Example #1
 public function act_export()
     $checkUser = $_GET['checkUser'];
     $status = $_GET['status'];
     $sku = $_GET['sku'];
     $startdate = $_GET['startdate'];
     $enddate = $_GET['enddate'];
     if (empty($checkUser) && empty($status) && empty($sku) && empty($startdate) && empty($enddate)) {
         echo "请选择导出条件";
     if (!empty($checkUser)) {
         $where[] = "a.labelUserId='{$checkUser}'";
     if (!empty($status)) {
         if ($status == 1) {
             $where[] = "a.labelUserId is NULL";
         if ($status == 2) {
             $where[] = "a.labelUserId is not NULL";
     if (!empty($sku)) {
         $where[] = "b.sku = '{$sku}'";
     if (!empty($startdate)) {
         $start = strtotime($startdate);
         $where[] = "a.labelTime >={$start}";
     if (!empty($enddate)) {
         $end = strtotime($enddate);
         $where[] = "a.labelTime <={$end}";
     $where = implode(" AND ", $where);
     $where = " where a.is_delete=0 and a.status=1 and " . $where . " order by a.id desc";
     $lists = PasteLabelModel::selectList($where);
     $excel = new ExportDataExcel('browser', "labelKpiExport" . date('Y-m-d') . ".xls");
     $tharr = array("贴标人", "贴标时间", "SKU", "数量", "分组号", "批次号");
     foreach ($lists as $list) {
         if (!empty($list['labelUserId'])) {
             $user = getUserNameById($list['labelUserId']);
             $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['labelTime']);
         } else {
             $user = '';
             $time = '';
         $sku = $list['sku'];
         $num = $list['labelNum'];
         $id = $list['id'];
         $batchNum = $list['batchNum'];
         $tdarr = array($user, $time, $sku, $num, $id, $batchNum);
Example #2
 public function view_labelingList()
     $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '入库'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=pasteLabel&act=pasteLabel', 'title' => '贴标录入'), array('url' => '', 'title' => '贴标列表'));
     $toplevel = 1;
     $secondlevel = 17;
     $checkUser = isset($_GET['checkUser']) ? $_GET['checkUser'] : "";
     $sku = isset($_GET['sku']) ? $_GET['sku'] : "";
     $status = isset($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : 0;
     $start = isset($_GET['startdate']) ? $_GET['startdate'] : "";
     $end = isset($_GET['enddate']) ? $_GET['enddate'] : "";
     $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist);
     $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel);
     $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel);
     $this->smarty->assign("status", $status);
     if (empty($checkUser) && empty($sku) && empty($start) && empty($end) && empty($status)) {
         $where = "where a.is_delete=0 and a.status=1 order by a.id desc";
     } else {
         if (!empty($checkUser)) {
             $where[] = "a.labelUserId='{$checkUser}'";
             $this->smarty->assign("labelingUserId", $checkUser);
         if (!empty($status)) {
             if ($status == 1) {
                 $where[] = "a.labelUserId is NULL";
             if ($status == 2) {
                 $where[] = "a.labelUserId is not NULL";
         if (!empty($sku)) {
             $where[] = "b.sku = '{$sku}'";
             $this->smarty->assign("sku", $sku);
         if (!empty($start) && !empty($end)) {
             $starttime = strtotime($start);
             $endtime = strtotime($end);
             $where[] = "(a.labelTime between {$starttime} and {$endtime})";
             $this->smarty->assign("start", $start);
             $this->smarty->assign("end", $end);
         } elseif (!empty($start) && empty($end)) {
             $starttime = strtotime($start);
             $where[] = "a.labelTime >{$starttime}";
             $this->smarty->assign("start", $start);
         } elseif (empty($start) && !empty($end)) {
             $endtime = strtotime($end);
             $where[] = "a.labelTime < {$endtime}";
             $this->smarty->assign("end", $end);
         $where = implode(" AND ", $where);
         $where = " where a.is_delete=0 and a.status=1 and " . $where . " order by a.id desc";
     $lists = PasteLabelModel::selectList($where);
     $pagesize = 20;
     $nums = count($lists);
     $pager = new Page($nums, $pagesize);
     $lists = PasteLabelModel::selectList($where . " " . $pager->limit);
     if ($nums > $pagesize) {
         $pagestr = $pager->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9));
     } else {
         $pagestr = $pager->fpage(array(0, 2, 3));
     $usermodel = UserModel::getInstance();
     $tallyUser = $usermodel->getGlobalUserLists('global_user_id,global_user_name', "where a.global_user_job=130", '', '');
     $this->smarty->assign('tallyUser', $tallyUser);
     $toptitle = '贴标列表';
     $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle);
     $this->smarty->assign('pagestr', $pagestr);
     $this->smarty->assign("lists", $lists);