Example #1
  * Main API to create a tip. 
  * 1.This will display as a flash-style tip with the specified text
  *     Tours::tip (array(
  *         'content' => "<h1>Welcome to the profile page</h1>"
  *     ));
  * 2. This example will create a Q-tip dialog,
  * and highlight the element '#create-new-user-button'.
  *     Tours::tip ( array(
  *         'content' => 'The button here will create a new user", 
  *         'target' => '#create-new-user-button'
  *     ));
  * @param  string $content HTML, text, or partial alias OR array of tips
  * @param  array  $params  Config array (Described below)
  * @return string          HTML for a tip
 public static function tip($params = array(), $return = false)
     // $params can be a string for an simple tip
     if (is_string($params)) {
         return self::tip(array('content' => $params), $return);
     // If content is not set, no tip can be created
     if (!isset($params['content'])) {
         throw new Exception("Tips must include a 'content' key");
     // Dont show tips if user has tips off
     if (!Yii::app()->params->profile->showTours) {
     // Register JS if it is the first tip rendered
     if (Tours::$registerJS) {
         Tours::$registerJS = false;
     // Merge Paramters with default
     $params = array_merge(self::$defaultParams, $params);
     $content = $params['content'];
     // By default the key is an md5 of the content
     if ($params['key']) {
         $key = $params['key'];
     } else {
         $key = md5($content);
     // Get a tip if it hasn't been seen
     $tour = self::getTip($key);
     if (!$tour) {
     if ($params['revision']) {
         $content = $params['revision'];
     // Merge Html Options, Default class string
     $htmlOptions = array_merge(array('class' => ''), $params['htmlOptions']);
     // Translate if specified
     if ($params['translate']) {
         $content = Yii::t($params['translate'], $content);
     // set content to partial if specified
     if ($params['partial']) {
         $content = Yii::app()->controller->renderPartial($content, $params['viewParams'], true);
     // Replace all replacements
     foreach ($params['replace'] as $key => $value) {
         $content = preg_replace("/{$key}/", $value, $content);
     // --- Popup specifics --
     // If target is set, create a popup classed tour
     if ($params['target']) {
         $params['type'] = 'popup';
         $htmlOptions['data-target'] = $params['target'];
     // set content to partial if specified
     if ($params['highlight']) {
         $htmlOptions['data-highlight'] = true;
     // Set the type of tip as a class
     $htmlOptions['class'] .= " {$params['type']}";
     // Return rendered partial
     $html = self::render($tour, $content, $params, $htmlOptions);
     if ($return) {
         return $html;
     } else {
         echo $html;