Example #1

require_once 'User.php';
require_once 'functions.php';
require_once 'Message.php';
//set path to source document
$file = 'random.txt';
// if cron can't find this then make it an absolute path
//no reply by default
$reply_to = "";
$user = new User();
$percent = 2;
//percent chance the bot will respond to another bot
//if the latest mentioner is a real person there is a 100% chance of responding
if (!in_array($user->latest_mentioner_name, $user->friendList())) {
    $percent = 100;
} else {
    $percent = 2;
/* status codes
3 - there is a new mention and a possible response
2 - a chance there will be a random mention not in response
1 - a chance there will be a random post
0 - nothing happens
if ($user->hasNewMention() == TRUE && randomChance($percent) == TRUE) {
    $status = 3;
    $reply_to = $user->latest_mentioner_name . " ";
} else {
    if (randomChance(1) == TRUE) {
        $status = 2;