Example #1
File: Search.php Project: arhe/pwak
  * Retourne une requete SQL.
  * @param string $startEntity nom de l'entite de depart
  * @param string $macro chemin en cas de jointure, mais pas encadre par des '%'
  * Exple: 'FlyType().Name'
  * les () expriment une relation 1..* ou *..*
  * @param string $operator FilterRule::OPERATOR_IN, ...:
  * cf ds SearchTools::getToSqlOperator() tous les operateurs disponibles
  * @param string $value valeur du champs
  * @return string
 static function getSQLfromMacro($startEntity, $macro, $operator, $value)
     $tableArray = array();
     // contiendra les tables pour la req SQL
     $join = array();
     // contiendra les clauses de jointure pour la req SQL
     $parts = explode('.', $macro);
     $criteria = array_pop($parts);
     require_once MODELS_DIR . '/' . $startEntity . '.php';
     $leftTable = call_user_func(array($startEntity, 'getTableName'));
     $tableArray[] = $leftTable . ' T0';
     $currentEntity = $startEntity;
     foreach ($parts as $key => $attributeName) {
         $pos = strpos($attributeName, "()");
         require_once MODELS_DIR . '/' . $currentEntity . '.php';
         $inherits = explode('@', $attributeName);
         // strpos($attributeName, "@")
         if ($pos === false) {
             // attribut de type FK
             $attributeName = $inherits[0];
             $rightTable = Registry::getPropertyTableName($currentEntity, $attributeName);
             $tableArray[] = $rightTable . ' T' . strval($key + 1);
             if (count($inherits) == 1) {
                 $EntitiesArray = call_user_func(array($currentEntity, 'getProperties'));
                 $currentEntity = $EntitiesArray[$attributeName];
             } else {
                 $currentEntity = $inherits[1];
             $join[] = ' T' . strval($key + 1) . '._Id = T' . strval($key) . '._' . $attributeName;
         } else {
             // attribut de type collection
             $attributeName = $inherits[0];
             $attributeName = substr($attributeName, 0, strlen($attributeName) - 2);
             // suppression des ()
             $links = call_user_func(array($currentEntity, 'getLinks'));
             $attributeForJoin = $links[$attributeName]['field'];
             if (count($inherits) == 1) {
                 $currentEntity = $links[$attributeName]['linkClass'];
             } else {
                 $currentEntity = $inherits[1];
             require_once MODELS_DIR . '/' . $currentEntity . '.php';
             $rightTable = call_user_func(array($currentEntity, 'getTableName'));
             $tableArray[] = $rightTable . ' T' . strval($key + 1);
             if (!isset($links[$attributeName]['linkTable'])) {
                 // relation 1..*
                 $join[] = ' T' . strval($key) . '._Id = T' . strval($key + 1) . '._' . $attributeForJoin;
             } else {
                 // relation *..*: intervention en plus de la table de liens!!
                 $tableArray[] = $links[$attributeName]['linkTable'] . ' T' . strval($key + 100);
                 // table de liens
                 $join[] = ' T' . strval($key) . '._Id = T' . strval($key + 100) . '._' . $links[$attributeName]['field'];
                 $join[] = ' T' . strval($key + 1) . '._Id = T' . strval($key + 100) . '._' . $links[$attributeName]['linkField'];
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT T0._Id FROM ' . implode(',', $tableArray) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $join) . ' AND T' . strval($key + 1) . '._' . $criteria;
     // Attention: si $value est un array, l'Operator doit etre In ou NotIn
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $value = "('" . implode("','", $value) . "')";
     } else {
         $value = "'" . str_replace("*", "%", $value) . "'";
     $sql .= $operator . $value;
     if (defined('DATABASE_ID') && !Object::isPublicEntity($startEntity)) {
         $sql .= ' AND (T0._DBId IS NULL OR T0._DBId = ' . DATABASE_ID . ')';
     return $sql;