public function actionAutomaticReassignBySystem()
     $TicketsO = Ticket::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE id in (SELECT FROM ticket T\r\n                        LEFT JOIN\r\n                        (SELECT MAX( AS CommID, C3.ticket_id FROM comment C3 WHERE (C3.user_added = (CONCAT((SELECT u1.fname FROM user u1 WHERE = (select T1.assign_user_id FROM ticket T1 where = C3.ticket_id)), ' ',(SELECT u2.lname FROM user u2 where = (select T2.assign_user_id FROM ticket T2 where = C3.ticket_id)) )) )\r\n                        GROUP BY ticket_id)\r\n                        C2 ON  (\r\n                        LEFT JOIN\r\n                        (SELECT MIN( AS CommID2, C4.ticket_id FROM comment C4 WHERE\r\n                        ( > (SELECT MAX( AS CommID FROM comment C3 WHERE (C3.ticket_id = C4.ticket_id) and (C3.user_added = (CONCAT((SELECT u1.fname FROM user u1 WHERE = (select T1.assign_user_id FROM ticket T1 where = C3.ticket_id)), ' ',(SELECT u2.lname FROM user u2 where = (select T2.assign_user_id FROM ticket T2 where = C3.ticket_id)) )) )\r\n                        GROUP BY ticket_id))\r\n                         AND\r\n                        (C4.user_added = (CONCAT((SELECT u1.fname FROM user u1 WHERE = (select T3.creator_user_id FROM ticket T3 where = C4.ticket_id)), ' ',(SELECT u3.lname FROM user u3 where = (select T4.creator_user_id FROM ticket T4 where = C4.ticket_id)) )) )\r\n                        GROUP BY ticket_id)\r\n                        C5 ON  (\r\n                        LEFT JOIN comment CMentor ON (\r\n                        LEFT JOIN comment CMentee ON (\r\n                        LEFT JOIN priority P ON T.priority_id =\r\n                        WHERE\r\n                        T.status = 'Pending'\r\n                        AND (\r\n                            (CMentee.added_date IS NOT NULL AND (NOW() > CMentee.added_date + INTERVAL P.reassignHours hour) AND  (NOW() > T.assigned_date + INTERVAL P.reassignHours hour))\r\n                        OR (CMentee.added_date IS NULL AND CMentor.added_date IS NULL AND  (NOW() > T.assigned_date + INTERVAL P.reassignHours hour))\r\n                            ))\r\n                    ");
     foreach ($TicketsO as $model) {
         $old_mentor = $model->assign_user_id;
         $theOldMentor = User::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $old_mentor));
         $theOldMentorName = $theOldMentor->fname . " " . $theOldMentor->lname;
         $mentor1 = 0;
         if ($model->Mentor1 != null) {
             $mentor1 = $model->Mentor1;
         $mentor2 = 0;
         if ($model->Mentor2 != null) {
             $mentor2 = $model->Mentor2;
         $tier = 1;
         if ($model->isEscalated != null) {
             $tier = 2;
         $newMentorId = 0;
         $boolean = true;
         /* Identify is the subdomain was specified */
         if ($model->subdomain_id == null) {
             $boolean = false;
             $newMentorId = User::automaticReassignBySystem($model->domain_id, $boolean, $old_mentor, $tier, $mentor1, $mentor2);
         } else {
             $newMentorId = User::automaticReassignBySystem($model->subdomain_id, $boolean, $old_mentor, $tier, $mentor1, $mentor2);
         if ($newMentorId == 0) {
             $boolean = true;
             /* Identify is the subdomain was specified */
             if ($model->subdomain_id == null) {
                 $boolean = false;
                 $newMentorId = User::automaticReassignBySystem($model->domain_id, $boolean, $old_mentor, $tier, 0, 0);
             } else {
                 $newMentorId = User::automaticReassignBySystem($model->subdomain_id, $boolean, $old_mentor, $tier, 0, 0);
             if ($newMentorId == 0) {
                 //$sql = 'INSERT INTO comment(description, added_date, ticket_id, user_added) VALUES ("This ticket was not reassigned","'  . $model->assigned_date . '",' . $model->id . ', "System")';
                 //$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
                 $admins = User::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT fname, lname, email FROM user WHERE disable = 0 and activated = 1 and isAdmin = 1 and username != 'SYSTEM'");
                 foreach ($admins as $ad) {
                     $adminfullName = $ad->fname . ' ' . $ad->lname;
                     User::sendNotification($ad->email, "Ticket #" . $model->id . " require your attention", "The ticket has not been answered and there is not another available mentor.", $adminfullName);
                 //send notification to admin tito1
                 $model->assigned_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
                 /* Get the current date and time */
                 $model->Mentor1 = null;
                 $model->Mentor2 = null;
                 if ($model->save()) {
         if ($newMentorId != 0) {
             if ($model->Mentor2 != null) {
                 $admins = User::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM user WHERE disable = 0 and activated = 1 and isAdmin = 1 and username != 'SYSTEM' and email is not null");
                 foreach ($admins as $ad) {
                     $adminfullName = $ad->fname . ' ' . $ad->lname;
                     User::sendNotification($ad->email, "Ticket #" . $model->id . " require your attention", "The ticket has not been answered. It requires your attention.", $adminfullName);
                 //send notification to admin tito2
                 $model->Mentor1 = null;
                 $model->Mentor2 = null;
             } else {
                 if ($model->Mentor1 == null) {
                     $model->Mentor1 = $model->assign_user_id;
                 } else {
                     $model->Mentor2 = $model->assign_user_id;
             $model->assign_user_id = $newMentorId;
             $model->assigned_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
             /* Get the current date and time */
             //create comment to ticket
             if ($model->save()) {
                 $theNew = $model->assign_user_id;
                 $theNewMentor = User::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $theNew));
                 $theNewMentorName = $theNewMentor->fname . " " . $theNewMentor->lname;
                 $time = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
                 $sql = 'INSERT INTO comment(description, added_date, ticket_id, user_added) VALUES (" This ticket was automatically reassigned by the system from mentor ' . $theOldMentorName . ' to mentor ' . $theNewMentorName . '",' . $time . ',' . $model->id . ', "System")';
                 $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
                 /*If save if true send Notification the the Domain Mentor who was assigned the ticket */
                 $systemID = User::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user  WHERE username=:id", array(":id" => 'SYSTEM'));
                 User::sendStatusAutoReassignedEmailNotificationToOldMentor($model->id, $old_mentor, $systemID);
                 $Mentee = $model->creator_user_id;
                 $theMentee = User::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $Mentee));
                 $theMenteeName = $theMentee->fname . " " . $theMentee->lname;
                 User::sendNotification($theMentee->email, "Ticket #" . $model->id . " was reassigned", "Ticket #" . $model->id . " was reassigned", $theMenteeName);
                 //new mentor
                 User::sendNotification($theNewMentor->email, "Ticket #" . $model->id . " has been assigned to you.", "Ticket #" . $model->id . " has been assigned to you.", $theNewMentorName);