Example #1
// Make sure the chosen theme is a legitimate one.
// need to adjust $chosen_theme path with SM_PATH
$chosen_theme_path = preg_replace("/(\\.\\.\\/){1,}/", SM_PATH, $chosen_theme_path);
$found_theme = false;
while (!$found_theme && (list($index, $data) = each($user_themes))) {
    if ($data['PATH'] == $chosen_theme_path) {
        $found_theme = true;
if (!$found_theme) {
    $template_themes = $oTemplate->get_alternative_stylesheets(true);
    while (!$found_theme && (list($path, $name) = each($template_themes))) {
        if ($path == $chosen_theme_path) {
            $found_theme = true;
if (!$found_theme || $chosen_theme == 'none') {
    $chosen_theme_path = NULL;
 * NOTE: The $icon_theme_path var should contain the path to the icon
 *       theme to use.  If the admin has disabled icons, or the user has
 *       set the icon theme to "None," no icons will be used.
$icon_theme_path = !$use_icons || $icon_theme == 'none' ? NULL : ($icon_theme == 'template' ? SM_PATH . Template::calculate_template_images_directory($sTemplateID) : $icon_theme);
$default_icon_theme_path = !$use_icons || $default_icon_theme == 'none' ? NULL : ($default_icon_theme == 'template' ? SM_PATH . Template::calculate_template_images_directory($sTemplateID) : $default_icon_theme);
$fallback_icon_theme_path = !$use_icons || $fallback_icon_theme == 'none' ? NULL : ($fallback_icon_theme == 'template' ? SM_PATH . Template::calculate_template_images_directory($sTemplateID) : $fallback_icon_theme);
/* Load up the Signature file */
$signature_abs = $signature = getSig($data_dir, $username, 'g');
Example #2
 * $sTemplateID is not initialized when a user is not logged in, so we
 * will use the config file defaults here.  If the neccesary variables
 * are not set, force a default value.
 * If the user is logged in, $sTemplateID will be set in load_prefs.php,
 * so we shouldn't change it here.
if (!isset($sTemplateID)) {
    if (PAGE_NAME == 'squirrelmail_rpc') {
        $sTemplateID = Template::get_rpc_template_set();
    } else {
        $sTemplateID = Template::get_default_template_set();
    $icon_theme_path = !$use_icons ? NULL : Template::calculate_template_images_directory($sTemplateID);
// template object may have already been constructed in load_prefs.php
if (empty($oTemplate)) {
    $oTemplate = Template::construct_template($sTemplateID);
// We want some variables to always be available to the template
$oTemplate->assign('javascript_on', sqGetGlobalVar('user_is_logged_in', $user_is_logged_in, SQ_SESSION) ? checkForJavascript() : 0);
$oTemplate->assign('base_uri', sqm_baseuri());
$always_include = array('sTemplateID', 'icon_theme_path');
foreach ($always_include as $var) {
    $oTemplate->assign($var, isset(${$var}) ? ${$var} : NULL);
// A few output elements are used often, so just get them once here