Example #1
  * This returns the Logs from the System. We use this to find out if they have paid there invoice because we do not have any access to the Payments. Which is weird.
  * @param string $fileNumber
  * @param string $startDate  - date(c)
  * @param string $endDate  - date(c)
  * @return object
 public function GetLogEntries($fileNumber, $startDate, $endDate)
     $soap_url = $this->GetClientWSDL();
     $parms = array();
     $parms[] = new SoapVar($this->userName, XSD_STRING, null, null, 'ns1:userName');
     $parms[] = new SoapVar($this->password, XSD_STRING, null, null, 'ns1:password');
     $parms[] = new SoapVar($fileNumber, XSD_STRING, null, null, 'ns1:fileNumber');
     $parms[] = new SoapVar($startDate, XSD_STRING, null, null, 'ns1:startDate');
     $parms[] = new SoapVar($endDate, XSD_STRING, null, null, 'ns1:endDate');
     $soap = new SoapClient($soap_url, $this->GetSoapOptions());
     try {
         $call = $soap->GetLogEntries(new SoapVar($parms, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT));
         if (isset($call->GetLogEntriesResult)) {
             return $call->GetLogEntriesResult;
         return false;
     } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
         return false;