Example #1
  * @param Request $request
 public function onStripeToken($request)
     $token = $request->getPost('stripeToken');
     $db = $this->bootstrap->get('db');
     if ($request->getPost('stripeCreateAccount')) {
         $sql = 'SELECT firstname, lastname, customernumber FROM s_user_billingaddress WHERE userID = ?';
         $customer = $db->fetchRow($sql, array($this->session->sUserId));
         $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array("source" => $token, "email" => $this->session->sUserMail, "description" => implode(' ', $customer)));
         $customerId = $customer->id;
     } else {
         $this->session->stripeToken = $token;
         $customerId = null;
     $db->update('s_user_attributes', array('viison_stripe_customer_id' => $customerId), array('userID =' . (int) $this->session->sUserId));
 public function indexAction()
     if ($this->getPaymentShortName() != 'stripe') {
         $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'checkout'));
     $apiKey = $this->plugin->Config()->get('stripeSecretKey');
     $currency = $this->getCurrencyShortName();
     $amount = $this->getAmount() * 100;
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $email = $user['additional']['user']['email'];
     $customerNumber = $user['billingaddress']['customernumber'];
     $stripeCustomerId = $user['additional']['user']['viisonStripeCustomerId'];
     $chargeData = array("amount" => $amount, "currency" => $currency, "customer" => $stripeCustomerId, "description" => $email . ' / Kunden-Nr.: ' . $customerNumber, "metadata" => array("platform_name" => "UMXJ4nBknsWR3LN_shopware_v50"));
     if (!empty($this->session->stripeToken)) {
         $chargeData['card'] = $this->session->stripeToken;
     } elseif (!empty($stripeCustomerId)) {
         $chargeData['customer'] = $stripeCustomerId;
     } else {
         $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'checkout', 'action' => 'shippingPayment'));
     try {
         $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create($chargeData);
     } catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {
         // The card has been declined
     $uniqueId = sha1($charge->balance_transaction);
     $orderNumber = $this->saveOrder($charge->id, $uniqueId, 12);
     try {
         $charge->description .= ' / Bestell-Nr.: ' . $orderNumber;
         $charge->invoice = $orderNumber;
     } catch (\Stripe\Error\Base $e) {
     $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'checkout', 'action' => 'finish', 'sUniqueID' => $uniqueId));
  * Gets the order id, total amount, refunded positions and an optional comment
  * from the request and uses them to create a new refund with Stripe.
  * If successful, the information abouth the refund are added to the internal coment
  * of ther order. Finally the new internal comment is added to the response.
 public function refundAction()
     // Get order id, total amount, positions and comment from the request
     $orderId = $this->Request()->getParam('orderId');
     if ($orderId === null) {
         // Missing orderId
         $this->View()->success = false;
         $this->View()->message = 'Required parameter "orderId" not found';
     $amount = floatval($this->Request()->getParam('amount'));
     if ($amount <= 0.0) {
         // Invalid amount
         $this->View()->success = false;
         $this->View()->message = 'Required parameter "amount" must be greater zero';
     $positions = $this->Request()->getParam('positions', array());
     if (count($positions) === 0) {
         // Missing positions
         $this->View()->success = false;
         $this->View()->message = 'Required parameter "positions" not found or empty';
     $comment = $this->Request()->getParam('comment');
     // Try to get order
     /** @var Shopware\Models\Order\Order $order */
     $order = $this->get('models')->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Order\\Order')->findOneById($orderId);
     if ($order === null) {
         // Order does not exist
         $this->View()->success = false;
         $this->View()->message = 'Order with id ' . $orderId . ' not found';
     if ($order->getTransactionId() === null) {
         // Order wasn't payed with Stripe
         $this->View()->success = false;
         $this->View()->message = 'Order with id ' . $orderId . ' has no Stripe charge';
     // Set the Stripe API key
     $apiKey = $this->plugin->Config()->get('stripeSecretKey');
     // Load the charge and add new refund to it
     try {
         $charge = \Stripe\Charge::retrieve($order->getTransactionId());
         $charge->refund(array('amount' => intval($amount * 100)));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Try to get the error response
         if ($e->getJsonBody() !== null) {
             $body = $e->getJsonBody();
             $message = $body['error']['message'];
         } else {
             $message = $e->getMessage();
         $this->View()->success = false;
         $this->View()->message = $message;
     // Add a new refund comment to the internal comment of the order
     $internalComment = $order->getInternalComment();
     $internalComment .= "\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n" . 'Stripe Rückerstattung (' . date('d.m.Y, G:i:s') . ")\n" . 'Betrag: ' . number_format($amount, 2, ',', '.') . " €\n" . "Kommentar: {$comment}\n" . "Positionen:\n";
     foreach ($positions as $position) {
         $price = number_format($position['price'], 2, ',', '.');
         $totalPrice = number_format($position['total'], 2, ',', '.');
         $internalComment .= ' - ' . $position['quantity'] . ' x ' . $position['articleNumber'] . ', je ' . $price . ' €, Gesamt: ' . $totalPrice . " €\n";
     $internalComment .= "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
     // Respond with the new internal comment
     $this->View()->success = true;
     $this->View()->internalComment = $internalComment;