  * @param $post
  * @return unknown_type
  * @todo anything in the html that has dodgy characters in it will make DOM unhappy. 
  * Probably best to hold back errors.
 public static function AutoGenThumbs($post)
     $tracker = OnePanelDebug::Track('Trying to autogenerate thumbnails.');
     // Wordpress is crazy
     $post_id = wp_is_post_revision($post);
     OnePanelDebug::Info('Post id: ' . $post_id);
     // Create thumbnail module object?
     OnePanelLib::RequireFileOnce(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/panel/module.php');
     OnePanelLib::RequireFileOnce(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/panel/feature.php');
     OnePanelLib::RequireFileOnce(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/panel/thumbnails.php');
     $thumbnail_feature_object = new Thumbnails();
     // Scan the post for images
     $dom_doc = new DOMDocument();
     // Grab the first image
     $first_image = $dom_doc->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0);
     if (is_null($first_image)) {
         OnePanelDebug::Info('No images found in post');
         return true;
     // Get the location of the image
     $src = str_replace('"', '', $first_image->getAttribute('src'));
     $src = str_replace('\\', '', $src);
     // Get the real path
     $src = str_replace(get_option('siteurl'), '', $src);
     $location = ABSPATH . $src;
     $location = str_replace('//', '/', $location);
     // Generate
     OnePanelDebug::Info('Calling CreateThumbs with ' . $location . ' ' . $post_id);
     $thumbnail_feature_object->CreateThumbs($location, $post_id, 'All', false);
     // All done
     return true;