$qm->enqueue($data, 'tweetin');
            $lastId = twitter_id($timeline[0]);
            Twitter_synch_status::setLastId($flink->foreign_id, $timelineUri, $lastId);
            common_debug("Set lastId value '{$lastId}' for foreign id '{$flink->foreign_id}' and timeline '" . $timelineUri . "'");
        // Okay, record the time we synced with Twitter for posterity
        $flink->last_noticesync = common_sql_now();
$id = null;
$debug = null;
if (have_option('i')) {
    $id = get_option_value('i');
} else {
    if (have_option('--id')) {
        $id = get_option_value('--id');
    } else {
        if (count($args) > 0) {
            $id = $args[0];
        } else {
            $id = null;
if (have_option('d') || have_option('debug')) {
    $debug = true;
$fetcher = new TwitterStatusFetcher($id, POLL_INTERVAL, MAXCHILDREN, $debug);
 function linkify($status, $html = FALSE)
     $text = $status->text;
     if (empty($status->entities)) {
         $statusId = twitter_id($status);
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, "No entities data for {$statusId}; trying to fake up links ourselves.");
         $text = common_replace_urls_callback($text, 'common_linkify');
         $text = preg_replace_callback('/(^|\\&quot\\;|\'|\\(|\\[|\\{|\\s+)#([\\pL\\pN_\\-\\.]{1,64})/', function ($m) {
             return $m[1] . '#' . TwitterStatusFetcher::tagLink($m[2]);
         }, $text);
         $text = preg_replace_callback('/(^|\\s+)@([a-z0-9A-Z_]{1,64})/', function ($m) {
             return $m[1] . '@' . TwitterStatusFetcher::atLink($m[2]);
         }, $text);
         return $text;
     // Move all the entities into order so we can
     // replace them and escape surrounding plaintext
     // in order
     $toReplace = array();
     if (!empty($status->entities->urls)) {
         foreach ($status->entities->urls as $url) {
             $toReplace[$url->indices[0]] = array(self::URL, $url);
     if (!empty($status->entities->hashtags)) {
         foreach ($status->entities->hashtags as $hashtag) {
             $toReplace[$hashtag->indices[0]] = array(self::HASHTAG, $hashtag);
     if (!empty($status->entities->user_mentions)) {
         foreach ($status->entities->user_mentions as $mention) {
             $toReplace[$mention->indices[0]] = array(self::MENTION, $mention);
     // sort in forward order by key
     $result = '';
     $cursor = 0;
     foreach ($toReplace as $part) {
         list($type, $object) = $part;
         $start = $object->indices[0];
         $end = $object->indices[1];
         if ($cursor < $start) {
             // Copy in the preceding plaintext
             $result .= $this->twitEscape(mb_substr($text, $cursor, $start - $cursor));
             $cursor = $start;
         $orig = $this->twitEscape(mb_substr($text, $start, $end - $start));
         switch ($type) {
             case self::URL:
                 $linkText = $this->makeUrlLink($object, $orig, $html);
             case self::HASHTAG:
                 if ($html) {
                     $linkText = $this->makeHashtagLink($object, $orig);
                 } else {
                     $linkText = $orig;
             case self::MENTION:
                 if ($html) {
                     $linkText = $this->makeMentionLink($object, $orig);
                 } else {
                     $linkText = $orig;
                 $linkText = $orig;
         $result .= $linkText;
         $cursor = $end;
     $last = $this->twitEscape(mb_substr($text, $cursor));
     $result .= $last;
     return $result;