function sendProjects()
    global $makeover_connection;
    global $database_makeover;
    global $debug;
    global $sendXML;
    $requestsSQL = "SELECT * FROM `requests` WHERE `transmitted_at` is null";
    // select unsent requests
    mysql_select_db($database_makeover, $makeover_connection);
    $requestsResult = mysql_query($requestsSQL, $makeover_connection) or die(mysql_error());
    $ProjectID = "P00000264832";
    while ($request_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($requestsResult)) {
        $eto_import = array("ProjectID" => $ProjectID, "Generated" => date("c"), "Project" => array("Customer" => array("ProjectID" => $ProjectID, "FirstName" => $request_row['FirstName'], "LastName" => $request_row['LastName'], "ContactName" => $request_row['FirstName'] . " " . $request_row['LastName'], "BillAddress1" => $request_row['address'], "BillCity" => $request_row['city'], "BillState" => $request_row['state'], "BillZip" => $request_row['ZipCode'], "SiteAddress1" => $request_row['address'], "SiteCity" => $request_row['city'], "SiteState" => $request_row['state'], "SiteZip" => $request_row['ZipCode'], "PhoneHome" => $request_row['phone']), "Site" => array("SiteCollection" => "SF", "Address1" => $request_row['address'], "City" => $request_row['city'], "State" => $request_row['state'], "Zip" => $request_row['ZipCode'], "HeatSysFuel" => $request_row['heat'], "ProviderEle" => $request_row['utility_electric'], "ProviderGas" => $request_row['utility_gas'], "NoUnits" => 1, "ProjectID" => $ProjectID, "SiteAttr" => array("ProjectID" => $ProjectID, "Attr" => "SFTYPE", "Value" => "Attached"))));
        // end $eto_import
        $readingsSQL = "SELECT * from `readings` where `type` = 'gas' and `request_id` = {$request_row['id']}";
        mysql_select_db($database_makeover, $makeover_connection);
        $readingResult = mysql_query($readingsSQL, $makeover_connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $totalRows_gasReadings = mysql_num_rows($readingResult);
        // init
        $ProviderAccts = array();
        $electricReadings = array();
        $gasReadings = array();
        while ($reading_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($readingResult)) {
            // gas
            $gasReadings[] = array("Read" => array("Qty" => $reading_row['reading'], "ReadDate" => $reading_row['date']));
        // end while $reading_row
        if ($totalRows_gasReadings > 0) {
            /*			$ProviderAccts[] = array("ProviderCode" => $request_row['utility_gas'],
            									"Account"	=> $request_row['gas_account_number'],
            									"Readings"  => $gasReadings);
            $ProviderAccts[] = array("Provider" => $request_row['utility_gas'], "AccountNum" => $request_row['gas_account_number']);
            $ProviderAccts[] = $gasReadings;
        $readingsSQL = "SELECT * from `readings` where `type` = 'electric' and `request_id` = {$request_row['id']}";
        mysql_select_db($database_makeover, $makeover_connection);
        $readingResult = mysql_query($readingsSQL, $makeover_connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $totalRows_gasReadings = mysql_num_rows($readingResult);
        while ($reading_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($readingResult)) {
            // electric
            $electricReadings[] = array("Read" => array("Qty" => $reading_row['reading'], "ReadDate" => $reading_row['date']));
        // end while $reading_row
        if ($totalRows_gasReadings > 0) {
            $ProviderAccts[] = array("ProviderCode" => $request_row['utility_electric'], "Account" => $request_row['electric_account_number'], "Readings" => $electricReadings);
        $eto_import['Project']['Site']['ProviderAccts'] = $ProviderAccts;
        if ($debug) {
            echo "<pre>";
            echo "</pre>";
        // endif $debug
        $xml = new XmlWriter();
        $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        write($xml, $eto_import);
        $xml_string = $xml->outputMemory(true);
        if ($sendXML) {
            // if we're in send mode
            $eto_soap = new SoapClient("");
            $params = array('xmlstring' => $xml_string);
            // end array $params
            try {
                $result = $eto_soap->sendToImportQueue($params);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "<br />";
                echo $eto_soap->__getLastRequest();
            // end try
        } else {
            echo $xml->outputMemory(true);
            // output to page
            $result = true;
        // endif $sendXML
        if ($debug) {
            echo "<pre>";
            echo "</pre>";
            $success = $result->sendToImportQueueResult->XMLQueueMessage;
            echo "Success -> {$success}";
        // endif $
        if ($result->sendToImportQueueResult->XMLQueueMessage == 'SUCCESS') {
            // if transmission successful
            // update record transmission date so that it's not sent again
            $updateRequestSQL = "UPDATE `requests` SET `transmitted_at` = NOW() WHERE `id` = {$request_row['id']}";
            mysql_select_db($database_makeover, $makeover_connection);
            $updateResult = mysql_query($updateRequestSQL, $makeover_connection) or die(mysql_error());
        // endif $result
    // end while
    return array("result" => $result, "xml" => $xml_string);