$ckey = $col_rules[$cid];
     switch ($ckey) {
         case 'Seller SKU':
             $seller_sku = $cval;
         case 'Order Number':
             $order_number = $cval;
         case 'Created at':
             $return_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($cval));
 //Start taking available returns item
 list($pcode, $plength) = explode('_', $seller_sku);
 $product = Product::loadObjectFromProductCode($pcode);
 if ($product === false) {
     $error_product = true;
     $product_id = 0;
     $article_id = 0;
     $ean_no = '';
 } else {
     $product_id = $product->id;
     if (is_null($plength) || is_numeric($plength) && $plength == 0) {
         $article_id = 0;
     } else {
         //if product with size, translate first to length
         if (Product::isUsingSizeInsteadOfLength($product->category_id)) {
             $plength = translateSize2Length($plength);
         } else {
             //if ring then change length from sku to cm
if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) {
    if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADPACKAGEIMAGE') {
        $product_entry = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['product_entry']);
        if (USERAGENTISMANOBOCLIENT && $hidemenuscript != '') {
            //limited size in manobo client
            $imgwidth = '380';
            $imgheight = '';
        } else {
            //unlimited size in manobo
            $imgwidth = '';
            $imgheight = '';
        if (strlen($product_entry) == 13) {
            $obj_product = Product::loadObjectFromEAN($product_entry);
        } else {
            $obj_product = Product::loadObjectFromProductCode($product_entry);
            if ($obj_product === false) {
                $obj_product = new Product($product_entry);
        $result = '';
        if ($obj_product === false) {
            $result .= '<h3 class="red">Product <strong>' . $product_entry . '</strong> not found!</h3>';
        } else {
            $result .= '<div style="float:left;">' . $obj_product->displayImage(IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1_PORTRAIT) . '</div><div style="margin-left:120px;">';
            $attributes = ProductAttribute::getOldStylesFunction()->getProductStyles($obj_product->id);
            $total_images = 0;
            foreach ($attributes[ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PACKAGING] as $attribute_id => $attribute_name) {
                $obj_pa = new ProductAttribute($attribute_id);
                foreach ($obj_pa->getAttachmentsAsObject()->getFilesAsArray() as $img_index => $img_file) {