  * Finds the route and gets the closure or controller
  * @return 	boolean 	doesn't answer anything, just to quit the method from running.
  * Errors that can be thrown here.
  * Code 		Desc
  * C_100		Controller file not found.
  * C_101		Controller classname not valid.
  * C_102		Methodname not valid. 
 public function getPage()
     $exp = explode('/', Url::uri());
     $i = count($exp);
     $_data = null;
     while ($i) {
         $s = implode('/', $exp);
         if (Url::uri() == '') {
             $s = '/';
         $_data = Router::find($this->method, $s);
         if ($_data !== false) {
         unset($exp[$i - 1]);
     // Try to find a route that contains a wildcard.
     // Router::find_with_wildcard();
     $data = $_data;
     if ($data === false) {
         return false;
     if ($data['closure'] == true) {
         $this->view = $data['func']();
         if (!$this->view instanceof View) {
             $this->isView = false;
     } else {
         // Getting the correct controller and method starts here.
         if (strpos($data['func'], '@') === false) {
             $this->content = $data['func'];
             return true;
         list($controller, $method) = explode('@', $data['func']);
         if (!is_file(APP . 'controller/' . $controller . '.php')) {
             return Error::register('controller_100');
         require_once APP . 'controller/' . $controller . '.php';
         $controller_name = $controller . '_Controller';
         if (!class_exists($controller_name)) {
             return Error::register('controller_101');
         $ct = new $controller_name();
         $restful = isset($ct->restful) ? $ct->restful : false;
         $r_method = $restful === true ? $this->method . '_' : '';
         $method_name = $r_method . $method;
         if (!method_exists($controller_name, $method_name)) {
             return Error::register('controller_102');
         $this->view = call_user_func(array($ct, $method_name));
         if (!$this->view instanceof View) {
             $this->isView = false;
         if ($this->view instanceof Json) {
             $this->isJson = true;
Example #2
  *	Router elindítása
 private function load_router()
     $router = new Router();
     $router->find($this->registry->uri_path, $this->registry->area);
     $this->registry->controller = $router->controller;
     $this->registry->action = $router->action;
     $this->registry->params = $router->params;
Example #3
 public static function run()
     try {
         $ctx = Context::last();
         if ('admin/install' != $ctx->query() and !$ctx->config->isOk()) {
         $router = new Router();
         $result = $router->poll($ctx)->dispatch($ctx);
         if ($result instanceof Response) {
         } elseif (false === $result) {
             header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
             die('Route Not Found.');
         } else {
             list($handler, $args) = $router->find($ctx);
             if (false === $handler) {
                 $method = '?unknown?';
             } elseif (is_array($handler['call'])) {
                 $method = implode('::', $handler['call']);
             } else {
                 $method = $handler['call'];
             $message = t('<h1>Внутренняя ошибка</h1><p>Обработчик пути <tt>%path</tt> (<tt>%func</tt>) должен был вернуть объект класса <a href="@class">Response</a>, а вернул %type.</p><hr/><a href="@home">Molinos CMS v%version</a>', array('%path' => $ctx->query(), '%type' => gettype($result), '%func' => $method, '@class' => 'http://code.google.com/p/molinos-cms/wiki/Response_Class', '%version' => MCMS_VERSION, '@home' => 'http://molinos-cms.googlecode.com/'));
             header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
             header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 500 FUBAR');
         header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
         die(sprintf('%s: %s.', get_class($e), rtrim($e->getMessage(), '.')));
Example #4
 static function find($name)
     return array_get(head((array) \Router::find($name)), static::OPTION);
Example #5
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo $wf->fetch('components.head');
  <body class="<?php 
echo $wf->classes();
echo $wf->fetch('layouts.header');
echo $wf->find();
echo $wf->fetch('layouts.footer');
echo $wf->fetch('components.scripts');