Example #1
  * Sends the HTTP message [Request] to a remote server and processes
  * the response.
  * @param   Request   request to send
  * @return  Response
 public function _send_message(Request $request)
     // Response headers
     $response_headers = array();
     // Set the request method
     $options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $request->method();
     // Set the request body. This is perfectly legal in CURL even
     // if using a request other than POST. PUT does support this method
     // and DOES NOT require writing data to disk before putting it, if
     // reading the PHP docs you may have got that impression. SdF
     $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $request->body();
     // Process headers
     if ($headers = $request->headers()) {
         $http_headers = array();
         foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
             $http_headers[] = $key . ': ' . $value;
         $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $http_headers;
     // Process cookies
     if ($cookies = $request->cookie()) {
         $options[CURLOPT_COOKIE] = http_build_query($cookies, NULL, '; ');
     // Create response
     $response = $request->create_response();
     $response_header = $response->headers();
     // Implement the standard parsing parameters
     $options[CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION] = array($response_header, 'parse_header_string');
     $this->_options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = TRUE;
     $this->_options[CURLOPT_HEADER] = FALSE;
     // Apply any additional options set to
     $options += $this->_options;
     $uri = $request->uri();
     if ($query = $request->query()) {
         $uri .= '?' . http_build_query($query, NULL, '&');
     // Open a new remote connection
     $curl = curl_init($uri);
     // Set connection options
     if (!curl_setopt_array($curl, $options)) {
         throw new Request_Exception('Failed to set CURL options, check CURL documentation: :url', array(':url' => 'http://php.net/curl_setopt_array'));
     // Get the response body
     $body = curl_exec($curl);
     // Get the response information
     $code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     if ($body === FALSE) {
         $error = curl_error($curl);
     // Close the connection
     if (isset($error)) {
         throw new Request_Exception('Error fetching remote :url [ status :code ] :error', array(':url' => $request->url(), ':code' => $code, ':error' => $error));
     return $response;
Example #2
  * Sends the HTTP message [Request] to a remote server and processes
  * the response.
  * @param   Request   request to send
  * @return  Response
  * @uses    [PHP cURL](http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php)
 public function _send_message(Request $request)
     // Calculate stream mode
     $mode = $request->method() === HTTP_Request::GET ? 'r' : 'r+';
     // Process cookies
     if ($cookies = $request->cookie()) {
         $request->headers('cookie', http_build_query($cookies, NULL, '; '));
     // Get the message body
     $body = $request->body();
     if (is_resource($body)) {
         $body = stream_get_contents($body);
     // Set the content length
     $request->headers('content-length', (string) strlen($body));
     list($protocol) = explode('/', $request->protocol());
     // Create the context
     $options = array(strtolower($protocol) => array('method' => $request->method(), 'header' => (string) $request->headers(), 'content' => $body));
     // Create the context stream
     $context = stream_context_create($options);
     stream_context_set_option($context, $this->_options);
     $uri = $request->uri();
     if ($query = $request->query()) {
         $uri .= '?' . http_build_query($query, NULL, '&');
     $stream = fopen($uri, $mode, FALSE, $context);
     $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($stream);
     // Get the HTTP response code
     $http_response = array_shift($meta_data['wrapper_data']);
     if (preg_match_all('/(\\w+\\/\\d\\.\\d) (\\d{3})/', $http_response, $matches) !== FALSE) {
         $protocol = $matches[1][0];
         $status = (int) $matches[2][0];
     } else {
         $protocol = NULL;
         $status = NULL;
     // Create a response
     $response = $request->create_response();
     $response_header = $response->headers();
     // Process headers
     array_map(array($response_header, 'parse_header_string'), array(), $meta_data['wrapper_data']);
     // Close the stream after use
     return $response;
Example #3
  * Sends the HTTP message [Request] to a remote server and processes
  * the response.
  * @param   Request   request to send
  * @return  Response
 public function _send_message(Request $request)
     $http_method_mapping = array(HTTP_Request::GET => HTTPRequest::METH_GET, HTTP_Request::HEAD => HTTPRequest::METH_HEAD, HTTP_Request::POST => HTTPRequest::METH_POST, HTTP_Request::PUT => HTTPRequest::METH_PUT, HTTP_Request::DELETE => HTTPRequest::METH_DELETE, HTTP_Request::OPTIONS => HTTPRequest::METH_OPTIONS, HTTP_Request::TRACE => HTTPRequest::METH_TRACE, HTTP_Request::CONNECT => HTTPRequest::METH_CONNECT);
     // Create an http request object
     $http_request = new HTTPRequest($request->uri(), $http_method_mapping[$request->method()]);
     if ($this->_options) {
         // Set custom options
     // Set headers
     // Set cookies
     // Set query data (?foo=bar&bar=foo)
     // Set the body
     if ($request->method() == HTTP_Request::PUT) {
     } else {
     try {
     } catch (HTTPRequestException $e) {
         throw new Request_Exception($e->getMessage());
     } catch (HTTPMalformedHeaderException $e) {
         throw new Request_Exception($e->getMessage());
     } catch (HTTPEncodingException $e) {
         throw new Request_Exception($e->getMessage());
     // Create the response
     $response = $request->create_response();
     // Build the response
     return $response;
Example #4
  * Tests the client handles a cache HIT event correctly
  * @return void
 public function test_cache_hit()
     $lifetime = 800;
     $request = new Request('welcome/index');
     $cache_mock = $this->_get_cache_mock();
     $request->client()->cache(new HTTP_Cache(array('cache' => $cache_mock)));
     $response = $request->create_response();
     $response->headers(array('cache-control' => 'max-age=' . $lifetime, HTTP_Cache::CACHE_STATUS_KEY => HTTP_Cache::CACHE_STATUS_HIT));
     $key = $request->client()->cache()->create_cache_key($request);
     $request->client()->cache()->cache_response($key, $request);
     $this->assertSame(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_STATUS_HIT, $response->headers(HTTP_Cache::CACHE_STATUS_KEY));
Example #5
  * Execute the request using PHP stream. (not recommended)
  * @param   Request   $request  Request to execute
  * @return  Response
 protected function _native_execute(Request $request)
     // Reset the headers
     Request_Client_External::$_processed_headers = array();
     // Calculate stream mode
     $mode = $request->method() === HTTP_Request::GET ? 'r' : 'r+';
     // Process cookies
     if ($cookies = $request->cookie()) {
         $request->headers('cookie', http_build_query($cookies, NULL, '; '));
     // Create the context
     $options = array($request->protocol() => array('method' => $request->method(), 'header' => (string) $request->headers(), 'content' => $request->body(), 'user-agent' => 'Kohana Framework ' . Kohana::VERSION . ' (' . Kohana::CODENAME . ')'));
     // Create the context stream
     $context = stream_context_create($options);
     stream_context_set_option($context, $this->_options);
     $stream = fopen($request->uri(), $mode, FALSE, $context);
     $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($stream);
     // Get the HTTP response code
     $http_response = array_shift($meta_data['wrapper_data']);
     if (preg_match_all('/(\\w+\\/\\d\\.\\d) (\\d{3})/', $http_response, $matches) !== FALSE) {
         $protocol = $matches[1][0];
         $status = (int) $matches[2][0];
     } else {
         $protocol = NULL;
         $status = NULL;
     // Process headers
     array_map(array('Request_Client_External', '_parse_headers'), array(), $meta_data['wrapper_data']);
     // Create a response
     $response = $request->create_response();
     // Close the stream after use
     return $response;