OnUpload() public static method

Call this to upload a template file. Note: Template::UpdateStatus() will be called automatically for you if this is successful.
public static OnUpload ( $f_fileVarName, string $p_baseUpload, string $p_desiredName = null, string $p_charset = null ) : mixed
$p_baseUpload string Directory path to add to the base template directory.
$p_desiredName string Desired name of the file.
$p_charset string Desired character set of the file.
return mixed TRUE on success, PEAR_Error on failure.
Example #1
$oldFilePath = Template::GetFullPath($f_path, $f_old_name);
$oldMimeType = (function_exists('mime_content_type')) ? mime_content_type($oldFilePath) :
$oldRelativeFilePath = (!empty($f_path)) ? ltrim($f_path.DIR_SEP.$f_old_name, '/') : $f_old_name;
$newMimeType = $_FILES['f_file']['type'];
$equivalentTextTypes = array("text/plain", "text/html", "application/x-php", "application/octet-stream", "application/javascript", "text/x-c", "text/css" , "text/x-php", "application/x-httpd-php", "text/x-c++");
$matched = false;
if (in_array($oldMimeType, $equivalentTextTypes) && in_array($newMimeType, $equivalentTextTypes)) {
	$matched = true;
if (!$matched && ($oldMimeType != $newMimeType)) {
	camp_html_add_msg(getGS('You can only replace a file with a file of the same type.  The original file is of type "$1", and the file you uploaded was of type "$2".', $oldMimeType, $newMimeType));

// Move the new file it its place
$success = Template::OnUpload("f_file", $f_path, $f_old_name);
if ($success) {
        // Clear compiled template

	camp_html_add_msg(getGS('File "$1" replaced.', $f_old_name), "ok");
} else {
	camp_html_add_msg(getGS("Unable to save the file '$1' to the path '$2'.", $fileName, $f_path) . " "
			. getGS("Please check if the user '$1' has permission to write in this directory.", $Campsite['APACHE_USER']));
