
namespace Transvision;

// Closure to get extra parameters set
$get_option = function ($option) use($request) {
    $value = 0;
    if (isset($request->extra_parameters[$option]) && (int) $request->extra_parameters[$option] != 0) {
        $value = (int) $request->extra_parameters[$option];
    return $value;
$repositories = $request->parameters[2] == 'global' ? Project::getLocaleRepositories($request->parameters[4]) : [$request->parameters[2]];
// This is the filtered data we will send to getTranslationMemoryResults()
$output = [];
// The search
$initial_search = Utils::cleanString($request->parameters[5]);
$terms = Utils::uniqueWords($initial_search);
// Define our regex
$search = (new Search())->setSearchTerms(Utils::cleanString($initial_search))->setRegexWholeWords($get_option('whole_word'))->setRegexCaseInsensitive($get_option('case_sensitive'))->setRegexPerfectMatch($get_option('perfect_match'));
// We loop through all repositories and merge the results
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
    $source_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[3], $repository);
    foreach ($terms as $word) {
        $source_strings = preg_grep($search->getRegex(), $source_strings);
        If we don't have any match for a repo, no need to do heavy calculations,
        just skip to the next repo.

namespace Transvision;

// We have a query for the repositories supported by a locale
if (isset($request->parameters[2])) {
    return $json = Project::getLocaleRepositories($request->parameters[2]);
// Default to list all existing repositories
return $json = Project::getRepositories();