public function activate() { //TODO: Implement this action. $uid = $_GET["uid"]; $hash = $_GET["hash"]; if (User::activateUser($uid, $hash)) { echo "active"; User::loginSystem(User::fromUid($uid)); } Page::redirect("/index"); }
<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require 'startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('orongo-activation'); if (isset($_GET['code']) && !isset($_SESSION['orongo-id']) && !isset($_SESSION['orongo-session-id'])) { $code = $_GET['code']; if (User::isGoodActivationCode($code)) { $uid = User::getUserIDByActivationCode($code); if (!User::userIsActivated($uid)) { User::activateUser($uid); User::deleteActivationCode($code); header("Location: orongo-login.php?msg=6"); exit; } else { @User::deleteActivationCode($code); header("Location: orongo-login.php?msg=5"); exit; } } else { header("Location: orongo-login.php?msg=4"); exit; } } else { header("Location: orongo-login.php"); exit; }
public function actionAdmin() { $this->layout = 'admin'; $this->setHeaderTitle('User administration'); if (Rays::isPost()) { if (isset($_POST['checked_users'])) { $selected = $_POST['checked_users']; if (is_array($selected)) { $operation = $_POST['operation_type']; foreach ($selected as $id) { switch ($operation) { case "block": User::blockUser($id); break; case "active": User::activateUser($id); break; } } } } } $searchStr = Rays::getParam('search', null); $query = User::find(); if ($name = trim($searchStr)) { $names = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", $name); foreach ($names as $key) { $query = $query->like("name", $key); } } $page = $this->getPage("page"); $pageSize = $this->getPageSize("pagesize", 10); $count = $query->count(); $users = $query->order_desc("id")->order_desc("id")->range($pageSize * ($page - 1), $pageSize); $url = RHtml::siteUrl('user/admin' . ($searchStr != null ? '?search=' . urlencode(trim($searchStr)) : "")); if ($searchStr != null) { $url .= '?search=' . urlencode(trim($searchStr)); } $pager = new RPager('page', $count, $pageSize, $url, $page); $data = ['count' => $count, 'users' => $users, 'pager' => $pager->showPager()]; $this->render('admin', $data, false); }
header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/create.php?msg=1&obj=page")); exit; break; case "user": if (getUser()->getRank() < RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } if (!isset($_POST['name']) || !isset($_POST['password']) || !isset($_POST['email']) || !isset($_POST['rank'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/create.php?user")); exit; } if (User::usernameExists($_POST['name'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/create.php?msg=0&obj=user")); exit; } try { $user = User::registerUser($_POST['name'], $_POST['email'], Security::hash($_POST['password']), $_POST['rank']); User::activateUser($user->getID()); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/create.php?msg=0&obj=user")); exit; } header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/create.php?msg=1&obj=user")); exit; break; default: header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/create.php")); exit; break; }
<?php require_once "php/users.php"; // check if this is a email verification avatar of this page if (isset($_GET['email']) && !empty($_GET['email']) && isset($_GET['token']) && !empty($_GET['token'])) { // Verify data if (User::activateUser($_GET['email'], $_GET['token'])) { // we are good $outputStr = "Thank you for joining travelmarket<br>your account is now active"; } else { // give user the bad news $outputStr = "Sorry, there is no user with that name in our system."; } header("LOCATION:"); echo $outputStr; }
break; case 'activate': // activate/deactivate user account // this action is called via Ajax if (!Dot_Auth::checkUserToken($userToken)) { echo Zend_Json::encode(array("success" => false, "message" => "An error occured, please try again.")); exit; } $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? (int) $_POST['id'] : 0; $isActive = isset($_POST['isActive']) ? $_POST['isActive'] : 0; $values = array('enum' => array('0' => '0,1', 'isActive' => $isActive)); $dotValidateUser = new Dot_Validate_User(array('who' => 'user', 'action' => 'activate', 'values' => $values)); if ($dotValidateUser->isValid()) { $data = $dotValidateUser->getData(); // no error - then change active value of user $userModel->activateUser($id, $data['isActive']); $result = array("success" => true, "id" => $id, "isActive" => intval($data["isActive"])); } else { $result = array("success" => false, "message" => "An error occured, please try again."); } echo Zend_Json::encode($result); exit; break; case 'delete': // display confirmation form and delete user account if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === "POST") { // changes were made to checkUserToken // see: Dot_Auth::checkUserToken($userToken, $userType='admin') // see: IndexController.php : $userToken if (!Dot_Auth::checkUserToken($userToken)) { // remove the identity