$keywords = array('wilgood', 'Схема проезда');
$response = $api->rushapi__create_fpp_project($hash, $name, $url, $google, $yandex, $yaregions, $goregions, $keywords);
in variable $response is now either error message or SESSIONID of your newly created project SAVE YOUR SESSIONID for future references to this project (getting status,result file...)
ERROR_BAD_USERID - probably bad API key
ERROR_IP_NOT_ALLOWED - you have not listed your ip in allowed ips field in your API settings, either leave allowed ips field empty, or add your actual ip
ERROR_LOW_BALANCE - you have not enough balance to parse inserted project
ERROR_SERVER - error is at our side (please contact us at support@rush-agency.ru
if (strpos($response, 'ERROR') !== false) {
    // handle error
} else {
    $sessionid = $response;
$status = $api->rushapi__fpp_project_status($hash, $session);
print $status;
possible responses are:  status code | additional info (without '')
'4|link to xlsx output'
for example 
status codes:
1 - in queue
2 - parsing
3 - error