Example #1
 public function getOrderByOrderTime($campaignId, $orderStatTime, $orderEndTime)
     if (empty($campaignId) || empty($orderStatTime) || empty($orderEndTime)) {
         echo "campaignId ,orderStatTime or orderEndTime is null";
     $sql = "SELECT p.order_id,order_sn,add_time,order_status,pay_status,pay_name,order_time,cid,wi,order_status,pay_status,pay_name,shipping_fee,surplus,bonus,order_amount FROM `cps` as p LEFT OUTER JOIN ecs_order_info as i on i.order_id=p.order_id where p.cid=" . $campaignId . " and order_time>" . $orderStatTime . " and order_time<" . $orderEndTime;
     $dborder = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
     if (empty($dborder)) {
         return NULL;
     foreach ($dborder as $k => $v) {
         $order = new Order();
         $order_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['order_time']);
         // 设置下单时间
         // 设置订单更新时间,如果没有下单时间,要提前对接人提前说明
         // 测试时使用"101",正式上线之后活动id必须要从数据库里面取
         $order->setFavorable($v['bonus'] + $v['surplus']);
         //$orderStatus = new OrderStatus();
         //$orderStatus -> setOrderNo($order -> getOrderNo());
         // 设置订单状态
         // 设置支付状态
         // 支付方式
         $sql = "select * from ecs_order_goods where order_id=" . $v['order_id'] . " and goods_price>100";
         $order_goods = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
         //echo "<pre>";print_r($order_goods);
         foreach ($order_goods as $k1 => $v1) {
             $pro = new Product();
             //$pro -> setOrderNo($order -> getOrderNo());
             $a = number_format($v1['goods_price'] * (1 - ($v['bonus'] + $v['surplus']) / ($v['bonus'] + $v['surplus'] + $v['order_amount'])), 2, ".", "");
             $products[] = $pro;
         $orderlist[] = $order;
         $products = array();
     //echo json_encode($orderlist);
     return $orderlist;
Example #2
 public function getProduct($product_id)
     $db = Database::getDB();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM products\n                  WHERE productID = '{$product_id}'";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $row = $result->fetch();
     $category = CategoryDB::getCategory($row['categoryID']);
     $product = new Product();
     return $product;
Example #3
        header("Location: .?category_id={$category_id}");
    } else {
        if ($action == 'show_add_form') {
            $categories = $categoryDB->getCategories();
            include 'product_add.php';
        } else {
            if ($action == 'add_product') {
                $category_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'category_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
                $code = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'code');
                $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name');
                $price = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'price');
                if ($category_id == NULL || $category_id == FALSE || $code == NULL || $name == NULL || $price == NULL || $price == FALSE) {
                    $error = "Invalid product data. Check all fields and try again.";
                    include '../errors/error.php';
                } else {
                    $current_category = $categoryDB->getCategory($category_id);
                    // Create the Product object
                    $product = new Product();
                    // Add the Product object to the database
                    // Display the Product List page for the current category
                    header("Location: .?category_id={$category_id}");
Example #4
 $cps->setFavorable($order['bonus'] + $order['surplus']);
 // 设置优惠券
 // 设置订单状态
 // 设置支付状态
 // 支付方式
 foreach ($cart_goods as $k => $v) {
     if ($v['goods_price'] > 0) {
         $pro = new Product();
         // $pro2 -> setOrderNo($order -> getOrderNo());
         $a = number_format($v['goods_price'] * (1 - ($order['bonus'] + $order['surplus']) / ($order['bonus'] + $order['surplus'] + $order['order_amount'])), 2, ".", "");
         $products[] = $pro;
 $sender = new Sender();
 $ordertime = $order['add_time'] + 8 * 3600;
 $sql = "INSERT INTO cps ( " . "order_id,src,channel,cid,wi,order_time)" . " values('{$new_order_id}','emar','cps'," . $arr[2] . ",'" . $arr[3] . "','" . $ordertime . "') ";
Example #5
  * @param	Product $product The product object to add.
 protected function doAddProduct($product)
     $this->collProducts[] = $product;
Example #6
 public function importProducts(Import $entity, $output)
     $sql = ' SELECT p.*, o.nombre as opticName, m.nombre as brand, mo.nombre as model, s.nombre as category FROM  `producto` AS p ' . ' LEFT JOIN optica AS o ON o.id = p.id_optica ' . ' LEFT JOIN servicio AS s ON s.id = p.id_servicio ' . ' LEFT JOIN marca AS m ON m.id_marca = p.id_marca ' . ' LEFT JOIN modelo AS mo ON mo.id_modelo = p.id_modelo ' . ' ORDER BY p.id ' . ' LIMIT ' . $entity->getLimitStart() . ', ' . $entity->getLimitEnd();
     $link = mysqli_connect($entity->getServer(), $entity->getUsername(), $entity->getPassword(), $entity->getDbname()) or die('No se pudo conectar: ' . mysqli_error($link));
     $resultado = $link->query($sql);
     $x = 0;
     if (mysqli_num_rows($resultado) > 0) {
         while ($fila = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado)) {
             print_r($x . '-' . utf8_encode($fila['nombre']));
             echo PHP_EOL;
             $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
             $optic = $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Optic')->findOneByName(utf8_encode($fila['opticName']));
             $category = $em->getRepository('EcommerceBundle:Category')->findOneByName(utf8_encode($fila['category']));
             $brand = $em->getRepository('EcommerceBundle:Brand')->findOneByName(utf8_encode($fila['brand']));
             $model = $em->getRepository('EcommerceBundle:BrandModel')->findOneByName(utf8_encode($fila['model']));
             //Create Products
             if ($optic instanceof Optic && $fila['id'] != 746 && $fila['id'] != 747 && $fila['id'] != 748 && $fila['id'] != 749 && $fila['id'] != 750 && $fila['id'] != 751 && $fila['id'] != 752 && $fila['id'] != 753) {
                 $product = new Product();
                 if ($fila['precio_original'] != '') {
                 } else {
                 if ($fila['tipo_precio'] != '') {
                 } else {
                 if ($fila['stock'] != '') {
                 } else {
                 if ($fila['recoger_tienda'] != '') {
                 } else {
                 $slug = $this->slugify(utf8_encode($fila['nombre'] . '-' . $optic->getCity()));
                 //                    $p = $em->getRepository('EcommerceBundle:Product')->findOneBySlug($slug);
                 //                    if($p instanceof Product) $slug = $slug.'_'.rand(1000,9999);
                 if ($fila['imagen'] != '') {
                     $imagePath = '';
                     $dir = '/home/sebastian/www/src/Symfony/web/uploads/documents';
                     $absoluteImagePath = $dir . '/' . utf8_encode($fila['imagen']);
                     if (file_exists($absoluteImagePath . '.jpeg')) {
                         $imagePath = utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '.jpeg';
                     if (file_exists($absoluteImagePath . '.jpg')) {
                         $imagePath = utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '.jpg';
                     if (file_exists($absoluteImagePath . '.gif')) {
                         $imagePath = utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '.gif';
                     if (file_exists($absoluteImagePath . '.png')) {
                         $imagePath = utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '.png';
                     $imagePathThumb = '';
                     $absoluteImagePathThumb = $dir . '/' . utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '_260.jpg';
                     if (file_exists($absoluteImagePathThumb)) {
                         $imagePathThumb = utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '_260.jpg';
                     $imagePathThumb2 = '';
                     $absoluteImagePathThumb2 = $dir . '/' . utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '_142.jpg';
                     if (file_exists($absoluteImagePathThumb2)) {
                         $imagePathThumb2 = utf8_encode($fila['imagen']) . '_142.jpg';
                     if ($imagePath == '') {
                         $dir = 'http://web.com/uploads/documents/';
                         $imagePath = $fila['imagen'] . '.' . $fila['extension_img'];
                     print_r($dir . '/' . $imagePath);
                     echo PHP_EOL;
                     @mkdir(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../web/uploads/images/product');
                     @mkdir(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../web/uploads/images/product/' . $product->getId());
                     @mkdir(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../web/uploads/images/product/' . $product->getId() . '/thumbnail');
                     copy($dir . '/' . $imagePath, __DIR__ . '/../../../../../web/uploads/images/product/' . $product->getId() . '/' . $imagePath);
                     if ($imagePathThumb != '') {
                         copy($dir . '/' . $imagePathThumb, __DIR__ . '/../../../../../web/uploads/images/product/' . $product->getId() . '/thumbnail/' . $imagePathThumb);
                     if ($imagePathThumb2 != '') {
                         copy($dir . '/' . $imagePathThumb2, __DIR__ . '/../../../../../web/uploads/images/product/' . $product->getId() . '/thumbnail/' . $imagePathThumb2);
                     $image0 = new Image();
Example #7
// 设置商品类型
// 设置佣金类型,如:普通商品 佣金比例是10%、佣金编号(可自行定义然后通知双方商务)A
// 设置商品数量
// 设置商品价格
$pro1 = new Product();
// $pro1 -> setOrderNo($order -> getOrderNo());
$pro2 = new Product();
// $pro2 -> setOrderNo($order -> getOrderNo());
$products = array($pro, $pro1, $pro2);
// 实现商品信息集合
$sender = new Sender();