Example #1
  * Routing defaults 
  * app: Admin
  * class: Admin
  * method: user()
  * args: /my/extra/args
  * domain: meagr.com
  * subdomain: member.
  * @return array
 public static function routes()
     return array('home' => array('uri' => '__HOME__', 'pattern' => '\\Meagr\\Controller::GET_index'), '404' => array('uri' => '__404__', 'pattern' => '\\Meagr\\Controller::GET_404'), 'mvc' => array('uri' => '{domain}/{class}/{method}/', 'pattern' => '\\{modules}\\{controllers}\\{class}::{method}'), 'hmvc' => array('uri' => '{domain}/{class}/{method}/', 'pattern' => '\\{modules}\\{class}\\{controllers}\\{class}::{method}'), 'subcontroller' => array('uri' => '{domain}/{class}/{method}/', 'pattern' => '\\{modules}\\{class}\\{controllers}\\{subclass}::{submethod}'), 'subdomain' => array('uri' => '{subdomain}.{domain}/{class}/{method}/', 'pattern' => '\\{modules}\\{subdomain}\\{class}\\{controllers}\\{class}::{method}', 'filter' => function ($object, $args = null) {
         // instantiate our router singleton
         $router = Router::init();
         //check if there is a {class} value set
         if ($object->routeMapKeyExists('{class}') === false or $router->getRouteMap('{class}') == '/') {
             //get the subdomain thats been set in the url and the config
             $subdomain = $router->getRouteMap('{subdomain}');
             //if not, set it to the subdomain
             $router->setRouteMap('{class}', $subdomain);
             //lets not double up
             $router->setRouteMap('{subdomain}', '');
             //make the pattern namespace compatible
             $object = Router::namespaceRoutePattern($object);
             //update the pattern
             $object = $router->translatePattern($object);
             //set the class back to empty
             $router->setRouteMap('{class}', '');
             $object->uri_mapped = rtrim($object->uri_mapped, '/');
         //return our object
         return $object;
     }), 'pages' => array('uri' => '{domain}/{args}', 'pattern' => '\\{modules}\\{controllers}\\Page::{args}', 'filter' => function ($object, $args = null) {
         //if we have no args, just return as we dont need to do anything
         if (!is_array($args) or empty($args)) {
             return $object;
         // instantiate our router singleton
         $router = Router::init();
         //if we have arguments, get the first
         $page = $args[0];
         //create the string
         $args_string = implode('/', $args);
         //unset the first
         //reorder the remaining
         //set the router route map arg to be our page
         $router->setRouteMap('{args}', $page);
         //translate the pattern
         $object = $router->translatePattern($object);
         //namespace the pattern
         $object = Router::namespaceRoutePattern($object);
         //trim the uri
         $object->uri_mapped = rtrim($object->uri_mapped, '/');
         //put the args back on the url for matching
         $router->setRouteMap('{args}', $args_string);
         //...and translate
         $object = $router->translateUri($object);
         //set the new pattern, minus the argument string, instead use the first argument
         $object->setMappedPattern(str_replace($args_string, $page, $object->getMappedPattern()));
         return $object;
Example #2
  * set the body of content to be sent to the browser, 
  * buffer all output and store in $this->body
  * @return object
 function body()
     //if we already have content
     if (!empty($this->body) or $this->cache_exists) {
         //return self and move on
         return $this;
     //get our route object
     $route = $this->router->route;
     //properly capitalise our namespace
     $route = Router::namespaceRoutePattern($route);
     //get our arguments
     $args = $this->router->arguments ?: array();
     //get our class and method
     list($class, $method) = explode('::', $route->getMappedPattern());
     \Meagr\Debug::init('log')->add(array('message' => 'Route: ' . $class . ' ' . $method, 'class' => __METHOD__, 'status' => 'success', 'backtrace' => Debug::backtrace()));
     //start our buffering
     //our before function
     call_user_func_array(array($class, '__before'), $args);
     //call our function and class
     call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $args);
     //our after function
     call_user_func_array(array($class, '__after'), $args);
     //assign the buffer to our body variable
     $this->body = ob_get_contents();
     //finish buffering and clean the output
     //allow for chaining
     return $this;