function checkEmail()
     $email = urldecode(JRequest::getString('email', NULL, 'method'));
     // validate email format
     if (!UserHelper::isEmailAddressWellformed($email)) {
         echo JText::_("SYSTEM_EMAIL_INVALID_FORMAT");
     // verify that email is not used
     if (UserHelper::emailExists($email)) {
         echo JText::_("SYSTEM_EMAIL_ALREADY_USED");
Example #2
$tInner = new Template("templates/forgot_password.tpl.html");
$showForm = true;
$error = "";
$message = "";
if ($_POST) {
    $emailValue = trim($_POST["email"]);
    $emailFilteredValue = ValidationHelper::isEmail($emailValue);
    if ($emailValue == "" || $emailValue == FormFieldTexts::EMAIL) {
        $error = "Please enter email";
        $focusId = "email";
    } else {
        if ($emailFilteredValue === false) {
            $error = "Please enter a valid email address";
            $focusId = "email";
        } else {
            if (!UserHelper::emailExists($db, $emailFilteredValue)) {
                $error = "The email address you entered has not been registered: {$emailFilteredValue}";
                $focusId = "email";
            } else {
                // all good
                $showForm = false;
                $emailResult = UserHelper::forgotPassword($db, $emailFilteredValue);
                if (!$emailResult) {
                    $error = "Could not send password reset email";
                } else {
                    $message = "Your password has been reset and emailed to you";
} else {