public function handle(Request $request, $db)
     $this->oauthModel = $request->getOauthModel($db);
     // only POST is implemented so far
     if ($request->getVerb() == 'POST') {
         return $this->postAction($request, $db);
     return false;
Example #2
  * Send an email to feedback email address
  * Expected fields:
  *  - client_id
  *  - client_secret
  *  - name
  *  - email
  *  - subject
  *  - comment
  * @param  Request $request
  * @param  PDO $db
  * @return void
 public function contact($request, $db)
     // only trusted clients can contact us to save on spam
     $clientId = $request->getParameter('client_id');
     $clientSecret = $request->getParameter('client_secret');
     $this->oauthModel = $request->getOauthModel($db);
     if (!$this->oauthModel->isClientPermittedPasswordGrant($clientId, $clientSecret)) {
         throw new Exception("This client cannot perform this action", 403);
     $fields = ['name', 'email', 'subject', 'comment'];
     $error = [];
     foreach ($fields as $name) {
         $value = $request->getParameter($name);
         if (empty($value)) {
             $error[] = "'{$name}'";
         $data[$name] = $value;
     if (!empty($error)) {
         $message = 'The field';
         $message .= count($error) == 1 ? ' ' : 's ';
         $message .= implode(', ', $error);
         $message .= count($error) == 1 ? ' is ' : ' are ';
         $message .= 'required.';
         throw new Exception($message, 400);
     // run it by akismet if we have it
     if (isset($this->config['akismet']['apiKey'], $this->config['akismet']['blog'])) {
         $spamCheckService = new SpamCheckService($this->config['akismet']['apiKey'], $this->config['akismet']['blog']);
         $isValid = $spamCheckService->isCommentAcceptable($data['comment'], $request->getClientIP(), $request->getClientUserAgent());
         if (!$isValid) {
             throw new Exception("Comment failed spam check", 400);
     $emailService = new ContactEmailService($this->config);
     header("Content-Length: 0", null, 202);
Example #3
  * Ensures that the setOauthModel method allows for an OAuthModel
  * to be set and retrieved
  * @return void
  * @test
 public function setOauthModelAllowsSettingOfOauthModel()
     /* @var $mockOauth \OAuthModel */
     $mockOauth = $this->getMock('OAuthModel', array(), array(), '', false);
     $request = new \Request($this->config, []);
     $this->assertSame($mockOauth, $request->getOauthModel());