Example #1
$USERNAME = '******';
$PASSWORD = '******';
$SITENAME = 'newyorksenateagency';
// Bronto API WSDL
$BRONTO_WSDL = 'http://api.bronto.com/?q=mail_3&wsdl';
// Set some defaults
//ini_set("memory_limit", "150M");
//ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 300);
//ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0);
// creates a handle to bronto API to be used in all subsequent calls
$bApi = new SoapClient($BRONTO_WSDL, array('trace' => 1));
// call login operation to obtain a sessionId
$parameters = array('username' => $USERNAME, 'password' => $PASSWORD, 'sitename' => $SITENAME);
$result = $bApi->login($parameters);
// just exit if something goes wrong
if (!$result->return->success) {
    exit("Could not login to Bronto API.  Verify all settings are correct.\n");
// setup soap header which will be used on all calls to the api
$session_header = new SoapHeader('http://api.bronto.com', 'sessionHeader', array('sessionId' => $result->return->sessionId));
$attributes = array();
$filter = array();
$parameters = array("attributes" => $attributes, "filter" => $filter);
$result = $bApi->readAccounts($parameters);