show() public method

public show ( string $background_image = "" )
$background_image string The path to an image to use as the background for the CAPTCHA
 public static function sendCaptcha()
     $libPath = INSTALL_PATH . "/server/classes/securimage";
     $img = new Securimage();
     $img->wordlist_file = $libPath . "/words/words.txt";
     $img->gd_font_file = $libPath . "/gdfonts/automatic.gdf";
     $img->signature_font = $img->ttf_file = $libPath . "/AHGBold.ttf";
     $img->image_height = 80;
     $img->image_width = 170;
     $img->perturbation = 0.85;
     $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#f6f6f6");
     $img->multi_text_color = array(new Securimage_Color("#3399ff"), new Securimage_Color("#3300cc"), new Securimage_Color("#3333cc"), new Securimage_Color("#6666ff"), new Securimage_Color("#99cccc"));
     $img->use_multi_text = true;
     $img->text_angle_minimum = -5;
     $img->text_angle_maximum = 5;
     $img->use_transparent_text = true;
     $img->text_transparency_percentage = 30;
     // 100 = completely transparent
     $img->num_lines = 5;
     $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color("#eaeaea");
     $img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
     $img->use_wordlist = true;
     if (!function_exists('imagettftext')) {
         $img->use_gd_font = true;
         $img->use_transparent_text = false;
         $img->use_multi_text = false;
Example #2
 public function securimages_show()
     $img = new Securimage();
     // You can customize the image by making changes below, some examples are included - remove the "//" to uncomment
     //$img->ttf_file        = './Quiff.ttf';
     //$img->captcha_type    = Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC; // show a simple math problem instead of text
     //$img->case_sensitive  = true;                              // true to use case sensitve codes - not recommended
     //$img->image_height    = 90;                                // height in pixels of the image
     //$img->image_width     = $img->image_height * M_E;          // a good formula for image size based on the height
     //$img->perturbation    = .75;                               // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
     //$img->image_bg_color  = new Securimage_Color("#0099CC");   // image background color
     //$img->text_color      = new Securimage_Color("#EAEAEA");   // captcha text color
     //$img->num_lines       = 8;                                 // how many lines to draw over the image
     //$img->line_color      = new Securimage_Color("#0000CC");   // color of lines over the image
     //$img->image_type      = SI_IMAGE_JPEG;                     // render as a jpeg image
     //$img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64),
     //                                             rand(64, 128),
     //                                             rand(128, 255));  // random signature color
     // see securimage.php for more options that can be set
     // set namespace if supplied to script via HTTP GET
     if (!empty($_GET['namespace'])) {
     // outputs the image and content headers to the browser
     // alternate use:
     // $img->show('/path/to/background_image.jpg');
 function show()
     $options = array('text_color' => new Securimage_Color('#e80707'), 'captcha_type' => 1, 'noise_level' => 2);
     $phpcaptcha = new Securimage($options);
Example #4
 public function actionCaptcha()
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../widget/secureimage/assets/securimage.php';
     $img = new \Securimage();
     // You can customize the image by making changes below, some examples are included - remove the "//" to uncomment
     //$img->ttf_file        = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../widget/secureimage/assets/AHGBold.ttf';
     //$img->captcha_type    = \Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_WORDS; // show a simple math problem instead of text
     //$img->case_sensitive  = true;                              // true to use case sensitve codes - not recommended
     //$img->image_height    = 90;                                // height in pixels of the image
     //$img->image_width     = $img->image_height * M_E *1.5;          // a good formula for image size based on the height
     //$img->perturbation    = .75;                               // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
     $img->image_bg_color = new \Securimage_Color("#f1f3f4");
     // image background color
     //$img->text_color      = new \Securimage_Color("#000");   // captcha text color
     //$img->num_lines       = 8;                                 // how many lines to draw over the image
     //$img->line_color      = new Securimage_Color("#0000CC");   // color of lines over the image
     //$img->image_type      = SI_IMAGE_JPEG;                     // render as a jpeg image
     //$img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64),
     //                                             rand(64, 128),
     //                                             rand(128, 255));  // random signature color
     if (!empty($_GET['namespace'])) {
  * 画像作成。
 public function captcha()
     App::import('Vendor', 'Securimage', array('file' => 'securimage/securimage.php'));
     $securimage = new Securimage();
     $securimage->ttf_file = ROOT . '/vendors/securimage/AHGBold.ttf';
 public static function show($captcha_name, $width = 300, $height = 100)
     $options = array('send_headers' => FALSE, 'no_exit' => TRUE);
     $img = new Securimage($options);
     //Change some settings
     $img->namespace = $captcha_name;
     $img->image_width = $width;
     $img->image_height = $height;
     $img->perturbation = 0.85;
     $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#f6f6f6");
     $img->use_transparent_text = true;
     $img->text_transparency_percentage = 10;
     // 100 = completely transparent
     $img->num_lines = 7;
     $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color("#eaeaea");
     $img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
     // start the output buffer
     $img->show(BASEPATH . '../application/third_party/securimage/backgrounds/bg6.jpg');
     // alternate use:  $img->show('/path/to/background_image.jpg');
     $imgBinary = ob_get_contents();
     // get contents of the buffer
     // turn off buffering and clear the buffer
     header('Content-Type: image/png');
     header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($imgBinary));
     echo $imgBinary;
Example #7
  * Method to display the captcha to validate the form
  * @access	public
 function captcha()
     include "components/com_visforms/captcha/securimage.php";
     $img = new Securimage();
     $img->namespace = 'form' . JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('id', 0);
     $img->ttf_file = "components/com_visforms/captcha/elephant.ttf";
 public function securimage()
     $active = $this->config->item('si_active');
     $allsettings = array_merge($this->config->item($active), $this->config->item('si_general'));
     $img = new Securimage($allsettings);
     //$img->captcha_type = Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC;
     $img->show(APPPATH . 'libraries/securimage/backgrounds/bg6.png');
Example #9
 public function generate()
     $config = configHelper::getConfig()['securimageConfig'];
     $si = new \Securimage($config);
     //securimage write the image data to output buffer, we should get it and clean output buffer and encode image data to a base64 string.
     $imageData = ob_get_contents();
     $imageStr = base64_encode($imageData);
     $imageCode = $si->getCode(false, true);
     return ['data' => $imageStr, 'code' => $imageCode];
 public function getCaptcha(Request $request)
     $config = Config::get('securimage');
     $captcha = new \Securimage();
     $captcha->code_length = $config['length'];
     $captcha->image_width = $config['width'];
     $captcha->image_height = $config['height'];
     $captcha->perturbation = $config['perturbation'];
     $captcha->case_sensitive = $config['case_sensitive'];
     $captcha->num_lines = $config['num_lines'];
     $captcha->charset = $config['charset'];
Example #11
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function generate($generate = false)
     if (!empty($this->data) && $generate === false) {
         return $this->data;
     switch ($this->provider->image_type) {
         case Securimage::SI_IMAGE_JPEG:
             $this->data['mimeType'] = 'image/jpeg';
         case Securimage::SI_IMAGE_GIF:
             $this->data['mimeType'] = 'image/gif';
             $this->data['mimeType'] = 'image/png';
     $this->data['image'] = ob_get_clean();
     $this->code = $this->provider->getCode([], true);
     return $this->data;
Example #12
  * 生成验证码2
  * @param type $sessionName
  * @param type $width
  * @param type $height
 static function validatePic2($sessionName = "defaultSess", $width = 0, $height = 0)
     require Yii::app()->basePath . '/components/SecurImage.php';
     $validateImage = new Securimage();
     $validateImage->use_gd_font = true;
     $validateImage->gd_font_file = Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/font/crass.gdf";
     $validateImage->draw_lines = false;
     $validateImage->arc_linethrough = false;
     $validateImage->sess_name = $sessionName;
     if ($width != 0) {
         $validateImage->image_width = $width;
     if ($height != 0) {
         $validateImage->image_height = $height;
     $code = $validateImage->createCode();
     Yii::app()->session[$sessionName] = strtolower($code);
//$img->image_height    = 90;                                // height in pixels of the image
//$img->image_width     = $img->image_height * M_E;          // a good formula for image size based on the height
//$img->perturbation    = .75;                               // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
//$img->image_bg_color  = new Securimage_Color("#0099CC");   // image background color
//$img->text_color      = new Securimage_Color("#EAEAEA");   // captcha text color
//$img->num_lines       = 8;                                 // how many lines to draw over the image
//$img->line_color      = new Securimage_Color("#0000CC");   // color of lines over the image
//$img->image_type      = SI_IMAGE_JPEG;                     // render as a jpeg image
//$img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64),
//                                             rand(64, 128),
//                                             rand(128, 255));  // random signature color
// $img->ttf_file        = './Aller_Bd.ttf';
$img->image_height = 30;
$img->image_width = 81;
$img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color(0, 0, 0);
// image background color
$img->perturbation = 0;
$img->text_color = new Securimage_Color(255, 255, 255);
// captcha text color
$img->num_lines = 0;
// how many lines to draw over the image
// see securimage.php for more options that can be set
// set namespace if supplied to script via HTTP GET
if (!empty($_GET['namespace'])) {
// outputs the image and content headers to the browser
// alternate use:
// $img->show('/path/to/background_image.jpg');
Example #14
 function securimage()
     $img = new Securimage();
Example #15

require_once 'helpers/Captcha.class.php';
$image = new Securimage();
$image->image_width = 250;
$image->image_height = 80;
$image->perturbation = 0.85;
$image->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#999");
$image->use_transparent_text = true;
$image->num_lines = 3;
$image->line_color = new Securimage_Color("#ccc");
Example #16
 public function index()
     include_once FCPATH . 'resource/securimage/securimage.php';
     $img = new Securimage();
 public function imageAction()
     $store_id = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
     if (!Mage::helper('rewardpoints')->enabledCapcha($store_id)) {
     $require = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/Helper/Capcha/Securimage.php";
     require $require;
     $hp = $this->_getHelper();
     $img = new Securimage();
     //Change some settings
     $img->use_wordlist = $hp->capchaUseWordList($store_id);
     $img->image_width = $hp->getCapchaImageWidth($store_id);
     $img->image_height = $hp->getCapchaImageHeight($store_id);
     $img->perturbation = $hp->getCapchaPerturbation($store_id);
     $img->code_length = $hp->getCapchaCodeLength($store_id);
     $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color($hp->getCapchaBackgroundColor($store_id));
     $img->use_transparent_text = $hp->capchaUseTransparentText($store_id);
     $img->text_transparency_percentage = $hp->getCapchaTextTransparencyPercentage($store_id);
     // 100 = completely transparent
     $img->num_lines = $hp->getCapchaNumberLine($store_id);
     $img->text_color = new Securimage_Color($hp->getCapchaTextColor($store_id));
     $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color($hp->getCapchaLineColor($store_id));
     $backgroundFile = $hp->getCapchaBackgroundImage($store_id);
require_once 'securimage.php';
$image = new Securimage();
Example #19
  * 获取验证码
 public function getCaptchaImageAction()
     require APP_PATH . 'libraries/securimage/securimage.php';
     $img = new \Securimage(array('session' => $this->session, 'use_wordlist' => true));
     $img->show(APP_PATH . 'libraries/securimage/backgrounds/bg4.jpg');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/securimage.php';
$img = new Securimage();
// $img->image_width = 278;
$img->image_width = 250;
$img->image_height = 80;
$img->perturbation = 0.85;
$img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color(0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
$img->text_color = new Securimage_Color(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
$img->text_transparency_percentage = 10;
$img->use_transparent_text = true;
$img->text_angle_minimum = -10;
$img->text_angle_maximum = 10;
$img->num_lines = 0;
$img->line_color = new Securimage_Color(0xff, 0xaff, 0xff);
$img->use_wordlist = false;
Example #21
     * generate HTML Pages
     * @param   Object  $postId          Post Id
     * @param   Object  $formId          Form Id
     * @param   String  $formName        Form Name
     * @param   String  $formType        Form Type
     * @param   String  $topContent      Module Top content
     * @param   String  $bottomContent   Module Bottom Content
     * @param   String  $showTitle       State Show Title Form
     * @param   String  $showDes         State Show Description Form
     * @return string
    public static function generate_html_pages($postId, $formId, $formName, $formType = '', $topContent = '', $bottomContent = '', $showTitle = false, $showDes = false)
        $html = '';
        $assets = array();
        // add Filter apply assets
        load_plugin_textdomain(WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN, false, WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN . '/frontend/languages/');
        //$assets[ ] = 'wr-contactform-jquery-ui-css';
        $loadBootstrap = get_option('wr_contactform_load_bootstrap_css', 1);
        if ($loadBootstrap != '0' && $loadBootstrap != 0) {
            $assets[] = 'wr-bootstrap2-css';
        $items = get_post_meta((int) $postId);
        $formPages = self::get_form_content((int) $formId);
        $scheme = parse_url(get_site_url(), PHP_URL_SCHEME);
        /* define language */
        $arrayTranslated = array('The password must contain minimum %mi% and maximum %mx% character(s)', 'Both email addresses must be the same.', 'The number cannot be less than', 'The number cannot be greater than', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_DATE_HOUR_TEXT', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_DATE_MINUTE_TEXT', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_DATE_CLOSE_TEXT', 'Prev', 'Next', 'Today', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Wk', 'The information cannot contain more than', 'The information cannot contain less than', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_CAPTCHA_PUBLICKEY', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_BUTTON_BACK', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_BUTTON_NEXT', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_BUTTON_RESET', 'WR_CONTACTFORM_BUTTON_SUBMIT', 'This field can not be empty, please enter required information.', 'The information is invalid, please correct.');
        /* Check load JS */
        $checkLoadJS = array();
        $checkLoadJSTipsy = false;
        $formSettings = !empty($items['form_settings'][0]) ? json_decode($items['form_settings'][0]) : '';
        if ($formPages) {
            $formStyleCustom = new stdClass();
            if (!empty($items['form_style'][0])) {
                $formStyleCustom = json_decode($items['form_style'][0]);
            $dataSumbission = '';
            $classForm = !empty($formStyleCustom->layout) ? $formStyleCustom->layout : '';
            $formTheme = !empty($formStyleCustom->theme) ? $formStyleCustom->theme : '';
            if (!$formType) {
                wp_enqueue_style('contactform_form_' . $formId, site_url() . '/?wr-cf-gadget=contactform-style&action=default&form_id=' . $formId);
                $html .= "<div class=\"wr-contactform jsn-master\" data-form-name='" . $formName . "' id='wr_form_" . $formId . "'><div class=\"jsn-bootstrap\">";
                $html .= $topContent;
                $html .= "<form name='form_{$formName}' id='form_{$formName}' action=\"" . site_url() . '/?wr-cf-gadget=contactform-frontend&action=default&' . $formId . "\" method=\"post\" class=\"form-validate {$classForm} \" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" >";
                $html .= "<span class=\"hide wr-language\" style=\"display:none;\" data-value='" . json_encode(WR_Contactform_Helpers_Contactform::get_translated($arrayTranslated)) . "'></span>";
                $html .= '<span class="hide wr-base-url" style="display:none;" data-value="' . get_site_url() . '"></span>';
                $html .= '<div id="page-loading" class="jsn-bgloading"><i class="jsn-icon32 jsn-icon-loading"></i></div>';
                $html .= '<div class="jsn-row-container ' . $formTheme . '">';
            $html .= '<div class="message-contactform"> </div>';
            include_once WR_CONTACTFORM_PATH . 'helpers/form.php';
            foreach ($formPages as $i => $contentForm) {
                $pageContainer = !empty($contentForm->page_container) && json_decode($contentForm->page_container) ? $contentForm->page_container : '[[{"columnName":"left","columnClass":"span12"}]]';
                $formContent = isset($contentForm->page_content) ? json_decode($contentForm->page_content) : '';
                $htmlForm = '';
                if (!empty($formContent)) {
                    foreach ($formContent as $content) {
                        if (!empty($content->options->instruction) || !empty($content->instruction)) {
                            $checkLoadJSTipsy = true;
                        if (!empty($content->type)) {
                            $checkLoadJS[$content->type] = $content->type;
                    $htmlForm .= WR_Contactform_Helpers_Form::generate($formContent, $dataSumbission, $pageContainer);
                $html .= "<div data-value=\"{$contentForm->page_id}\" class=\"jsn-form-content hide\">{$htmlForm}";
                if ($i + 1 == count($formPages)) {
                    $global_captcha_setting = get_option('wr_contactform_global_captcha_setting', 2);
                    if ($global_captcha_setting != 0) {
                        if (!empty($formSettings->form_captcha) && $formSettings->form_captcha == 1) {
                            if ($scheme == 'https') {
                                $html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
                            } else {
                                $html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
                            $html .= '<div id="' . md5(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . $i . $formName) . '"  publickey="' . WR_CONTACTFORM_CAPTCHA_PUBLICKEY . '" class="form-captcha control-group"></div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!empty($formSettings->form_captcha) && $formSettings->form_captcha == 2 || $global_captcha_setting == 1) {
                                include_once WR_CONTACTFORM_PATH . 'libraries/3rd-party/securimage/securimage.php';
                                $img = new Securimage();
                                $img->case_sensitive = true;
                                // true to use case sensitve codes - not recommended
                                $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color('#ffffff');
                                // image background color
                                $img->text_color = new Securimage_Color('#000000');
                                // captcha text color
                                $img->num_lines = 0;
                                // how many lines to draw over the image
                                $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color('#0000CC');
                                // color of lines over the image
                                $img->namespace = $formName;
                                $img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
                                // random signature color
                                $img->show(WR_CONTACTFORM_PATH . 'libraries/3rd-party/securimage/backgrounds/bg4.png');
                                $dataCaptcha = base64_encode(ob_get_clean());
                                $html .= '<div class="control-group wr-captcha-block">
										<div class="controls">
										<div class="row-fluid"><img src="data:image/png;base64,' . $dataCaptcha . '" alt="CAPTCHA" /></div>
										<input type="text" id="wr-captcha" name="captcha" autocomplete="off" placeholder="' . __('Captcha', WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN) . '">
                $html .= '</div>';
            $btnNext = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_next_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_next_text : 'Next';
            $btnPrev = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_prev_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_prev_text : 'Prev';
            $btnSubmit = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_submit_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_submit_text : 'Submit';
            $btnReset = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_reset_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_reset_text : 'Reset';
            $btnNextStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_next_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_next_color : 'btn  btn-primary';
            $btnPrevStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_prev_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_prev_color : 'btn';
            $btnSubmitStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_submit_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_submit_color : 'btn  btn-primary';
            $btnResetStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_reset_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_reset_color : 'btn';
            $btnPosition = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_position) ? $formStyleCustom->button_position : 'btn-toolbar';
            $htmlBtnReset = '';
            if (!empty($formSettings->form_state_btn_reset_text) && $formSettings->form_state_btn_reset_text == 'Yes') {
                $htmlBtnReset = '<button class="' . $btnResetStyle . ' reset" onclick="return false;">' . __($btnReset, WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</button>';
            $html .= '<div class="form-actions">
									<div class="' . $btnPosition . '">
									    <button class="' . $btnPrevStyle . ' prev hide" onclick="return false;">' . __($btnPrev, WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</button>
									    <button class="' . $btnNextStyle . ' next hide" onclick="return false;">' . __($btnNext, WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</button>
									    <button type="submit" class="' . $btnSubmitStyle . ' jsn-form-submit hide" >' . __($btnSubmit, WR_CONTACTFORM_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</button>
									    ' . $htmlBtnReset . '
            $postAction = isset($items['form_post_action'][0]) ? $items['form_post_action'][0] : '';
            $postActionData = isset($items['form_post_action_data'][0]) ? $items['form_post_action_data'][0] : '';
            $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="' . $formName . '" />';
            if (!$formType) {
                $html .= '</div>';
                $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="' . $formId . '" />';
                $html .= '<input type="hidden" id="form_post_action" name="form_post_action" value="' . $postAction . '" />';
                $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="form_post_action_data" value=\'' . htmlentities(json_encode(unserialize($postActionData)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '\' />';
                $html .= '</form>';
                $html .= $bottomContent;
                $html .= '</div></div>';
            /* Load JS */
            if (!empty($checkLoadJS['date'])) {
                $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-ui-css';
            //$assets[ ] = 'wr-jquery-json-js';
            $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-placeholder-js';
            if ($checkLoadJSTipsy) {
                $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-tipsy-css';
                $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-tipsy-js';
            $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-scrollto-js';
            $loadBootstrapJs = get_option('wr_contactform_load_bootstrap_js', 1);
            if ($loadBootstrapJs != '0' && $loadBootstrapJs != 0) {
                $assets[] = 'wr-frontend-contactform-bootstrap-js';
            if (!empty($checkLoadJS['date'])) {
                $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-daterangepicker-js';
                $assets[] = 'wr-jquery-timepicker-js';
            if (!empty($checkLoadJS['google-maps'])) {
                if ($scheme == 'https') {
                    $assets[] = 'wr-https-googlemaps-api-js';
                } else {
                    $assets[] = 'wr-http-googlemaps-api-js';
                $assets[] = 'wr-googlemaps-ui-js';
                $assets[] = 'wr-googlemaps-services-js';
                $assets[] = 'wr-googlemaps-extensions-js';
            $getFilterAssets = apply_filters('wr_contactform_filter_frontend_load_assets', $assets, $checkLoadJS);
            if (!empty($getFilterAssets)) {
                $assets = $getFilterAssets;
            $assets[] = 'wr-frontend-contactform-js';
        $assets[] = 'wr-bootstrap2-icomoon-css';
        $assets[] = 'wr-bootstrap2-jsn-gui-css';
        $assets[] = 'wr-frontend-contactform-css';
        return $html;
Example #22

require_once '../securimage.php';
$securimage = new Securimage(array('no_exit' => true));
$securimage->use_database = true;
$securimage->database_driver = Securimage::SI_DRIVER_PGSQL;
$securimage->database_host = 'localhost';
$securimage->database_user = '******';
$securimage->database_pass = '******';
$securimage->database_name = 'test';
Example #23
 public function showImage()
Example #24
     * generate HTML Pages
     * @param   Object  $formId          Form Id
     * @param   String  $formName        Form Name
     * @param   String  $formType        Form Type
     * @param   String  $topContent      Module Top content
     * @param   String  $bottomContent   Module Bottom Content
     * @param   String  $showTitle       State Show Title Form
     * @param   String  $showDes         State Show Description Form
     * @return string
    public static function generateHTMLPages($formId, $formName, $formType = "", $topContent = "", $bottomContent = "", $showTitle = false, $showDes = false)
        $uri = JUri::getInstance();
        $baseUrl = JURI::base(true);
        $html = "";
        // Load language
        $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
        /** load Css  */
        $loadBootstrap = self::getDataConfig('load_bootstrap_css');
        $loadBootstrap = isset($loadBootstrap->value) ? $loadBootstrap->value : "0";
        $stylesheets = array();
        if (preg_match('/msie/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/system/jsnframework/assets/3rd-party/jquery-ui/css/ui-bootstrap/');
        if ($loadBootstrap == 1) {
            $document->addStyleSheet(JSN_UNIFORM_ASSETS_URI . '/3rd-party/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css');
        $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/system/jsnframework/assets/joomlashine/css/jsn-gui.css');
        //$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/system/jsnframework/assets/3rd-party/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css');
        $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/system/jsnframework/assets/3rd-party/jquery-tipsy/tipsy.css');
        $document->addStyleSheet(JSN_UNIFORM_ASSETS_URI . '/css/form.css');
        /** end  */
        /* Get data form */
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $db->setQuery($db->getQuery(true)->from('#__jsn_uniform_forms')->select('*')->where('form_state = 1 AND form_id=' . (int) $formId));
        $items = $db->loadObject();
        /* Get data page form */
        $db->setQuery($db->getQuery(true)->from('#__jsn_uniform_form_pages')->select('*')->where('form_id=' . (int) $formId)->order("page_id ASC"));
        $formPages = $db->loadObjectList();
        /* define language */
        /* Check load JS */
        $checkLoadJS = array();
        $checkLoadJSTipsy = false;
        if ($items) {
            $formStyleCustom = new stdClass();
            if (!empty($items->form_style)) {
                $formStyleCustom = json_decode($items->form_style);
            $dataSumbission = '';
            $classForm = !empty($formStyleCustom->layout) ? $formStyleCustom->layout : '';
            $formTheme = !empty($formStyleCustom->theme) ? $formStyleCustom->theme : '';
            $uri = JURI::getInstance();
            $url = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . JURI::root(true);
            if (!$formType) {
                if ($showTitle && !empty($items->form_title)) {
                    $html .= "<h2 class='contentheading'>{$items->form_title}</h2>";
                if ($showDes && !empty($items->form_description)) {
                    $des = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $items->form_description);
                    $html .= "<p>{$des}</p>";
                $document->addStyleSheet(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_uniform&view=form&task=generateStylePages&form_id=' . $items->form_id));
                $html .= "<div class=\"jsn-uniform jsn-master\" data-form-name='" . $formName . "' id='jsn_form_" . $items->form_id . "'><div class=\"jsn-bootstrap\">";
                $html .= $topContent;
                $html .= "<form name='form_{$formName}' id='form_{$formName}' action=\"" . $url . '/index.php?option=com_uniform&view=form&' . $items->form_id . "\" method=\"post\" class=\"form-validate {$classForm} \" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" >";
                $html .= "<span class=\"hide jsn-language\" style=\"display:none;\" data-value='" . json_encode(JSNUniformHelper::getTranslated($arrayTranslated)) . "'></span>";
                $html .= "<span class=\"hide jsn-base-url\" style=\"display:none;\" data-value=\"" . $url . "\"></span>";
                $html .= "<div id=\"page-loading\" class=\"jsn-bgloading\"><i class=\"jsn-icon32 jsn-icon-loading\"></i></div>";
                $html .= "<div class=\"jsn-row-container {$formTheme}\">";
            $html .= "<div class=\"message-uniform\"> </div>";
            foreach ($formPages as $i => $contentForm) {
                $pageContainer = !empty($contentForm->page_container) && json_decode($contentForm->page_container) ? $contentForm->page_container : '[[{"columnName":"left","columnClass":"span12"}]]';
                $formContent = isset($contentForm->page_content) ? json_decode($contentForm->page_content) : "";
                $htmlForm = "";
                if (!empty($formContent)) {
                    foreach ($formContent as $content) {
                        if (!empty($content->instruction)) {
                            $checkLoadJSTipsy = true;
                        if (!empty($content->type)) {
                            $checkLoadJS[$content->type] = $content->type;
                    $htmlForm .= JSNFormGenerateHelper::generate($formContent, $dataSumbission, $pageContainer);
                $html .= "<div data-value=\"{$contentForm->page_id}\" class=\"jsn-form-content hide\">{$htmlForm}";
                if ($i + 1 == count($formPages)) {
                    if (!empty($items->form_captcha) && $items->form_captcha == 1) {
                        if ($uri->getScheme() == 'https') {
                            $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>";
                        } else {
                            $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>";
                        $html .= "<div id=\"" . md5(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . $i . $formName) . "\"  publickey=\"" . JSN_UNIFORM_CAPTCHA_PUBLICKEY . "\" class=\"form-captcha control-group\"></div>";
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($items->form_captcha) && $items->form_captcha == 2) {
                            require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_uniform/libraries/3rd-party/securimage/securimage.php';
                            $img = new Securimage();
                            $img->case_sensitive = true;
                            // true to use case sensitve codes - not recommended
                            $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#ffffff");
                            // image background color
                            $img->text_color = new Securimage_Color("#000000");
                            // captcha text color
                            $img->num_lines = 0;
                            // how many lines to draw over the image
                            $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color("#0000CC");
                            // color of lines over the image
                            $img->namespace = $formName;
                            $img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
                            // random signature color
                            $img->show(JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_uniform/libraries/3rd-party/securimage/backgrounds/bg4.png');
                            $dataCaptcha = base64_encode(ob_get_clean());
                            $html .= '<div class="control-group">
									<div class="controls">
									<div class="row-fluid"><img src="data:image/png;base64,' . $dataCaptcha . '" alt="CAPTCHA" /></div>
									<input type="text" id="jsn-captcha" name="captcha" autocomplete="off" placeholder="' . JText::_("JSN_UNIFORM_CAPTCHA") . '">
                $html .= "</div>";
            $formSettings = !empty($items->form_settings) ? json_decode($items->form_settings) : "";
            $btnNext = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_next_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_next_text : "Next";
            $btnPrev = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_prev_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_prev_text : "Prev";
            $btnSubmit = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_submit_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_submit_text : "Submit";
            $btnReset = !empty($formSettings->form_btn_reset_text) ? $formSettings->form_btn_reset_text : "Reset";
            $btnNextStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_next_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_next_color : "btn  btn-primary";
            $btnPrevStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_prev_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_prev_color : "btn";
            $btnSubmitStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_submit_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_submit_color : "btn  btn-primary";
            $btnResetStyle = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_reset_color) ? $formStyleCustom->button_reset_color : "btn";
            $btnPosition = !empty($formStyleCustom->button_position) ? $formStyleCustom->button_position : "btn-toolbar";
            $htmlBtnReset = "";
            if (!empty($formSettings->form_state_btn_reset_text) && $formSettings->form_state_btn_reset_text == "Yes") {
                $htmlBtnReset = '<button class="' . $btnResetStyle . ' reset hide" onclick="return false;">' . JText::_($btnReset) . '</button>';
            $html .= '<div class="form-actions">
									<div class="' . $btnPosition . '">
									    <button class="' . $btnPrevStyle . ' prev hide" onclick="return false;">' . JText::_($btnPrev) . '</button>
									    <button class="' . $btnNextStyle . ' next hide" onclick="return false;">' . JText::_($btnNext) . '</button>
									    ' . $htmlBtnReset . '
									    <button type="submit" class="' . $btnSubmitStyle . ' jsn-form-submit hide" >' . JText::_($btnSubmit) . '</button>
            $formId = isset($items->form_id) ? $items->form_id : "";
            $postAction = isset($items->form_post_action) ? $items->form_post_action : "";
            $postActionData = isset($items->form_post_action_data) ? $items->form_post_action_data : "";
            $edition = defined('JSN_UNIFORM_EDITION') ? JSN_UNIFORM_EDITION : "free";
            if (strtolower($edition) == "free") {
                $html .= "<div class=\"jsn-text-center\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">" . JText::_('JSN_UNIFORM_POWERED_BY') . "</a> by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">JoomlaShine</a></div>";
            $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form_name\" value=\"{$formName}\" />";
            if (!$formType) {
                $html .= "</div>";
                $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"task\" value=\"\" />";
                $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"option\" value=\"com_uniform\" />";
                $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form_id\" value=\"{$formId}\" />";
                $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"form_post_action\" name=\"form_post_action\" value=\"{$postAction}\" />";
                $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form_post_action_data\" value='" . htmlentities($postActionData, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "' />";
                $html .= JHtml::_('form.token');
                $html .= "</form>";
                $html .= $bottomContent;
                $html .= "</div></div>";
            /* Load JS */
            if (!empty($checkLoadJS['date'])) {
                $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/plugins/system/jsnframework/assets/3rd-party/jquery-ui/css/ui-bootstrap/jquery-ui-1.9.0.custom.css');
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                            $scripts[''] = $option;
                        $scripts[JSN_UNIFORM_ASSETS_URI . '/js/libs/googlemaps/'] = $option;
                        $scripts[JSN_UNIFORM_ASSETS_URI . '/js/libs/googlemaps/'] = $option;
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                    $document->addScript(JSN_UNIFORM_ASSETS_URI . '/js/libs/googlemaps/');
                    $document->addScript(JSN_UNIFORM_ASSETS_URI . '/js/libs/googlemaps/');
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        return $html;
$img = new Securimage();

// You can customize the image by making changes below, some examples are included - remove the "//" to uncomment

//$img->ttf_file        = './Quiff.ttf';
//$img->captcha_type    = Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC; // show a simple math problem instead of text
//$img->case_sensitive  = true;                              // true to use case sensitve codes - not recommended
//$img->image_height    = 90;                                // height in pixels of the image
//$img->image_width     = $img->image_height * M_E;          // a good formula for image size based on the height
//$img->perturbation    = .75;                               // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
//$img->image_bg_color  = new Securimage_Color("#0099CC");   // image background color
//$img->text_color      = new Securimage_Color("#EAEAEA");   // captcha text color
//$img->num_lines       = 8;                                 // how many lines to draw over the image
//$img->line_color      = new Securimage_Color("#0000CC");   // color of lines over the image
//$img->image_type      = SI_IMAGE_JPEG;                     // render as a jpeg image
//$img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64),
//                                             rand(64, 128),
//                                             rand(128, 255));  // random signature color

// see securimage.php for more options that can be set

// set namespace if supplied to script via HTTP GET
if (!empty($_GET['namespace'])) $img->setNamespace($_GET['namespace']);

$img->image_signature = 'Bank of Muenchen';
$img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color('#0066FF');
$img->show();  // outputs the image and content headers to the browser
// alternate use:
// $img->show('/path/to/background_image.jpg');
Example #26
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['refresh'])) {
        $captcha = Securimage::getCaptchaId(true, $options);
        $data = array('captchaId' => $captcha);
        echo json_encode($data);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['display'])) {
            // display the captcha with the supplied ID from the URL
            // construct options specifying the existing captcha ID
            // also tell securimage not to start a session
            $options['captchaId'] = $captchaId;
            $captcha = new Securimage($options);
            // show the image, this sends proper HTTP headers
// generate a new captcha ID and challenge
$captchaId = Securimage::getCaptchaId(true, $options);
// output the captcha ID, and a form to validate it
// the form submits to itself and is validated above
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>Static Captcha Example</title>
    <script src="//"></script>
 * to inform users that the changes are not a part of the original software.<br /><br />
 * If you found this script useful, please take a quick moment to rate it.<br />
 *  Thanks.
 * @link Securimage PHP CAPTCHA
 * @link Download Latest Version
 * @link Online Documentation
 * @copyright 2012 Drew Phillips
 * @author Drew Phillips <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 3.2RC2 (April 2012)
 * @package Securimage
require_once '../securimage.php';
$img = new Securimage();
//Change some settings
$img->image_width = 250;
$img->image_height = 80;
$img->perturbation = 0.85;
$img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#f6f6f6");
$img->use_transparent_text = true;
$img->text_transparency_percentage = 30;
// 100 = completely transparent
$img->num_lines = 7;
$img->line_color = new Securimage_Color("#eaeaea");
$img->image_signature = '';
$img->signature_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
$img->use_wordlist = true;
// alternate use:  $img->show('/path/to/background_image.jpg');
 public function imageAction()
     $require = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/Helper/Capcha/Securimage.php";
     require $require;
     $hp = $this->_getHelper();
     $img = new Securimage();
     //Change some settings
     $img->image_width = $hp->getCapchaImageWidth();
     $img->image_height = $hp->getCapchaImageHeight();
     $img->perturbation = $hp->getCapchaPerturbation();
     $img->code_length = $hp->getCapchaCodeLength();
     $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#ffffff");
     // not set config
     $img->use_transparent_text = $hp->capchaUseTransparentText();
     $img->text_transparency_percentage = $hp->getCapchaTextTransparencyPercentage();
     // 100 = completely transparent
     $img->num_lines = $hp->getCapchaNumberLine();
     $img->image_signature = '';
     $img->text_color = new Securimage_Color("#000000");
     $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color("#cccccc");
     $backgroundFile = $hp->getCapchaBackgroundImage();