Example #1
  * Testing Sensei_Core_Modules::get_term_author
 public function testGetTermAuthor()
     // setup assertions
     $test_user_id = wp_create_user('teacherGetTermAuthor', 'teacherGetTermAuthor', '*****@*****.**');
     //insert a general term
     wp_insert_term('Get Started', 'module');
     //insert a term as if from the user
     wp_insert_term('Get Started Today', 'module', array('description' => 'A yummy apple.', 'slug' => $test_user_id . '-get-started-today'));
     // does the function exist?
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists('Sensei_Core_Modules', 'get_term_authors'), 'The function Sensei_Core_Modules::get_term_author does not exist ');
     // does the taxonomy exist
     $module_taxonomy = get_taxonomy('module');
     $this->assertTrue($module_taxonomy->public, 'The module taxonomy is not loaded');
     // does it return empty array id for bogus term nam?
     $term_authors = Sensei_Core_Modules::get_term_authors('bogusnonexistan');
     $this->assertTrue(empty($term_authors), 'The function should return false for an invalid term');
     //does it return the admin user for a valid term ?
     $admin = get_user_by('email', get_bloginfo('admin_email'));
     $term_authors = Sensei_Core_Modules::get_term_authors('Get Started');
     $this->assertTrue($admin == $term_authors[0], 'The function should return admin user for normal module term.');
     // does it return the expected new user for the given term registered with that id in front of the slug?
     $term_authors = Sensei_Core_Modules::get_term_authors('Get Started Today');
     $this->assertTrue(get_userdata($test_user_id) == $term_authors[0], 'The function should admin user for normal module term.');
     // what about terms with the same name but different slug?
     // It should return 2 authors as we've created 2 with the same name
     // insert a term that is the same as the first one
     wp_insert_term('Get Started', 'module', array('description' => 'A yummy apple.', 'slug' => $test_user_id . '-get-started'));
     $term_authors = Sensei_Core_Modules::get_term_authors('Get Started');
     $this->assertTrue(2 == count($term_authors), 'The function should admin user for normal module term.');