function getAllByGroupModule($groupid, $app_id = 0, $toponlyblock = false, $visible = null, $orderby = 'b.weight,', $isactive = 1, $subpage = '') { $orderby = $orderby == '' ? 'b.weight,' : $orderby; $db =& EXMDatabase::get(); $ret = array(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM " . $db->prefix('group_permission') . " WHERE (gperm_name = 'block_read' OR gperm_name='block_admin') AND gperm_modid = 1"; if (is_array($groupid)) { $sql .= ' AND gperm_groupid IN (' . implode(',', $groupid) . ',0)'; } else { if (intval($groupid) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND gperm_groupid IN (0,' . $groupid . ')'; } } $result = $db->query($sql); $blockids = array(); while ($myrow = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $blockids[] = $myrow['gperm_itemid']; } if (!empty($blockids)) { $sql = 'SELECT b.* FROM ' . $db->prefix('rmc_blocks') . ' b, ' . $db->prefix('rmc_bkmod') . ' m WHERE'; $sql .= ' AND b.isactive=' . $isactive; if (isset($visible)) { $sql .= ' AND b.visible=' . intval($visible); } $app_id = intval($app_id); if (!empty($app_id)) { $sql .= ' AND m.app_id IN (0,' . $app_id; if ($toponlyblock) { $sql .= ',1'; } $sql .= ')'; } else { /* if ($toponlyblock) {*/ $sql .= ' AND m.app_id IN (0,1)'; /*} else { $sql .= ' AND m.app_id=0'; }*/ } $sql .= $subpage != '' ? " AND (m.subpage='{$subpage}' OR m.subpage='--')" : ''; $sql .= ' AND IN (' . implode(',', $blockids) . ')'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby; $result = $db->query($sql); //echo $sql; die(); while ($myrow = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $block = new RMBlock(); $block->assignVars($myrow); $ret[$myrow['bid']] =& $block; unset($block); } } return $ret; }
function save_block_config() { global $xoopsSecurity; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { ${$k} = $v; } if (!$xoopsSecurity->check($XOOPS_TOKEN_REQUEST)) { response(array('message' => __('Session token expired. Please try again.', 'rmcommon')), 1, 0); die; } if ($bid <= 0) { response(array('message' => __('You must provide a block ID!', 'rmcommon')), 1, 1); die; } $block = new RMBlock($bid); if ($block->isNew()) { response(array('message' => __('Specified block does not exists!', 'rmcommon')), 1, 1); die; } if (isset($options)) { $block->setVar('options', serialize($options)); } $block->setVar('name', $bk_name); $block->setVar('canvas', $bk_pos); $block->setVar('weight', $bk_weight); $block->setVar('visible', $bk_visible); $block->setVar('bcachetime', $bk_cache); // Set modules $block->sections($bk_mod); // Set Groups $block->setReadGroups($bk_groups); if ($block->save()) { response(array('message' => __('Block updated successfully!', 'rmcommon')), 0, 1); } die; }