Example #1
  * Extends the {@link $query} with Limits, Offsets, and Orderbys specified in the DTO
  * @param Database $db           The database this query will be used on (used to escape values)
  * @param Query    $query        The query object that we'll extend with the limits, offsets and orderbys
  * @param DTO      $dto          The DTO object that contains our limits, offsets, and orderbys
  * @param array    $defaultSorts An array of the form [name => direction] that defines default sorts (used if none are in the DTO)
  * @return void
 public function buildLimitOffsetOrderbys($db, $query, $dto, array $defaultSorts)
     if ($dto->getLimit() != null) {
     if ($dto->getOffset() != null) {
     $sorts = array();
     $arr = func_num_args() == 5 ? func_get_arg(4) : null;
     $arr = is_array($arr) ? $arr : array_slice(func_get_args(), 4);
     $dtoSorts = $dto->getOrderBys();
     if ($dtoSorts == null) {
         $dtoSorts = $defaultSorts;
     $diff = array_diff(array_keys($dtoSorts), array_keys($arr));
     $merged = array_merge($diff, $arr);
     $sorts = array_unique($merged);
     foreach ($sorts as $name => $column) {
         if (is_int($name)) {
             $name = $column;
         if (isset($dtoSorts[$name])) {
             $direction = $dtoSorts[$name];
             if (strcasecmp($name, 'FIELD') === 0) {
                 if (count($dto->getParameter($direction)) == 0 || array_sum($dto->getParameter($direction)) == 0) {
                 $query->ORDERBY('FIELD(' . $direction . ',' . $db->joinQuote($dto->getParameter($direction)) . ')');
             } else {
                 $query->ORDERBY("{$column} {$direction}");