$get_words = function ($item) {
                return str_word_count(strip_tags($item));
            $nb_words = array_sum(array_map($get_words, $reference_data['strings']));
            $nb_strings = count($reference_data['strings']);
            $total_strings += $nb_strings;
            $total_words += $nb_words;
            $html_output .= "<tr>\n";
            // Check if the file is obsolete for all locales
            if (Project::isObsoleteFile($current_website, $current_filename, 'all')) {
                $html_output .= "  <td class='obsolete' title='Obsolete file'>{$current_filename}</td>\n";
            } else {
                $html_output .= "  <td>{$current_filename}</td>\n";
            $html_output .= '  <td>' . Project::getLocalizedURL($reference_data, '', 'html') . "</td>\n" . "  <td><a class='table_small_link' href='?locale=all&amp;website={$site_index}&amp;file={$current_filename}'>Status</a></td>\n" . "  <td><a class='table_small_link' href='?website={$site_index}&amp;file={$current_filename}&amp;action=translate&amp;show'>Show</a></td>\n" . "  <td>{$nb_strings}</td>\n" . "  <td>{$nb_words}</td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
        } else {
            $html_output .= "<tr>\n" . "  <td>" . basename($current_filename) . "</td>\n" . "  <td><a class='table_small_link' href='?locale=all&amp;website={$site_index}&amp;file={$current_filename}'>Status</a></td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
    $total_files .= $total_files != 1 ? ' files' : ' file';
    if ($website_data_source == 'lang') {
        $html_output .= "<tr class=\"tabletotals\">\n" . "  <th colspan=\"3\">Total</th>\n" . "  <td>{$total_files}</td>\n" . "  <td>{$total_strings}</td>\n" . "  <td>{$total_words}</td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
    $html_output .= "    </tbody>\n</table>\n\n";
if ($html_output == '') {
    echo "<p>No files available.</p>";
} else {
    echo $html_output;
Example #2
if (count($optin_pages) == 0) {
    exit($html_output . '<p>There are no optional pages available at the moment.</p>');
$html_output .= "<h1>List of optional pages for <span>{$current_locale}</span></h1>\n  <table class='optinpages'>\n    <thead>\n      <tr>\n        <th>Filename</th>\n        <th>URL</th>\n        <th>Strings</th>\n        <th>Words</th>\n        <th>Opted-in</th>\n        <th>Actions</th>\n      </tr>\n    </thead>\n    <tbody>\n";
$bugzilla_locale = urlencode(Bugzilla::getBugzillaLocaleField($current_locale, 'www'));
$available_optins = [];
foreach ($optin_pages as $current_filename => $supported_locales) {
    $reference_locale = Project::getReferenceLocale($current_website);
    $reference_data = LangManager::loadSource($current_website, $reference_locale, $current_filename);
    $get_words = function ($item) {
        return str_word_count(strip_tags($item));
    $nb_words = array_sum(array_map($get_words, $reference_data['strings']));
    $nb_strings = count($reference_data['strings']);
    if (in_array($current_locale, $supported_locales)) {
        $status = '<span class=\'yes\'>yes</span>';
        $actions = '-';
    } else {
        $available_optins[] = $current_filename;
        $status = '<span class=\'no\'>no</span> ';
        $actions = '<a href="' . Bugzilla::getNewBugLink($current_locale, $bugzilla_locale, 'opt-in', [$current_filename]) . '"' . ' class="table_small_link" title="File a bug to request this page">Opt-in</a>';
    $html_output .= "<tr>\n" . "  <td class='optin_filename'>{$current_filename}</td>\n" . '  <td>' . Project::getLocalizedURL($reference_data, $current_locale, 'html') . "</td>\n" . "  <td>{$nb_strings}</td>\n" . "  <td>{$nb_words}</td>\n" . "  <td class='optin_status'>{$status}</td>\n" . "  <td class='optin_actions'>{$actions}</td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
$html_output .= "</tbody>\n  </table>\n";
if (count($available_optins) > 0) {
    $html_output .= '<p>You can also <a href="' . Bugzilla::getNewBugLink($current_locale, $bugzilla_locale, 'opt-in', $available_optins) . '">file a bug to opt-in for all pages</a> currently unsupported (' . count($available_optins) . ').</p>';
echo $html_output;