/** * Resets all references to other model objects or collections of model objects. * * This method is a user-space workaround for PHP's inability to garbage collect * objects with circular references (even in PHP 5.3). This is currently necessary * when using Propel in certain daemon or large-volume/high-memory operations. * * @param boolean $deep Whether to also clear the references on all referrer objects. */ public function clearAllReferences($deep = false) { if ($deep && !$this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep) { $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = true; if ($this->aProveedoritrade instanceof Persistent) { $this->aProveedoritrade->clearAllReferences($deep); } $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = false; } // if ($deep) $this->aProveedoritrade = null; }
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param Proveedoritrade $obj A Proveedoritrade object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool($obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = (string) $obj->getIdproveedoritrade(); } // if key === null ProveedoritradePeer::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
/** * Filter the query by a related Proveedoritrade object * * @param Proveedoritrade|PropelObjectCollection $proveedoritrade The related object(s) to use as filter * @param string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL * * @return ExpedientegastoQuery The current query, for fluid interface * @throws PropelException - if the provided filter is invalid. */ public function filterByProveedoritrade($proveedoritrade, $comparison = null) { if ($proveedoritrade instanceof Proveedoritrade) { return $this->addUsingAlias(ExpedientegastoPeer::IDPROVEEDORITRADE, $proveedoritrade->getIdproveedoritrade(), $comparison); } elseif ($proveedoritrade instanceof PropelObjectCollection) { if (null === $comparison) { $comparison = Criteria::IN; } return $this->addUsingAlias(ExpedientegastoPeer::IDPROVEEDORITRADE, $proveedoritrade->toKeyValue('PrimaryKey', 'Idproveedoritrade'), $comparison); } else { throw new PropelException('filterByProveedoritrade() only accepts arguments of type Proveedoritrade or PropelCollection'); } }
public function serversideAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost()) { //EL MAPEO DE NUESTRA TABALA $table_map = array(0 => 'proveedoritrade_nombre', 1 => 'proveedor_nombrecontacto', 2 => 'proveedoritrade_telefono'); $post_data = $request->getPost(); //NUESTRA QUERY $query = new \ProveedoritradeQuery(); $query->filterByIdproveedoritrade(1, \Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); //ORDER if (isset($post_data['order'])) { $order = $table_map[$post_data['order'][0]['column']]; $dir = $post_data['order'][0]['dir']; $query->orderBy($order, $dir); } else { $query->orderByIdproveedoritrade(\Criteria::DESC); } if (!empty($post_data['search']['value'])) { $search = $post_data['search']['value']; $c = new \Criteria(); $c1 = $c->getNewCriterion('proveedoritrade.proveedoritrade_nombre', '%' . $search . '%', \Criteria::LIKE); $c2 = $c->getNewCriterion('proveedoritrade.proveedoritrade_nombrecontacto', '%' . $search . '%', \Criteria::LIKE); $c3 = $c->getNewCriterion('proveedoritrade.proveedoritrade_telefono', '%' . $search . '%', \Criteria::LIKE); $c1->addOr($c2)->addOr($c3); $query->addAnd($c1); } //EL TOTAL DE LA BUSQUEDA $recordsFiltered = $query->count(); //LIMIT $query->setOffset((int) $post_data['start']); $query->setLimit((int) $post_data['length']); //DAMOS EL FORMATO CORRECTO $data = array(); $value = new \Proveedoritrade(); foreach ($query->find() as $value) { $tmp['DT_RowId'] = $value->getIdproveedoritrade(); $tmp['proveedoritrade_nombre'] = $value->getProveedoritradeNombre(); $tmp['proveedor_nombrecontacto'] = $value->getProveedoritradeNombrecontacto(); $tmp['proveedoritrade_telefono'] = $value->getProveedoritradeTelefono(); $tmp['empleado_options'] = '<a data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Editar" href="/catalogo/proveedores/editar/' . $value->getIdproveedoritrade() . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a><a class="delete" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Eliminar" href="javascript:void(0)"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a>'; $data[] = $tmp; } //El arreglo que regresamos $json_data = array("draw" => (int) $post_data['draw'], "recordsFiltered" => $recordsFiltered, "data" => $data, "page" => $post_data['url_params']['page']); return $this->getResponse()->setContent(json_encode($json_data)); } }
/** * Exclude object from result * * @param Proveedoritrade $proveedoritrade Object to remove from the list of results * * @return ProveedoritradeQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function prune($proveedoritrade = null) { if ($proveedoritrade) { $this->addUsingAlias(ProveedoritradePeer::IDPROVEEDORITRADE, $proveedoritrade->getIdproveedoritrade(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); } return $this; }
public function nuevocargoAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost()) { $post_data = $request->getPost(); $post_files = $request->getFiles(); $auth = new \Shared\Session\AouthSession(); $auth = $auth->getData(); $entity = new \Expedientegasto(); foreach ($post_data as $key => $value) { if (\ExpedientegastoPeer::getTableMap()->hasColumn($key) && !empty($value) && $key != 'expedientegasto_fecha') { $entity->setByName($key, $value, \BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); } } //LA FECHA $expedientegasto_fecha = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $post_data['expedientegasto_fecha']); $entity->setExpedientegastoFecha($expedientegasto_fecha); $entity->setIdempleado($auth['idempleado']); $entity->save(); //El comprobante if (!empty($post_files['expedientegasto_comprobante']['name'])) { $target_path = "/files/expedientesgastos/"; $target_path = $target_path . $entity->getIdexpedientegasto() . '_' . basename($post_files['expedientegasto_comprobante']['name']); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['expedientegasto_comprobante']['tmp_name'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $target_path)) { $entity->setExpedientegastoComprobante($target_path); $entity->save(); } } $this->flashMessenger()->addSuccessMessage('Registro guardado exitosamente!'); //REDIRECCIONAMOS A LA ENTIDAD QUE ACABAMOS DE CREAR return $this->redirect()->toUrl('/clientes/ver/' . $entity->getExpediente()->getIdcliente() . '/expedientes/ver/' . $entity->getIdexpediente()); } $idexpediente = $this->params()->fromQuery('id'); $moneda = $this->params()->fromQuery('moneda'); $entity = \ExpedienteQuery::create()->findPk($idexpediente); //LAS CATEGORIAS DE NUESTROS GASTOS $categoriasgasto = \CategoriagastoQuery::create()->find(); $categoriasgasto_array = array(); foreach ($categoriasgasto as $categoriagastos) { $id = $categoriagastos->getIdcategoriagasto(); $categoriasgasto_array[$id] = $categoriagastos->getCategoriagastoNombre(); } //LOS PROVEEDORES $proveedores = \ProveedoritradeQuery::create()->filterByIdproveedoritrade(1, \Criteria::NOT_EQUAL)->find(); $proveedores_array = array(); $proveedor = new \Proveedoritrade(); foreach ($proveedores as $proveedor) { $id = $proveedor->getIdproveedoritrade(); $proveedores_array[$id] = $proveedor->getProveedoritradeNombre(); } //INSTANCIAMOS NUESTRO FORMULARIO $form = new \Admin\Clientes\Form\ExpedientegastoForm($idexpediente, $categoriasgasto_array, $proveedores_array, $moneda); //Enviamos a la vista $view_model = new ViewModel(); $view_model->setTerminal(true)->setVariable('form', $form)->setVariable('entity', $entity)->setTemplate('/clientes/expedientes/modal/nuevocargo'); return $view_model; }
/** * Resets all references to other model objects or collections of model objects. * * This method is a user-space workaround for PHP's inability to garbage collect * objects with circular references (even in PHP 5.3). This is currently necessary * when using Propel in certain daemon or large-volume/high-memory operations. * * @param boolean $deep Whether to also clear the references on all referrer objects. */ public function clearAllReferences($deep = false) { if ($deep && !$this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep) { $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = true; if ($this->aEmpleado instanceof Persistent) { $this->aEmpleado->clearAllReferences($deep); } if ($this->aExpediente instanceof Persistent) { $this->aExpediente->clearAllReferences($deep); } if ($this->aGastofacturacion instanceof Persistent) { $this->aGastofacturacion->clearAllReferences($deep); } if ($this->aProveedoritrade instanceof Persistent) { $this->aProveedoritrade->clearAllReferences($deep); } $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = false; } // if ($deep) $this->aEmpleado = null; $this->aExpediente = null; $this->aGastofacturacion = null; $this->aProveedoritrade = null; }