private function pFilter($filter) { $this->info('Filter: #' . $filter->id . ' count:' . $filter->count . ' search offset: ' . $filter->search_offset . ' founded:' . $filter->users->count()); $this->info(print_r($filter->filter, true)); switch ($this->ask('action: ')) { case 'd': $filter->count = 1000; $filter->save(); $this->info('deleted'); break; case "r": $id = $filter->id; $date = Carbon::now()->addSecond(5); \Queue::later($date, function ($job) use($id) { $job->delete(); \Artisan::call('fetch:filter', ['id' => $id]); }); $this->info('Run filter'); break; case "m": $filter->attachFromLoad($filter->users()->count()); $this->info('Attached: ' . $filter->users()->count()); break; } }
public function later($time, $view, $data) { if ($this->driver == 'laravel') { Queue::later($time, $view, $data, function ($message) use($data) { $message->to($data['to'])->from($data['from'])->subject($data['subject']); }); } }
private function startFetchingFilter($_filter) { $id = $_filter->id; $date = Carbon::now()->addSecond(1); \Queue::later($date, function ($job) use($id) { $job->delete(); \Artisan::call('fetch:filter', ['id' => $id]); }); }
public function post() { if (Input::has('api_key') && Input::has('content')) { $api_key = Input::get('api_key'); $content = Input::get('content'); $settings = Settings::where('api_key', '=', $api_key)->first(); $user_id = $settings->user_id; $default_networks = json_decode($settings->default_networks, true); $schedule = Carbon::now(); if (Input::has('queue')) { $schedule_id = $settings->schedule_id; $interval = Schedule::find($schedule_id); if ($interval->rule == 'add') { $schedule = $current_datetime->modify('+ ' . $interval->period); } else { if ($interval->rule == 'random') { $current_day = date('d'); $from_datetime = Carbon::now(); $to_datetime = $from_datetime->copy()->modify('+ ' . $interval->period); $days_to_add = $from_datetime->diffInDays($to_datetime); $day = mt_rand($current_day, $current_day + $days_to_add); $hour = mt_rand(1, 23); $minute = mt_rand(0, 59); $second = mt_rand(0, 59); //year, month and timezone is null $schedule = Carbon::create(null, null, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, null); } } if (empty($schedule)) { $schedule = $current_datetime->addHours(1); } } if (!empty($default_networks)) { $post = new Post(); $post->user_id = $user_id; $post->content = $content; $post->date_time = $schedule; $post->save(); $post_id = $post->id; foreach ($default_networks as $network_id) { $post_network = new PostNetwork(); $post_network->user_id = $user_id; $post_network->post_id = $post_id; $post_network->network_id = $network_id; $post_network->status = 1; $post_network->save(); } Queue::later($schedule, 'SendPost@fire', array('post_id' => $post_id)); $response_data = array('type' => 'success', 'text' => 'Your post was scheduled! It will be published on ' . $schedule->format('l jS \\o\\f F \\a\\t h:i A')); return $response_data; } } }
public function confirmRefundOrderById($orderId, $data) { $time = time(); $errCode = 0; $errMsg = ''; \DB::beginTransaction(); do { try { $order = RefundModel::find($orderId); if (!$order) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_NO_EXISTS); } elseif ($order->status == RefundModel::STATUS_SUCCESS) { $errCode = 1; break; } if (isset($data['ser_refund_no']) && !empty($data['ser_refund_no'])) { $order->ser_refund_no = $data['ser_refund_no']; } if (isset($data['notify_log'])) { $order->ser_notify_log = $data['notify_log']; } if (isset($data['notify_status'])) { $order->ser_notify_status = $data['notify_status']; } if (isset($data['seller_partner'])) { $order->seller_partner = $data['seller_partner']; } $order->refund_time = $data['refund_time']; $order->ser_notify_time = $data['notify_time']; $order->save(); AccountBiz::getInstance()->updateUserAccount($order->user_id, RefundModel::DEAL_OUT_REFUND, $order->refund_amount, $order->channel); } catch (\Exception $e) { $errCode = 1; } } while (0); if ($errCode == 0) { \DB::commit(); if (true !== BusiNotifyBiz::getInstance()->notifyCallback($order, 'refund')) { \Queue::later(5, '\\Pay\\Service\\Queue\\BusiNotifyQueue', ['id' => $order->id, 'notify_type' => 'refund']); } return true; } else { \DB::rollback(); return false; } }
public function store() { $limit = 2; if (!Input::has('number')) { return $this->respondInsufficientPrivileges('No car number'); } $number = Input::get('number'); $car = Car::where('number', $number)->first(); if (!$car) { return $this->respondNotFound('Car not found'); } $user = $car->user; if (!$user) { return $this->respondNotFound('User not found'); } if ($user == $this->user) { return $this->respondInsufficientPrivileges('Cant send to yourself'); } $emergency = new Emergency(['sender' => $this->user->id, 'receiver' => $user->id, 'number' => $car->number, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'status' => 'отправлено']); $emergency->sender_phone = $this->user->phone->number; //FIXME later add custom error to apicontroller if ($this->user->urgent_calls == 0) { return Response::json(['error' => ['message' => 'Вы исчерпали лимит срочных вызовов (' . $limit . ' в день)', 'status_code' => 1003]], 403); } $this->user->urgent_calls--; $this->user->emergencies()->save($emergency); $this->user->save(); Queue::later(30, 'smsSender', $emergency); Queue::later(60, 'smsChecker', $emergency->id); $response['emergencies'] = ['id' => $emergency->id, 'sender' => $emergency->sender, 'created_at' => $emergency->created_at, 'number' => $emergency->number, 'phone_number' => $emergency->sender_phone, 'delivered_at' => $emergency->delivered_at, 'status' => $emergency->status, 'via_sms' => false, 'complained_at' => $emergency->complained_at, 'failed' => $emergency->failed]; $response['tries'] = $this->user->urgent_calls; $urgentCalls = $this->user->urgent_calls; $emergency->phone_number = (int) $this->user->phone->number; $emergency->receiverU->devices->each(function ($device) use($emergency, $urgentCalls) { $stateSender = new StateSender($device->auth_token); $stateSender->setEmergencyAdded($emergency, $urgentCalls); $stateSender->send(); }); // Probably wiser to send state to self as well, and show only by response from state // $emergency->getMembersTokens()->each(function ($token) use($emergency, $urgentCalls) { // $stateSender = new StateSender($token->auth_token); // $stateSender->setEmergencyAdded($emergency, $this->user->urgent_calls); // $stateSender->send(); // }); return $this->respond($response); }
public function test1() { $this->app->config['queue'] = $this->getBaseConfig([]); $this->app->config['database'] = $this->getDatabaseConfig(); $this->app->config['app'] += ['cipher' => 'AES-256-CBC']; $this->app->register('DenisMilovanov\\LaravelQueueMbus\\LaravelQueueMbusServiceProvider'); $queue = 'test_queue'; $job = 'add'; Queue::purge($queue); $max = 3; $delay = 4; $delayOnce = 2; // push 1, 2, 3, ... $max - 1 foreach (range(1, $max - 1) as $i) { Queue::push($job, ['num' => $i], $queue); } // $max delayed Queue::later($delay, $job, ['num' => $max], $queue); $count = 0; $releasedOnce = false; $start = time(); // select 1, 2, 3, ... $max Queue::subscribe($queue, function (MbusJob $job) use(&$count, $max, $queue, &$finish, &$releasedOnce, $delayOnce) { // let's delay the last one yet another time if (!$releasedOnce and $count == $max - 1) { $releasedOnce = true; $job->release($delayOnce); return; } $count++; $this->assertTrue($job->getRawBody()['data']['num'] == $count); if ($count == $max) { Queue::unsubscribe($queue); $finish = time(); } }); // check delay $this->assertTrue($finish - $start >= $delay + $delayOnce); }
public static function sendMail($incomingMail, $view, $delay) { $callback = MailWorker::buildQueueCallable(function ($m) use($incomingMail) { $m->from($incomingMail->fromAddress, $incomingMail->fromName); foreach ($incomingMail->to as $key => $value) { $m = $m->to($key, $value); } foreach ($incomingMail->cc as $key => $value) { $m = $m->cc($key); } foreach ($incomingMail->replyTo as $key => $value) { $m = $m->replyTo($key); } $m->subject($incomingMail->subject); foreach ($incomingMail->attachments as $attachment) { $m->attach($attachment->filePath, array('as' => $attachment->name . "." . $attachment->extName)); } \Log::info('The mail "' . $incomingMail->subject . '" was sent.'); }); $data = array('incomingMail' => $incomingMail); \Queue::later($delay, '\\DavinBao\\Mailbox\\MailWorker@handleQueuedMessage', compact('view', 'data', 'callback'), 'low'); }
public function getCancel($user, $token) { switch ($token) { case 'now': $this->runCancel('', array('id' => $user->id)); break; case 'later': $date = Carbon::now()->addMinutes(15); Queue::later($date, 'UserController@runCancel', array('id' => $user->id)); break; case 'tomorrow': $date = Carbon::tomorrow(); Queue::later($date, 'UserController@runCancel', array('id' => $user->id)); break; case 'disable': if ($user->cancelled) { DB::table('users')->where('id', $user->id)->update(array('confirmed' => true, 'cancelled' => false)); } break; } Activity::log(array('contentID' => $user->id, 'contentType' => 'account_cancelled', 'description' => $user->id, 'details' => '', 'updated' => $user->id)); return Redirect::to('user')->with('success', Lang::get('user/user.user_account_updated')); }
public function confirmTransOrderById($orderId, $data) { $errCode = 0; $errMsg = ''; \DB::beginTransaction(); do { try { $order = TransModel::find($orderId); if (!$order) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_NO_EXISTS); } elseif ($order->status == TransModel::STATUS_SUCCESS) { $errCode = 1; break; } if (isset($data['ser_trans_no'])) { $order->ser_trans_no = $data['ser_trans_no']; } if (isset($data['ser_notify_log'])) { $order->ser_notify_log = $data['ser_notify_log']; } $order->ser_notify_status = $data['ser_notify_status']; $order->pay_time = $data['ser_pay_time']; $order->ser_notify_time = $data['ser_pay_time']; $order->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $errCode = 1; } } while (0); if ($errCode == 0) { \DB::commit(); \Queue::later(5, '\\Pay\\Service\\Queue\\BusiNotifyQueue', ['id' => $order->id, 'notify_type' => 'trans']); return true; } else { \DB::rollback(); return false; } }
/** * Generate an album image from a URL * * @param string $url URL of album image * @param mixed $error Error message string * * @return mixed */ public function generateImage($url, $error = false) { $this->filenameSansPath = $this->username . '_' . $this->number . '_' . $this->result['playcount'] . '_' . md5($this->result['name']) . '.png'; $this->filename = public_path() . '/' . $this->filenameSansPath; if (Cache::has($this->filename)) { if (file_exists($this->filename)) { Log::info('Loaded cached object', ['file' => $this->filenameSansPath]); $image = Image::open($this->filename); return $image->encode($this->filename, 90); } } if ($error) { // Normally, you'd only come down this path if the function was called by something else forcing an error Log::error('There was an error, generate the error image'); // We had an error, we're a sad panda $image = Image::make(public_path() . '/resources/sadpanda.png'); } else { // Pull image from and create the Image instance try { $image = Image::make($url); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error('Image path is invalid', ['message' => 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'url' => $url, 'code' => $e->getCode()]); // Go back and generate the error image return $this->generateImage(false, 'Unable to locate image'); } // Resize image to 300x300 px, just in case the image is too large/small $image->resize(300, 300); } // Expand image up 36px with the background color with white $image->resizeCanvas(0, 36, 'bottom', true, $this->text['colours']['white']); // Larger rectangle that forms the border $image->rectangle($this->text['colours']['border'], 0, 0, 299, 24, false); // Smaller rectangle with the background $image->rectangle($this->text['colours']['background'], 1, 1, 298, 23); if ($error) { $image->text('Error: ' . $error, 7, 17, $this->text['size'], $this->text['colours']['black'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['bold']); } else { $x = 0; // 1. or 2. (etc) $image->text($this->number . '.', $x += 7, 17, $this->text['size'], $this->text['colours']['black'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['bold']); $bbox = imagettfbbox($this->text['size'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['bold'], $this->number . '.'); // Artist Name $image->text($this->result['artist']['name'], $x += $bbox[2] += 4, 17, $this->text['size'], $this->text['colours']['link'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['normal']); $bbox = imagettfbbox($this->text['size'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['normal'], $this->result['artist']['name']); // Chuck in a dash $image->text('-', $x += $bbox[2] += 6, 17, $this->text['size'], $this->text['colours']['black'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['normal']); $bbox = imagettfbbox($this->text['size'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['normal'], '-'); // And the Album Title $image->text($this->result['name'], $x += $bbox[2] += 4, 17, $this->text['size'], $this->text['colours']['link'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['bold']); $bbox = imagettfbbox($this->text['size'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['bold'], $this->result['name']); // And the Playcount in brackets $image->text('(' . $this->result['playcount'] . ')', $x += $bbox[2] + 4, 17, $this->text['size'], $this->text['colours']['black'], 0, $this->text['fonts']['normal']); // And we're done making the image } // Save the image as a .png with a quality of 90 $image->save($this->filename); // I don't want to optimise the error message images if (!$error) { Log::info('Finished generating image non-optimised image'); if (Cache::forever($this->filename, true)) { Log::info('Added ' . $this->filenameSansPath . ' to cache'); } // Get a random number of seconds between 10 and 99 for the queue - I don't really want to // start generating smaller images straight away $seconds = mt_rand(10, 99); Log::info('Sent image to optimiser queue, starting in ' . $seconds . ' seconds'); // Send the image to the optimiser for the next requests... Queue::later($seconds, 'LastfmController@optimiseImage', ['image' => $this->filename, 'level' => 2]); } return $image; }
public function confirmConsumeOrderById($orderId) { $time = time(); $errCode = 0; $errMsg = ''; \DB::beginTransaction(); do { try { $order = ConsumeModel::find($orderId); if (!$order) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_NO_EXISTS); } elseif ($order->status == ConsumeModel::STATUS_SUCCESS) { $errCode = 1; break; } $order->status = ConsumeModel::STATUS_SUCCESS; $order->pay_time = $time; $order->update_time = $time; $order->save(); AccountBiz::getInstance()->updateUserAccount($order->user_id, ConsumeModel::DEAL_CONSUME, $order->consume_amount, $order->channel); } catch (\Exception $e) { $errCode = 2; } } while (0); if ($errCode == 0) { \DB::commit(); if (true !== BusiNotifyBiz::getInstance()->notifyCallback($order, 'consume')) { \Queue::later(5, '\\Pay\\Service\\Queue\\BusiNotifyQueue', ['id' => $order->id, 'notify_type' => 'consume']); } return true; } else { \DB::rollback(); return false; } }
public function createPost() { $user_id = Auth::user()->id; $rules = array('content' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { if (Input::has('ajax')) { return array('type' => 'danger', 'messages' => $validator->messages()); } else { return Redirect::to('/post/new')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } } $content = Input::get('content'); $post_now = Input::get('post_now'); $schedule_type = Input::get('schedule'); if (empty($schedule_type)) { $schedule_type = Setting::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->pluck('schedule_id'); } $schedule_id = Settings::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->pluck('schedule_id'); $current_datetime = Carbon::now(); $schedule = Carbon::now(); if ($post_now == '0' && $schedule_type != 'custom') { $schedule_id = $schedule_type; $interval = Schedule::find($schedule_id); if ($interval->rule == 'add') { $schedule = $current_datetime->modify('+ ' . $interval->period); } else { if ($interval->rule == 'random') { $current_day = date('d'); $from_datetime = Carbon::now(); $to_datetime = $from_datetime->copy()->modify('+ ' . $interval->period); $days_to_add = $from_datetime->diffInDays($to_datetime); $day = mt_rand($current_day, $current_day + $days_to_add); $hour = mt_rand(1, 23); $minute = mt_rand(0, 59); $second = mt_rand(0, 59); //year, month and timezone is null $schedule = Carbon::create(null, null, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, null); } } if (empty($schedule)) { $schedule = $current_datetime->addHours(1); } } else { $schedule = Carbon::parse(Input::get('schedule_value')); } $networks = Input::get('network'); if (empty($networks)) { $networks = Setting::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->pluck('default_networks'); $networks = json_decode($networks, true); } $post = new Post(); $post->user_id = $user_id; $post->content = $content; $post->date_time = $schedule->toDateTimeString(); $post->save(); $post_id = $post->id; foreach ($networks as $network_id) { $post_network = new PostNetwork(); $post_network->user_id = $user_id; $post_network->post_id = $post_id; $post_network->network_id = $network_id; $post_network->status = 1; $post_network->save(); } Queue::later($schedule, 'SendPost@fire', array('post_id' => $post_id)); if (Input::has('ajax')) { return array('type' => 'success', 'text' => 'Your post was scheduled! It will be published on ' . $schedule->format('l jS \\o\\f F \\a\\t h:i A')); } return Redirect::to('/post/new')->with('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => 'Your post was scheduled! It will be published on ' . $schedule->format('l jS \\o\\f F \\a\\t h:i A'))); }
public function saveJob() { $q = $this->data; $startc = \Carbon\Carbon::parse(array_get($q, '')); $repeat = array_get($q, ''); $data = (array) json_decode(array_get($q, ''), true); $queue = array_get($q, ''); if ($repeat > 0) { $data['repeatJob'] = $repeat; } $classFullName = starts_with($queue, "\\") ? $queue : "\\Veer\\Queues\\" . $queue; if (!class_exists($classFullName)) { // } else { if (now() >= $startc) { \Queue::push($classFullName, $data); } else { $wait = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->diffInMinutes($startc); \Queue::later($wait, $classFullName, $data); } } $this->actionSave = null; }
public function cancelRechargeOrder($fields) { $this->_rechargeModel = RechargeModel::find($fields['pay_recharge_id']); do { if ($this->_rechargeModel->id < 0) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_NO_EXISTS); } if ($this->_rechargeModel->status != rechargeModel::STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_STATUS); } if ($this->_rechargeModel->user_id != $fields['user_id']) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_ORDER_USER_ID); } if ($this->_rechargeModel->refund_count > 0) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_REFUND, '只允许退款一次'); } if ($fields['refund_amount'] > $this->_rechargeModel->recharge_amount) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_REFUND, '退款金额不能大于充值金额'); } if (!$this->_rechargeModel->ser_recharge_no) { throw new PayException(ErrCode::ERR_REFUND, '该订单不允许通过接口退款'); } } while (0); $fields['recharge_id'] = $this->_rechargeModel->id; $fields['gateway'] = $this->_rechargeModel->gateway; $fields['seller_partner'] = $this->_rechargeModel->seller_partner; $refundModel = RefundBiz::getInstance()->createRefundOrder($fields); $this->refundRechargeOrderById($this->_rechargeModel->id, $refundModel->amount); \Queue::later(30, '\\Pay\\Service\\Queue\\SerAutoConfirmQueue@serRefund', ['id' => $refundModel->id]); return ['user_id' => $this->_rechargeModel->user_id, 'refund_amount' => $refundModel->amount, 'pay_recharge_id' => $this->_rechargeModel->id]; }