Example #1
  * Method Not Allowed Handler
  * This method defines or invokes the application-wide Method Not Allowed handler.
  * There are two contexts in which this method may be invoked:
  * 1. When declaring the handler:
  * If the $callable parameter is not null and is callable, this
  * method will register the callable to be invoked when at least one 
  * route matches the path of the current HTTP request, but no routes'
  * method matches the method of the current HTTP request. It WILL NOT 
  * invoke the callable.
  * 2. When invoking the handler:
  * If the $callable parameter is null, Slim assumes you want
  * to invoke an already-registered handler. If the handler has been
  * registered and is callable, it is invoked and sends a 405 HTTP Response
  * whose body is the output of the Method Not Allowed handler.
  * @param   mixed $callable Anything that returns true for is_callable()
  * @return  void
 public function methodNotAllowed($callable = null)
     if (!is_null($callable)) {
     } else {
         $customMethodNotAllowedHandler = $this->router->methodNotAllowed();
         if (is_callable($customMethodNotAllowedHandler)) {
         } else {
             call_user_func(array($this, 'defaultMethodNotAllowed'));
         $this->halt(405, ob_get_clean());