Example #1
// You can modify some preferences in Predict(), the defaults are below
// $predict->minEle     = 10; // Minimum elevation for a pass
// $predict->timeRes    = 10; // Pass details: time resolution in seconds
// $predict->numEntries = 20; // Pass details: number of entries per pass
// $predict->threshold  = -6; // Twilight threshold (sun must be at this lat or lower)
// Get the passes and filter visible only, takes about 4 seconds for 10 days
$results = $predict->get_passes($sat, $qth, $now, 10);
$filtered = $predict->filterVisiblePasses($results);
$zone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
// Pacific time zone
$format = 'm-d-Y H:i:s';
// Time format from PHP's date() function
// Format the output similar to the heavens-above.com website
foreach ($filtered as $pass) {
    echo "AOS Daynum: " . $pass->visible_aos . "\n";
    echo "AOS Time: " . Predict_Time::daynum2readable($pass->visible_aos, $zone, $format) . "\n";
    echo "AOS Az: " . $predict->azDegreesToDirection($pass->visible_aos_az) . "\n";
    echo "AOS El: " . round($pass->visible_aos_el) . "\n";
    echo "Max Time: " . Predict_Time::daynum2readable($pass->visible_tca, $zone, $format) . "\n";
    echo "Max Az: " . $predict->azDegreesToDirection($pass->visible_max_el_az) . "\n";
    echo "Max El: " . round($pass->visible_max_el) . "\n";
    echo "LOS Time: " . Predict_Time::daynum2readable($pass->visible_los, $zone, $format) . "\n";
    echo "LOS Az: " . $predict->azDegreesToDirection($pass->visible_los_az) . "\n";
    echo "LOS El: " . round($pass->visible_los_el) . "\n";
    echo "Magnitude: " . number_format($pass->max_apparent_magnitude, 1) . "\n";
    echo "\n";
// How long did this take?
echo "Execution time:  " . number_format((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2) . "ms\n";