Example #1
  * Write a new error message to log.
  * @param int $priority One of the PHP Syslog priority constants.
  * @param string $message Message to log.
  * @return bool True on success.
 public static function error($message)
     if (!self::$opened) {
     $logHeader = (!Session::isLoggedIn() ? 'Guest' : 'User ' . Session::getVar('username')) . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' (' . microtime(true) . '):  ';
     return self::$logModel->error($logHeader . $message);
Example #2
  * Write a new error message to log.
  * @param int $priority One of the PHP Syslog priority constants.
  * @param string $message Message to log.
  * @return bool True on success.
 public static function error($priority, $message)
     if (!self::$opened) {
     $logHeader = (!Session::isLoggedIn() ? 'Guest' : 'User ' . Session::getVar('username')) . ' (' . microtime() . '):  ';
     return syslog($priority, $logHeader . $message);
Example #3
  * Determine if a user has finished a mission.
  * @param string $id Mission id.
  * @return bool True if the user has completed the mission before.
 public static function hasDone($id)
     if (!Session::isLoggedIn()) {
         return false;
     $missions = self::getModel();
     return (bool) $missions->getTimesDone(Session::getVar('_id'), $id);
Example #4
 public function general()
     if (($id = Session::getVar('_id')) == false) {
         $id = null;
     $get = array_map(array($this, 'clean'), $_GET);
     $post = array_map(array($this, 'clean'), $_POST);
     $arguments = array_map(array($this, 'clean'), Log::$arguments);
     $entry = array('userId' => $id, 'ids' => array('ipAddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'sid' => session_id()), 'uri' => $this->clean(Log::$uri), 'request' => $this->clean(Log::$request), 'arguments' => $arguments, 'input' => array('GET' => $get, 'POST' => $post), 'time' => microtime(true), 'loadTime' => microtime(true) - Log::$start);
     array_push($this->general, serialize($entry));
Example #5
  * Check ACLs to determine if a user has a certain permission.
  * @param string $name Name of the permission to check for.
  * @return bool True if the user does have the permission in $name.
 public static function can($name)
     return Session::isLoggedIn();
     if (!self::$populated) {
     $group = Session::getVar('group');
     if (empty($group)) {
         $group = 'guest';
     $result = self::$acl->can($group, $name);
     return $result;
Example #6
 public static function errorBan()
     $bans = Session::getVar('bans');
     if (empty($bans)) {
     if ($bans['errorBan']) {
         goto ban;
     $rand = rand(0, 1);
     if ($rand) {
Example #7
 private function info($level)
     $default = array('name' => '', 'photourl' => '');
     if (!Session::isLoggedIn()) {
         $this->view['data'] = $default;
         goto infoReturn;
     $photoUrl = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(strtolower(trim(Session::getVar('email')))) . '?d=identicon&r=pg';
     if ($level == 'public') {
         $this->view['data'] = array('name' => Session::getVar('username'), 'photourl' => $photoUrl);
     } elseif ($level == 'full') {
         $this->view['data'] = array('uniqueid' => (string) Session::getVar('_id'), 'name' => Session::getVar('username'), 'email' => Session::getVar('email'), 'photourl' => $photoUrl);
     } else {
         $this->view['data'] = $default;
     return true;
Example #8
  * Implements standard username/password and IP-address based user authentication. Applications
  * requiring completely custom authentication methods should override this method. However, most of
  * the time if you need custom authentication you can just create a custom user auth handler class ("username/password" authentication).
  * One clean way to extend Auth is create a sub-class whose constructor calls addUserHandler() and delegates
  * everything else to Auth.
  * @access private 
  * @param array of login options (same as the associative option array in the class constructor)
 public function doAuthentication($pa_options)
     global $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $o_event_log = new Eventlog();
     $vs_app_name = $this->config->get("app_name");
     foreach (array('no_headers', 'dont_redirect_to_login', 'dont_create_new_session', 'dont_redirect_to_welcome', 'user_name', 'password', 'options', 'noPublicUsers', 'dont_redirect', 'no_headers', 'redirect') as $vs_key) {
         if (!isset($pa_options[$vs_key])) {
             $pa_options[$vs_key] = null;
     if (!is_array($pa_options["options"])) {
         $pa_options["options"] = array();
     if ($pa_options["no_headers"]) {
         $pa_options["dont_redirect_to_login"] = true;
         $pa_options["dont_create_new_session"] = true;
         $pa_options["dont_redirect_to_welcome"] = true;
     if ($pa_options["dont_redirect"]) {
         $pa_options["dont_redirect_to_login"] = true;
         $pa_options["dont_redirect_to_welcome"] = true;
     $vb_login_successful = false;
     if (!$pa_options["user_name"]) {
         // no incoming login
         // is a user already logged in?
         if ($vn_user_id = $this->session->getVar($vs_app_name . "_user_id")) {
             // does session have a user attached to it?
             // user is already logged in
             $this->user = new ca_users($vn_user_id);
             // add user object
             if (!$this->user->isActive() || $this->user->numErrors() || $pa_options['noPublicUsers'] && $this->user->isPublicUser()) {
                 // error means user_id in session is invalid
                 $vb_login_successful = false;
             } else {
                 $vb_login_successful = true;
             if ($vb_login_successful) {
                 // Login was successful
                 $this->session->setVar($vs_app_name . "_lastping", time());
                 // set last time we heard from client in session
                 $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID = $vn_user_id;
                 //$this->user->close(); ** will be called externally **
                 return $vb_login_successful;
         if (!$vb_login_successful) {
             $this->user = new ca_users();
             // add user object
             $vs_tmp1 = $vs_tmp2 = null;
             if ($vn_auth_type = $this->user->authenticate($vs_tmp1, $vs_tmp2, $pa_options["options"])) {
                 # error means user_id in session is invalid
                 if ($pa_options['noPublicUsers'] && $this->user->isPublicUser() || !$this->user->isActive()) {
                     $o_event_log->log(array("CODE" => "LOGF", "SOURCE" => "Auth", "MESSAGE" => "Failed login for user id '" . $vn_user_id . "' (" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "); IP=" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "; user agent='" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "'"));
                     $vb_login_successful = false;
                 } else {
                     $vb_login_successful = true;
                     $vn_user_id = $this->user->getUserID();
             if (!$vb_login_successful) {
                 // throw user to login screen
                 if (!$pa_options["dont_redirect_to_login"]) {
                     $o_event_log->log(array("CODE" => "LOGF", "SOURCE" => "Auth", "MESSAGE" => "Failed login with redirect for user id '" . $vn_user_id . "' (" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "); IP=" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "; user agent='" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "'"));
                     $vs_redirect = $this->getRequestUrl(true);
                     if (strpos($vs_redirect, $this->config->get("auth_login_path") !== -1)) {
                         $vs_redirect = '';
                     } else {
                         $vs_redirect = '?redirect=' . urlencode($vs_redirect);
                     $this->opo_response->addHeader("Location", $this->getBaseUrlPath() . '/' . $this->getScriptName() . '/' . $this->config->get("auth_login_path") . $vs_redirect);
                 return false;
     // incoming login
     if ($pa_options["user_name"]) {
         $vb_login_successful = false;
         $this->user = new ca_users();
         if ($vn_auth_type = $this->user->authenticate($pa_options["user_name"], $pa_options["password"], $pa_options["options"])) {
             # error means user_id in session is invalid
             if ($pa_options['noPublicUsers'] && $this->user->isPublicUser() || !$this->user->isActive()) {
                 $vb_login_successful = false;
             } else {
                 $vb_login_successful = true;
                 $vn_user_id = $this->user->getUserID();
     if (!$vb_login_successful) {
         $this->user = null;
         // auth failed
         // throw user to login screen
         if ($pa_options["user_name"]) {
             $o_event_log->log(array("CODE" => "LOGF", "SOURCE" => "Auth", "MESSAGE" => "Failed login for '" . $pa_options["user_name"] . "' (" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "); IP=" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "; user agent='" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "'"));
         if (!$pa_options["dont_redirect_to_login"]) {
             $vs_auth_login_url = $this->getBaseUrlPath() . '/' . $this->getScriptName() . '/' . $this->config->get("auth_login_path");
             $this->opo_response->addHeader("Location", $vs_auth_login_url);
         return false;
     } else {
         $o_event_log->log(array("CODE" => "LOGN", "SOURCE" => "Auth", "MESSAGE" => "Successful login for '" . $pa_options["user_name"] . "'; IP=" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "; user agent=" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]));
         $this->session->setVar($vs_app_name . "_user_auth_type", $vn_auth_type);
         // type of auth used: 1=username/password; 2=ip-base auth
         $this->session->setVar($vs_app_name . "_user_id", $vn_user_id);
         // auth succeeded; set user_id in session
         $this->session->setVar($vs_app_name . "_logintime", time());
         // also set login time (unix timestamp) in session
         $this->session->setVar($vs_app_name . "_lastping", time());
         $this->session->setVar("screen_width", isset($_REQUEST["_screen_width"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["_screen_width"]) : 0);
         $this->session->setVar("screen_height", isset($_REQUEST["_screen_height"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["_screen_height"]) : 0);
         $this->session->setVar("has_pdf_plugin", isset($_REQUEST["_has_pdf_plugin"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["_has_pdf_plugin"]) : 0);
         $this->user->setVar('last_login', time(), array('volatile' => true));
         $this->user->setLastLogout($this->user->getLastPing(), array('volatile' => true));
         //$this->user->close(); ** will be called externally **
         $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID = $vn_user_id;
         if ($pa_options['redirect']) {
             // redirect to specified URL
         if (!$pa_options["dont_redirect_to_welcome"]) {
             // redirect to "welcome" page
             $this->opo_response->setRedirect($this->getBaseUrlPath() . '/' . $this->getScriptName() . '/' . $this->config->get("auth_login_welcome_path"));
         return true;
Example #9

include "class_session.inc.php";
$session = new Session();
if ($session->isValid()) {
    //Test if the session has not been stolen
} else {
    echo $session->getLastError();
Example #10
 protected function certificate_remove()
     // Delete
     if (!Session::isLoggedIn()) {
         return Error::set('You are not logged in!');
     if (empty($_POST['hash'])) {
         return Error::set('No certificate hash was found.');
     $certs = new certs(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo'), ConnectionFactory::get('redis'));
     $cert = $certs->get($_POST['hash'], false);
     if ($cert == null) {
         return Error::set('Invalid certificate hash.');
     if (substr($cert, 0, strpos($cert, ':')) != Session::getVar('_id')) {
         return Error::set('You are not allowed to remove this certificate.');
     $users = new users(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo'));
     $users->removeCert(Session::getVar('_id'), $_POST['hash']);
     header('Location: ' . Url::format('/user/settings'));
Example #11
  * Add a new certificate.
  * @param string $cert The public certificate to add.
 public function add($cert)
     $this->grid->storeBytes(Session::getVar('_id') . ':' . trim($cert), array('key' => $this->getKey($cert)));
     return true;
Example #12
 public function authChange($type, $comment)
     return CheckAcl::can($type . 'AllComment') || CheckAcl::can($type . 'Comment') && Session::getVar('username') == $comment['user']['username'];
Example #13
 public static function canView($bug)
     if ($bug['public'] == true) {
         return true;
     if (Session::isLoggedIn() && (string) $bug['reporter']['$id'] == (string) Session::getVar('_id') || CheckAcl::can('viewPrivateBug')) {
         return true;
     return false;
Example #14
 public function validate($title, $category, $description, $text, $tags, $creating = true)
     $ref = MongoDBRef::create('users', Session::getVar('_id'));
     $func = function ($value) {
         return trim($value);
     $title = substr($this->clean($title), 0, 100);
     $description = substr($this->clean($description), 0, 500);
     $body = substr($this->clean($text), 0, 7000);
     if (is_array($tags)) {
         $tags = implode(',', $tags);
     $tags = array_map($func, explode(',', $this->clean($tags)));
     if (empty($title)) {
         return 'Invalid title.';
     if (empty($description)) {
         return 'Invalid description';
     if (empty($body)) {
         return 'Invalid body.';
     if (empty(self::$categories[$category])) {
         return 'Invalid category.';
     $entry = array('title' => $title, 'category' => $category, 'description' => $description, 'body' => $body, 'tags' => $tags, 'user' => $ref, 'date' => time(), 'commentable' => true, 'published' => false, 'ghosted' => false);
     if (!$creating) {
         unset($entry['user'], $entry['date'], $entry['commentable'], $entry['published']);
     self::ApcPurge('getNewPosts', null);
     return $entry;
Example #15
if (Session::isLoggedIn()) {
						<p class="navbar-text pull-right">Logged in as 
						<a href="<?php 
    echo Url::format('/user/view/' . Session::getVar('username'));
    echo Session::getVar('username');
} else {
						<p class="navbar-text pull-right">
							<a href="<?php 
    echo Url::format('/user/login');
					</div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
Example #16
    } else {
        echo Date::dayFormat($comment['date']);
			</small><br />
				<div class="pull-right">
    $edit = false;
    $delete = false;
    if (CheckAcl::can('editAllComment') || CheckAcl::can('editComment') && Session::getVar('username') == $comment['user']['username']) {
        $edit = true;
    if (CheckAcl::can('deleteAllComment') || CheckAcl::can('deleteComment') && Session::getVar('username') == $comment['user']['username']) {
        $delete = true;
    if ($edit) {
					<a class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php 
        echo Url::format('/comment/edit/' . $comment['_id']);
    if ($delete) {
					<a class="btn btn-danger" href="<?php 
        echo Url::format('/comment/delete/' . $comment['_id']);
Example #17
 public function validate($title, $department, $text, $tags, $shortNews, $commentable, $creating = true, $preview = false)
     $ref = MongoDBRef::create('users', Session::getVar('_id'));
     $func = function ($value) {
         return trim($value);
     $title = substr($this->clean($title), 0, 100);
     $department = substr(str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($this->clean($department))), 0, 80);
     $body = substr($this->clean($text), 0, 5000);
     if (is_array($tags)) {
         $tags = implode(',', $tags);
     $tags = array_map($func, explode(',', $this->clean($tags)));
     if (empty($title)) {
         return 'Invalid title.';
     if (empty($body)) {
         return 'Invalid body.';
     $entry = array('title' => $title, 'department' => $department, 'body' => $body, 'tags' => $tags, 'user' => $ref, 'date' => time(), 'shortNews' => (bool) $shortNews, 'commentable' => (bool) $commentable, 'ghosted' => false);
     if (!$creating) {
         unset($entry['user'], $entry['date'], $entry['flaggable']);
     if (!$preview) {
         self::ApcPurge('getNewPosts', null);
     return $entry;
Example #18
  * Add a note to a user's profile.
  * @param string $userId The user's id.
  * @param string $note The note.
  * @return mixed Null on success, or an error string.
 public function addNote($userId, $note)
     $user = $this->db->findOne(array('_id' => $this->_toMongoId($userId)));
     if (!$user) {
         return 'Invalid user id.';
     $note = $this->clean($note);
     if (empty($note)) {
         return 'Invalid note.';
     $this->db->update(array('_id' => $this->_toMongoId($userId)), array('$push' => array('notes' => array('user' => MongoDBRef::create('users', Session::getVar('_id')), 'date' => time(), 'text' => substr($note, 0, 160)))));