Example #1
  * Starts a new session
  * Name of the session is specified in config file by SESSION_ID
 public static function start()
     //Get the session identifier from config file
     $sessionId = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('SESSION_ID', 'Pokelio');
     //Start session
Example #2
  * Construct method where configuration is applied
  * @param string $dbIdent  Identifier of connection parameters section in config file
 public function __construct($dbIdent)
     $connData = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('DATABASES', 'Pokelio')->{$dbIdent};
     $this->connection = oci_connect($connData->USER, $connData->PASSWORD, $connData->DSN);
     if (!$this->connection) {
         $e = oci_error();
         trigger_error("Error connecting to database." . NL . htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES) . NL);
Example #3
  * Construct method where configuration is applied
  * @param string $dbIdent  Identifier of connection parameters section in config file
 public function __construct($dbIdent)
     $connData = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('DATABASES', 'Pokelio')->{$dbIdent};
     try {
         $this->connection = new PDO("mssql:host=" . $connData->HOST . ";port=" . $connData->PORT . ";dbname=" . $connData->SCHEMA, $connData->USER, $connData->PASSWORD);
         $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         trigger_error("Error connecting to database. (" . $e->getMessage() . ")");
Example #4
  * Writes a new line in log file with specified message
  * If requested, the source file and code line number is informed
  * @param string   $msg     Message to be writen
  * @param boolean  $source  Indicate the invoking file/line 
 public static function writeInfo($msg, $source = false)
     if (Pokelio_Global::getConfig('LOG_INFO')) {
         $dbt = debug_backtrace();
         $dbt = $dbt[0];
         $level = "Info.";
         $msg = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " ({$level}): " . $msg;
         if ($source === true) {
             $msg .= "(from file " . $dbt['file'] . " at line " . $dbt['line'] . ")";
         $msg .= "\n";
         file_put_contents(Pokelio_Global::getConfig('LOG_FILE'), $msg, FILE_APPEND);
Example #5
  * Set up the environment according to configuration file specifications
  * @param string  $configPath   The path of the folder containing Pokelio.json configuration file
  * @param string  $appRealPath  Where the consumer app is
 public function __construct($configPath, $appRealPath)
     define('APP_CONFIG_PATH', $configPath);
     //Check if config file exists
     $configFile = APP_CONFIG_PATH . '/Pokelio.json';
     if (!file_exists($configFile)) {
         //Can´t use Pokelio_Error class to raise error here
         die("Pokelio config file [{$configFile}] not found. Can´t continue.");
     //Set Pokelio path constants
     //Set loader function for Pokelio classes
     require POKELIO_CLASSES_PATH . '/Loader/Loader.php';
     //Load special classes
     require POKELIO_CLASSES_PATH . '/ShortCuts.php';
     //Register Pokelio Modules
     //Set consumer application path constants
     //Register App Modules
     //Load configuration file
     Pokelio_Global::loadConfigFile($configFile, 'Pokelio');
     //Set error manager
     //Set fatal error manager
     //Disable error reporting as we are managing that
     $phpErrorReport = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('PHP_ERROR_REPORTING', 'Pokelio');
     ini_set('error_reporting', $phpErrorReport);
     //Set exception manager
     //Set timezone
     //Pokelio_Callback::invokeCallback('Pokelio', 'Application', 'endConfiguration');
Example #6
 public static function copyDir($srcDir, $trgDir, $cleanFirst = false)
     $permissions = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('CREATED_FILE_PERMISSIONS', 'Pokelio');
     $permissions = intval($permissions, 8);
     if ($cleanFirst == true && file_exists($trgDir)) {
     $entries = scandir($srcDir);
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') {
             $pathEntry = $srcDir . '/' . $entry;
             if (is_file($pathEntry)) {
                 copy($pathEntry, $trgDir . '/' . $entry);
             if (is_dir($pathEntry)) {
                 Pokelio_File::copyDir($pathEntry, $trgDir . '/' . $entry);
             chmod($trgDir . '/' . $entry, $permissions);
Example #7
 public static function getValue($name, $mandatory = false, $default = null)
     $value = null;
     if (SESSION_TYPE == 'WEB') {
         //check first POST parameters
         if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
             $value = $_POST[$name];
         } elseif (isset($_GET[$name])) {
             $value = $_GET[$name];
         } elseif (Pokelio_Global::getConfig('ALLOW_URL_PARAMS', 'Pokelio')) {
             $value = self::getUrlParamValue($name);
     } else {
         $value = self::getCliParamValue($name);
     if ($value === null) {
         if ($mandatory == false) {
             $value = $default;
         } else {
             trigger_error("Mandatory parameter " . $name . " is missing.");
     return $value;
Example #8
  * Based on a file and a line number, it gets the code before and after
  * and returns a formatted string with the surrounding code of the error line
  * @param string  $file    File where the error happened
  * @param integer $line    Line of file where the error happened
 private static function showCodeLines($file, $line)
     //Get a partial list of code where the error has ocurred
     $text = "";
     $fileContent = file_get_contents($file);
     $lines = explode("\n", $fileContent);
     $nLines = Pokelio_Global::getConfig("ERROR_SHOW_CODE_LINES", 'Pokelio');
     $startLine = $line - $nLines;
     if ($startLine < 1) {
         $startLine = 1;
     $endLine = $line + $nLines;
     if ($endLine > sizeof($lines)) {
         $endLine = sizeof($lines);
     $text .= "  Code:" . "\n";
     for ($iLine = $startLine; $iLine <= $endLine; $iLine++) {
         if ($iLine == $line) {
             $text .= "  !!!----> ";
         } else {
             $text .= "           ";
         $text .= substr("    " . $iLine, -4);
         $text .= "  ";
         $text .= str_replace("\n", "", $lines[$iLine - 1]) . "\n";
     return $text;
  * Invokes App starting point
 private function start()
     $startClass = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('START_CLASS', 'Pokelio');
     $startMethod = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('START_METHOD', 'Pokelio');
     if ($startClass == "" || $startMethod == "") {
         echo NL . 'Everything went OK.' . NL . NL . 'Now, change the START_CLASS and START_METHOD of config file and start using Pokelio PHP Framework' . NL;
     } else {
         $class = new $startClass();
 public function __construct()
     $connName = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('CONNECTION_ID', 'MySQLManager');
     $this->schema = Pokelio_Global::getConfig('DATABASES', 'Pokelio')->{$connName}->SCHEMA;
Example #11
 public static function getConfig($param)
     return Pokelio_Global::getConfig($param);
  * Invokes the parent __construct method passing connection id 
 public function __construct()
     $connName = Pokelio_Global::getConfig("CONNECTION_ID", "Bsm");