
     if (isset($_GET['token']) && isset($_GET['email'])) {
         if (strlen($_GET['token']) == 32 && Valid::email($_GET['email'])) {
             // match $_GET with user
             $user = ORM::factory('user')->where('email', '=', $_GET['email'])->where('reset_token', '=', $_GET['token'])->find();
             if ($user->loaded()) {
                 $found = 1;
             } else {
                 $found = 0;
         } else {
     } else {
     // handle post
     if (isset($_POST) && Valid::not_empty($_POST)) {
         // validate the login form
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST)->rule('username', 'not_empty')->rule('password', 'not_empty')->rule('password', 'min_length', array(':value', Kohana::$config->load('ko32example.account.create.password.min_length')))->rule('password', array($this, 'pwdneusr'), array(':validation', ':field', 'username'));
         // if the form is valid and the username and password matches
         if ($post->check()) {
             // modify the password
             $user->reset_token = NULL;
             $user->password = $post['password'];
             // log the user
             if (Auth::instance()->login($post['username'], $post['password'])) {
                 Session::instance()->set('success_pwd', 1);
         } else {
             $errors = $post->errors('user');
     // display
     $this->template->title = 'Reset password step 2';
     $this->template->content = View::factory('account/password')->bind('post', $post)->bind('errors', $errors)->bind('found', $found)->bind('user', $user);
Example #16
  * Executes all validation rules. This should
  * typically be called within an if/else block.
  *     if ($validation->check())
  *     {
  *          // The data is valid, do something here
  *     }
  * @param   boolean   allow empty array?
  * @return  boolean
 public function check()
     if (Kohana::$profiling === TRUE) {
         // Start a new benchmark
         $benchmark = Profiler::start('Validation', __FUNCTION__);
     // New data set
     $data = $this->_errors = array();
     // Store the original data because this class should not modify it post-validation
     $original = $this->getArrayCopy();
     // Get a list of the expected fields
     $expected = Arr::merge(array_keys($original), array_keys($this->_labels));
     // Import the rules locally
     $rules = $this->_rules;
     foreach ($expected as $field) {
         // Use the submitted value or NULL if no data exists
         $data[$field] = Arr::get($this, $field);
         if (isset($rules[TRUE])) {
             if (!isset($rules[$field])) {
                 // Initialize the rules for this field
                 $rules[$field] = array();
             // Append the rules
             $rules[$field] = array_merge($rules[$field], $rules[TRUE]);
     // Overload the current array with the new one
     // Remove the rules that apply to every field
     // Bind the validation object to :validation
     $this->bind(':validation', $this);
     // Execute the rules
     foreach ($rules as $field => $set) {
         // Get the field value
         $value = $this[$field];
         // Bind the field name and value to :field and :value respectively
         $this->bind(array(':field' => $field, ':value' => $value));
         foreach ($set as $array) {
             // Rules are defined as array($rule, $params)
             list($rule, $params) = $array;
             foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
                 if (is_string($param) and array_key_exists($param, $this->_bound)) {
                     // Replace with bound value
                     $params[$key] = $this->_bound[$param];
             // Default the error name to be the rule (except array and lambda rules)
             $error_name = $rule;
             if (is_array($rule)) {
                 // This is an array callback, the method name is the error name
                 $error_name = $rule[1];
                 $passed = call_user_func_array($rule, $params);
             } elseif (!is_string($rule)) {
                 // This is a lambda function, there is no error name (errors must be added manually)
                 $error_name = FALSE;
                 $passed = call_user_func_array($rule, $params);
             } elseif (method_exists('Valid', $rule)) {
                 // Use a method in this object
                 $method = new ReflectionMethod('Valid', $rule);
                 // Call static::$rule($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
                 $passed = $method->invokeArgs(NULL, $params);
             } elseif (strpos($rule, '::') === FALSE) {
                 // Use a function call
                 $function = new ReflectionFunction($rule);
                 // Call $function($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
                 $passed = $function->invokeArgs($params);
             } else {
                 // Split the class and method of the rule
                 list($class, $method) = explode('::', $rule, 2);
                 // Use a static method call
                 $method = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
                 // Call $Class::$method($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
                 $passed = $method->invokeArgs(NULL, $params);
             // Ignore return values from rules when the field is empty
             if (!in_array($rule, $this->_empty_rules) and !Valid::not_empty($value)) {
             if ($passed === FALSE and $error_name !== FALSE) {
                 // Add the rule to the errors
                 $this->error($field, $error_name, $params);
                 // This field has an error, stop executing rules
     // Restore the data to its original form
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
         // Stop benchmarking
     return empty($this->_errors);
Example #17
  * Add extra parameter validation
 public function build_validation(Validation $validation)
     return parent::build_validation($validation)->rule('source', 'not_empty')->rule('source', 'in_array', array(':value', array('api', 'sql')))->rule('url', 'url')->rule('url', function ($validation, $field, $value, $data) {
         if ($data['source'] == 'api' and !Valid::not_empty($value)) {
             $validation->error($field, 'not_empty');
     }, array(':validation', ':field', ':value', ':data'))->rule('use-external', function ($validation, $field, $value, $data) {
         if ($value === TRUE) {
             return TRUE;
         if (is_string($value) and !Valid::url($value)) {
             $validation->error($field, 'url');
         return FALSE;
     }, array(':validation', ':field', ':value', ':data'))->rule('username', function ($validation, $field, $value, $data) {
         if ($data['source'] == 'sql' and !Valid::not_empty($value)) {
             $validation->error($field, 'not_empty');
     }, array(':validation', ':field', ':value', ':data'))->rule('database', function ($validation, $field, $value, $data) {
         if ($data['source'] == 'sql' and !Valid::not_empty($value)) {
             $validation->error($field, 'not_empty');
     }, array(':validation', ':field', ':value', ':data'))->rule('clean', function ($validation, $field, $value, $data) {
         if ($value !== FALSE and is_string($data['use-external'])) {
             $validation->error($field, 'incompatible_use_external');
     }, array(':validation', ':field', ':value', ':data'))->rule('batch-size', 'numeric')->rule('form-id', 'numeric')->rule('oauth-client-id', 'not_empty')->rule('oauth-client-secret', 'not_empty')->rule('dest-username', 'not_empty');