/** * Update on/off session setting */ function sessionUpdate($switch, $setting, &$val, &$oldval) { if (isset($_POST[$switch]) && isset($_POST[$setting])) { $val = $_POST[$setting]; $oldval = $_SESSION[$setting]; if ($val != $oldval) { // TODO move update to daemon.php or after pushing worker task Session::update($setting, $val); return true; } } return false; }
public static function write($sess_id, $data) { $s = new Session(); $s->session_id = $sess_id; if ($s->find(true)) { $s->data = $data; if (isset($_SESSION['rememberMe']) && $_SESSION['rememberMe'] == true) { $s->remember_me = 1; } return $s->update(); } else { return false; } }
static function write($id, $session_data) { self::logdeb("Writing session '{$id}'"); $session = Session::staticGet('id', $id); if (empty($session)) { $session = new Session(); $session->id = $id; $session->session_data = $session_data; $session->created = common_sql_now(); return $session->insert(); } else { $session->session_data = $session_data; return $session->update(); } }
public static function write($sess_id, $data) { $s = new Session(); $s->session_id = $sess_id; if ($s->find(true)) { $s->data = $data; if (isset($_SESSION['rememberMe']) && ($_SESSION['rememberMe'] == true || $_SESSION['rememberMe'] === "true")) { $s->remember_me = 1; setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + self::$rememberMeLifetime, '/'); } else { $s->remember_me = 0; session_set_cookie_params(0); } parent::write($sess_id, $data); return $s->update(); } else { //No session active return false; } }
public function process() { // check if session is active $session = new Session($this->sessionId); if ($session->sessionId > 0) { // update session $session->update(); // process restricted functions switch ($this->f) { case 'checkLogin': return Login::checkLogin($session->sessionId); case 'getSession': return $session; case 'getWarehouse': if (isset($this->data->update)) { $warehouse = new Warehouse($session->warehouseId, $this->data->update); } else { $warehouse = new Warehouse($session->warehouseId); } $warehouse->dMail = $warehouse->getMail(); $warehouse->dDisableLocationLess = $warehouse->isLocationLessDisabled(); $warehouse->dDisablePaletteLess = $warehouse->isPaletteLessDisabled(); return $warehouse; case 'editWarehouse': if (!$session->restricted) { $data = $this->data; $warehouse = new Warehouse($session->warehouseId); // update warehouse data if (isset($data->name)) { $warehouse->name = $data->name; } if (isset($data->description)) { $warehouse->description = $data->description; } if (isset($data->country)) { $warehouse->country = $data->country; } if (isset($data->city)) { $warehouse->city = $data->city; } if (isset($data->password)) { $warehouse->setPassword($data->password); } if (isset($data->passwordRestricted)) { $warehouse->setPasswordRestricted($data->passwordRestricted); } if (isset($data->mail)) { $warehouse->setMail($data->mail); } if (isset($data->disableLocationLess)) { $warehouse->setDisableLocationLess($data->disableLocationLess); } if (isset($data->disablePaletteLess)) { $warehouse->setDisablePaletteLess($data->disablePaletteLess); } // update database entry return $warehouse->edit(); } break; case 'deleteWarehouse': if (!$session->restricted) { $warehouse = new Warehouse($session->warehouseId); if ($warehouse->id > 0 && $warehouse->delete()) { return $session->destroy(); } } break; case 'addCategory': if (!$session->restricted && isset($this->data->name)) { $category = new Category(null, $session->warehouseId); $category->name = $this->data->name; if (isset($this->data->parent)) { $category->parent = $this->data->parent; } if ($category->edit()) { return $category->id; } } break; case 'getCategory': if (isset($this->data->id) && isset($this->data->update)) { return new Category($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId, $this->data->update); } elseif (isset($this->data->id)) { return new Category($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); } break; case 'deleteCategory': if (!$session->restricted && isset($this->data->id)) { $category = new Category($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); return $category->delete(); } break; case 'editCategory': if (isset($this->data->id)) { $data = $this->data; $category = new Category($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); if (!$session->restricted) { if (isset($data->name)) { $category->name = $data->name; } if (isset($data->parent)) { $category->parent = $data->parent; } if (isset($data->male)) { $category->male = $data->male; } if (isset($data->female)) { $category->female = $data->female; } if (isset($data->children)) { $category->children = $data->children; } if (isset($data->baby)) { $category->baby = $data->baby; } if (isset($data->summer)) { $category->summer = $data->summer; } if (isset($data->winter)) { $category->winter = $data->winter; } } if (isset($data->demand)) { $category->demand = $data->demand; } if (isset($data->weight)) { $category->weight = $data->weight; } return $category->edit(); } break; case 'getCategories': if (isset($this->data->parent)) { return Category::getCategories($session->warehouseId, $this->data->parent); } else { return Category::getCategories($session->warehouseId); } case 'addLocation': if (!$session->restricted && isset($this->data->name)) { $location = new Location(null, $session->warehouseId); $location->name = $this->data->name; if ($location->edit()) { return $location->id; } return true; } break; case 'getLocation': if (isset($this->data->id) && isset($this->data->update)) { return new Location($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId, $this->data->update); } elseif (isset($this->data->id)) { return new Location($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); } break; case 'deleteLocation': if (!$session->restricted && isset($this->data->id)) { $location = new Location($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); return $location->delete(); } break; case 'editLocation': if (!$session->restricted && isset($this->data->id) && isset($this->data->name)) { $location = new Location($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); $location->name = $this->data->name; return $location->edit(); } break; case 'getLocations': return Location::getLocations($session->warehouseId); case 'addPalette': $palette = new Palette(null, $session->warehouseId); if (isset($this->data->locationId)) { $palette->locationId = $this->data->locationId; } if ($palette->edit()) { return $palette->id; } break; case 'getPalette': if (isset($this->data->id) && isset($this->data->update)) { return new Palette($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId, $this->data->update); } elseif (isset($this->data->id)) { return new Palette($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); } break; case 'deletePalette': if (isset($this->data->id)) { $palette = new Palette($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); return $palette->delete(); } break; case 'editPalette': if (isset($this->data->id)) { $palette = new Palette($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); if (isset($this->data->locationId)) { $palette->locationId = $this->data->locationId; } return $palette->edit(); } break; case 'getPalettes': return Palette::getPalettes($session->warehouseId); case 'getCarton': if (isset($this->data->id) && isset($this->data->update)) { return new Carton($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId, null, null, $this->data->update); } elseif (isset($this->data->id)) { return new Carton($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); } break; case 'addCarton': $locationId = null; $paletteId = null; if (isset($this->data->location)) { $locationId = $this->data->location; } if (isset($this->data->palette)) { $paletteId = $this->data->palette; } $carton = new Carton(null, $session->warehouseId, $locationId, $paletteId); return $carton->id; case 'deleteCarton': if (isset($this->data->id)) { $carton = new Carton($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); return $carton->delete(); } break; case 'editCarton': if (isset($this->data->id)) { $carton = new Carton($this->data->id, $session->warehouseId); if (isset($this->data->location)) { $carton->locationId = $this->data->location; } else { $carton->locationId = null; } if (isset($this->data->palette)) { $carton->paletteId = $this->data->palette; } else { $carton->paletteId = null; } return $carton->edit(); } break; case 'addArticle': if (isset($this->data->carton) && isset($this->data->category) && isset($this->data->amount)) { return Stock::addArticle($this->data->carton, $this->data->category, isset($this->data->male) ? $this->data->male : false, isset($this->data->female) ? $this->data->female : false, isset($this->data->children) ? $this->data->children : false, isset($this->data->baby) ? $this->data->baby : false, isset($this->data->winter) ? $this->data->winter : false, isset($this->data->summer) ? $this->data->summer : false, $this->data->amount >= 0 ? $this->data->amount : 0, $this->data->amount < 0 ? $this->data->amount : 0); } break; case 'getStock': return Stock::getStock($session->warehouseId, isset($this->data->carton) ? $this->data->carton : null, isset($this->data->category) ? $this->data->category : null, isset($this->data->palette) ? $this->data->palette : null, isset($this->data->location) ? $this->data->location : null, isset($this->data->male) ? $this->data->male : false, isset($this->data->female) ? $this->data->female : false, isset($this->data->children) ? $this->data->children : false, isset($this->data->baby) ? $this->data->male : false, isset($this->data->summer) ? $this->data->male : false, isset($this->data->winter) ? $this->data->male : false, isset($this->data->details) ? $this->data->details : false); case 'getBarcodeUri': if (isset($this->data->text)) { // create barcode object $bc = new Barcode39($this->data->text); if (isset($this->data->textSize)) { $bc->barcode_text_size = $this->data->textSize; } if (isset($this->data->barThin)) { $bc->barcode_bar_thin = $this->data->barThin; } if (isset($this->data->barThick)) { $bc->barcode_bar_thick = $this->data->barThick; } // generate barcode image $img = "barcode_" . mt_rand(0, 100) . ".png"; $bc->draw($img); // get data uri $uri = Barcode39::getDataURI($img); unlink($img); return $uri; } break; } } else { // process unrestricted function switch ($this->f) { case 'getActiveSessions': return Session::getActiveSessionsNumber(); case 'getWarehouses': return Warehouse::getWarehouses(); case 'addWarehouse': $data = $this->data; if (isset($data->name) && isset($data->description) && isset($data->country) && isset($data->city) && isset($data->password) && isset($data->mail)) { $warehouse = new Warehouse(); Log::debug('new warehouse' . $warehouse->id); $warehouse->name = $data->name; $warehouse->description = $data->description; $warehouse->country = $data->country; $warehouse->city = $data->city; $warehouse->setPassword($data->password); $warehouse->setMail($data->mail); return $warehouse->edit(); } break; case 'getCountries': return getCountries(); break; case 'getCountryCode': $data = $this->data; if (isset($data->name)) { return getCountryCode(null, $data->name); } return false; } } return false; }
//New template $template_id = Session::update_template($conn, $login . "_perms", $perms); } Session::insert($conn, $login, $login_method, $pass1, $user_name, $email, $template_id, $entities, $sel_sensors, $sel_assets, $company, $department, $language, $first_login, $tzone, $is_admin); User_config::copy_panel($conn, $login); $_SESSION['_user_vision'] = $pro ? Acl::get_user_vision($conn) : Session::get_user_vision($conn); Util::memcacheFlush(); Session::log_pass_history($login, hash('sha256', $pass1)); } else { $msg = 'updated'; if ($insert_menu == TRUE) { Session::update_template($conn, $login . '_perms', $perms, $template_id); } $error = 0; if (($am_i_admin || $am_i_proadmin) && !$is_my_profile) { Session::update($conn, $login, $login_method, $user_name, $email, $template_id, $entities, $sel_sensors, $sel_assets, $company, $department, $language, $first_login, $tzone, $is_admin); Util::memcacheFlush(); } else { $error = Session::update_user_light($conn, $login, $login_method, $user_name, $email, $company, $department, $language, $first_login, $is_admin, $tzone); if ($error == 0) { Util::memcacheFlush(); if ($is_my_profile && $language != $_SESSION['_user_language']) { $_SESSION['_user_language'] = $language; ossim_set_lang($language); $language_changed = TRUE; } $tzone_diff = Session::get_timezone($tzone); if ($is_my_profile && $_SESSION['_timezone'] != $tzone_diff) { $_SESSION['_timezone'] = $tzone_diff; $tzone_changed = TRUE; }
sysCmd("/var/www/command/unmute.sh pi-ampplus"); } elseif ($_SESSION['i2s'] == 'IQaudIO Pi-DigiAMP+') { sysCmd("/var/www/command/unmute.sh pi-digiampplus"); } else { sysCmd("/var/www/command/unmute.sh default"); } // TC (Tim Curtis) 2015-04-29: store PCM (alsamixer) volume, picked up by settings.php ALSA volume field // TC (Tim Curtis) 2015-06-26: set simple mixer name based on kernel version and i2s vs USB $mixername = getMixerName(getKernelVer($_SESSION['kernelver']), $_SESSION['i2s']); $rtn = "/var/www/tcmods/" . MOODE_RELEASE . "/cmds/tcmods.sh get-pcmvol " . $mixername; $volume = substr($rtn[0], 0, 6) == 'amixer' ? 'none' : str_replace("%", "", $rtn[0]); // update session and db Session::wrap(function () use($_tcmods_conf, $volume) { Session::update('kernelver', $_tcmods_conf['sys_kernel_ver']); Session::update('procarch', $_tcmods_conf['sys_processor_arch']); Session::update('pcm_volume', $volume); }, true); /* * Worker main loop */ logWorker('[daemon] Loop'); while (1) { // TC (Tim Curtis) 2014-12-23: check clock radio for scheduled playback if ($_tcmods_conf['clock_radio_enabled'] == "Yes") { $current_time = date("hi A"); if ($current_time == $clock_radio_starttime) { $clock_radio_starttime = ''; // TC (Tim Curtis) 2015-06-26: new volume control with optional logarithmic mapping of knob 0-100 range to hardware range $_tcmods_conf = getTcmodsConf(); // read in conf file $level = $_tcmods_conf['clock_radio_volume'];
/** * Write function that is called when session data is to be saved. * * @param string $sess_id The current session ID * @param string $data The session data to write * * @return void * @access public */ public static function write($sess_id, $data) { if (isset($_SESSION['no_store'])) { return true; } $s = new Session(); $s->session_id = $sess_id; if ($s->find(true)) { $s->data = $data; return $s->update(); } else { // in seconds - easier for calculating duration $s->last_used = time(); // in date format - easier to read $s->created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $s->data = $data; return $s->insert(); } }
echo "<pre>"; print_r($data); echo "</pre>"; ?> </div> </div> <?php } function RandomString() { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $randstring = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $randstring = $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)]; } return $randstring; } $html = new Frontend(); $db = new Session(); if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { $db->update("users", "last_seen", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $_SESSION['userid']); } if (is_file("update.lock") or is_file("install.lock")) { if ($current_page != "lock.php" and $current_page != "update.php") { $html->redirection("lock.php"); } } if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != "logon.php" and basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != "upload.php") { $html->navbar(); } $alerts = new Alerts();
} $sensors = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $nsensors; $i++) { ossim_valid(POST("sensor{$i}"), OSS_LETTER, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_DOT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("sensor{$i}")); if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); } if ($sensors == "") { $sensors = POST("sensor{$i}"); } else { $sensors .= "," . POST("sensor{$i}"); } } if (Session::am_i_admin()) { require_once "classes/Util.inc"; Session::update($conn, $user, $name, $email, $perms, $nets, $sensors, $company, $department, $language, $kdbperms, $first_login, $is_admin, $tzone); Util::clean_json_cache_files("", $user); } else { Session::update_noperms($conn, $user, $name, $email, $company, $department, $language, $first_login, $is_admin, $tzone); } if ($user == Session::get_session_user() && $language != $_SESSION['_user_language']) { $_SESSION['_user_language'] = $language; ossim_set_lang($language); $langchanged = 1; } if ($user == Session::get_session_user() && $_SESSION['_timezone'] != $tzone) { $_SESSION['_timezone'] = $tzone; } // PASSWORD if (POST("pass1") && POST("pass2")) { /*