  * Returns whether or not the entry meets the criteria necessary to trigger the event
  * @param mixed                  $options
  * @param SproutForms_EntryModel $entry
  * @param array                  $params
  * @return bool
 public function validateOptions($options, SproutForms_EntryModel $entry, array $params = array())
     $isNewEntry = isset($params['isNewEntry']) && $params['isNewEntry'];
     $whenNew = isset($options['sproutForms']['saveEntry']['whenNew']) && $options['sproutForms']['saveEntry']['whenNew'];
     // If any section ids were checked
     // Make sure the entry belongs in one of them
     if (!empty($options['sproutForms']['saveEntry']['formIds']) && count($options['sproutForms']['saveEntry']['formIds'])) {
         if (!in_array($entry->getForm()->id, $options['sproutForms']['saveEntry']['formIds'])) {
             return false;
     // If only new entries was checked
     // Make sure the entry is new
     if (!$whenNew || $whenNew && $isNewEntry) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Parses supported {placeholders} in redirect URL before redirecting
  * @param SproutForms_EntryModel $entry
 public function doSmartRedirect(SproutForms_EntryModel $entry)
     $vars = array_merge(array('id' => 0, 'siteUrl' => craft()->getSiteUrl()), $entry->getContent()->getAttributes(), $entry->getAttributes());
  * Returns an active or new entry model
  * @param SproutForms_FormModel $form
  * @return SproutForms_EntryModel
 public function getEntryModel(SproutForms_FormModel $form)
     if (isset(sproutForms()->forms->activeEntries[$form->handle])) {
         return sproutForms()->forms->activeEntries[$form->handle];
     $entry = new SproutForms_EntryModel();
     $entry->setAttribute('formId', $form->id);
     return $entry;
  * Populates an element model based on a query result.
  * @param array $row
  * @return array
 public function populateElementModel($row)
     return SproutForms_EntryModel::populateModel($row);
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     $oldTable = 'sproutforms_forms_old';
     $newTable = 'sproutforms_forms';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------
     // Loop through each form in the old table and migrate it to the new table
     SproutFormsPlugin::log("Gathering all forms from the `{$oldTable}` table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     $oldForms = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from($oldTable)->queryAll();
     $user = craft()->userSession->getUser();
     $email = isset($user->email) && $user->email != "" ? $user->email : "";
     foreach ($oldForms as $oldForm) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Build SproutForms_FormModel for " . $oldForm['name'] . " Form", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Map any values from the old form to their
         // new column names to save to the new form
         $newForm = new SproutForms_FormModel();
         $newForm->name = $oldForm['name'];
         $newForm->handle = $oldForm['handle'];
         $newForm->submitButtonText = $oldForm['submitButtonText'];
         $newForm->redirectUri = $oldForm['redirectUri'];
         $newForm->handle = $oldForm['handle'];
         $newForm->titleFormat = "Form submission on " . "{dateCreated|date('D, d M Y H:i:s')}";
         $newForm->displaySectionTitles = 0;
         $newForm->notificationRecipients = $oldForm['email_distribution_list'];
         $newForm->notificationSubject = $oldForm['notification_subject'];
         $newForm->notificationSenderName = craft()->getSiteName();
         $newForm->notificationSenderEmail = $email;
         $newForm->notificationReplyToEmail = $oldForm['notification_reply_to'];
         // Save the Form
         // Create a new content table
         SproutFormsPlugin::log($newForm->name . " Form saved anew. Form ID: " . $newForm->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Set our field context
         craft()->content->fieldContext = $newForm->getFieldContext();
         craft()->content->contentTable = $newForm->getContentTable();
         SproutFormsPlugin::log($newForm->name . " Form fieldContext: " . craft()->content->fieldContext, LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log($newForm->name . " Form contentTable: " . craft()->content->contentTable, LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Grab all fields for " . $newForm->name . " Form", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Get the Form Fields
         $oldFormFields = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('sproutforms_fields')->where('formId=:formId', array(':formId' => $oldForm['id']))->queryAll();
         // Prepare a couple variables to help save our fields and layout
         $fieldLayout = array();
         $requiredFields = array();
         $fieldMap = array();
         foreach ($oldFormFields as $oldFormField) {
             $newFieldHandle = str_replace("formId" . $oldForm['id'] . "_", "", $oldFormField['handle']);
             // Determine if we have a Number field
             // Might need to update teh Settings object to have the correct values min/max...
             if (strpos($oldFormField['validation'], 'numerical') !== FALSE) {
                 $oldFormField['type'] = 'Number';
                 $oldFormField['settings'] = '{"min":"0","max":"","decimals":"0"}';
             // Build a field map of our old field handles and our new ones
             // so we can more easily match things up when inserting fields later
             $fieldMap[$oldFormField['handle']] = array('type' => $oldFormField['type'], 'newHandle' => $newFieldHandle);
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Build FieldModel for " . $oldFormField['name'] . " Field", LogLevel::Info, true);
             // SproutFormsPlugin::log("The Fieldtype " . $newFieldType . " for the "  . $oldFormField['name'] ." Field", LogLevel::Info, true);
             $newField = new FieldModel();
             $newField->name = $oldFormField['name'];
             $newField->handle = $newFieldHandle;
             $newField->instructions = $oldFormField['instructions'];
             $newField->type = $oldFormField['type'];
             $newField->required = strpos($oldFormField['validation'], 'required') !== FALSE;
             $newField->settings = $oldFormField['settings'];
             // Save our field
             SproutFormsPlugin::log($oldFormField['name'] . " Field saved.", LogLevel::Info, true);
             $fieldLayout['Form'][] = $newField->id;
             if ($newField->required) {
                 $requiredFields[] = $newField->id;
         // Set the field layout
         $fieldLayout = craft()->fields->assembleLayout($fieldLayout, $requiredFields);
         $fieldLayout->type = 'SproutForms_Form';
         // Save our form again with a layouts
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Form saved again with fieldLayout", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Migrate the Entries Content
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Grab Form Entries for " . $oldForm['name'] . " Form", LogLevel::Info, true);
         // Get the Form Entries
         $oldFormEntries = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('sproutforms_content')->where('formId=:formId', array(':formId' => $oldForm['id']))->queryAll();
         foreach ($oldFormEntries as $oldFormEntry) {
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Build SproutForms_EntryModel for Form Entry ID " . $oldFormEntry['id'], LogLevel::Info, true);
             $newFormEntry = new SproutForms_EntryModel();
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Server data: " . $oldFormEntry['serverData'], LogLevel::Info, true);
             $oldEntryServerData = json_decode($oldFormEntry['serverData']);
             $newFormEntry->formId = $newForm->id;
             if (isset($oldEntryServerData)) {
                 $newFormEntry->ipAddress = $oldEntryServerData->ipAddress;
                 $newFormEntry->userAgent = $oldEntryServerData->userAgent;
                 $newFormEntry->dateCreated = $oldFormEntry['dateCreated'];
                 $newFormEntry->dateUpdated = $oldFormEntry['dateUpdated'];
             } else {
                 // Add null values if we don't have data for some reason
                 $newFormEntry->ipAddress = NULL;
                 $newFormEntry->userAgent = NULL;
             $newFormFields = array();
             // Loop through our field map
             foreach ($fieldMap as $oldHandle => $fieldInfo) {
                 // If any columns in our current Form Entry match a
                 // field in our field map, add that field to be saved
                 if ($oldFormEntry[$oldHandle]) {
                     $newFormFields[$fieldInfo['newHandle']] = $oldFormEntry[$oldHandle];
             $_POST['fields'] = $newFormFields;
             $fieldsLocation = 'fields';
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Try to Save Old Form Entry ID " . $oldFormEntry['id'], LogLevel::Info, true);
             SproutFormsPlugin::log("Save New Form Entry ID " . $newFormEntry->id, LogLevel::Info, true);
     // Drop old field table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists('sproutforms_fields')) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Dropping the 'sproutforms_fields' table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("'sproutforms_fields' table dropped.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     // Drop old entries table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists('sproutforms_content')) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Dropping the 'sproutforms_content' table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("'sproutforms_content' table dropped.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     // Drop old forms table
     if (craft()->db->tableExists($oldTable)) {
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("Dropping the old `{$oldTable}` table.", LogLevel::Info, true);
         craft()->db->createCommand('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;')->execute();
         // Need to drop this after we drop the fields table because fields has a fk
         craft()->db->createCommand('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;')->execute();
         SproutFormsPlugin::log("`{$oldTable}` table dropped.", LogLevel::Info, true);
     return true;