public function go()
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         if ($_POST['username'] == '') {
             $this->addErrorMessage("Username should not be empty");
         } else {
             $username = $_POST['username'];
             //$is_activated = $_POST['is_activated'];
             if (!User::doesUserExist($username)) {
                 $this->addErrorMessage("Username does not exist");
             } else {
                 $token = rand(1, getrandmax());
                 $subject = "Hackademic new password link activation";
                 $message = "Please click on the following link below to reset your password";
                 $result = User::addToken($username, $token);
                 $this->addSuccessMessage("A mail has been send to your email id. click on the link below to activate your account");
                 header("Location: ResetPassword.php?username={$username}&token={$token}");
     return $this->generateView();